Chapter 22: Cornered

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A/N: Sorry for the delay. Had a lot on my plate. This is a long one though so I hope that makes up for it.

Sancha remained in Mackendorn for a couple weeks, overseeing Otillie's progress and those of a handful of others who'd been willing to receive Sancha's help. The work often left her feeling taxed and tired at the end of the day, and while it worried Finn and Tarik, Sancha told them in no uncertain terms that she needed to do this. People needed her help.

Eventually though, Sancha and her companions departed the village. The villagers were starting to feel they'd overstayed their welcome despite their gratitude for their help, and Sancha found there was less and less she needed to do to help those in the village. Villagers had informed them that there were people in the neighboring village who suffered from the Bonding Sickness, and so Sancha, Tarik, and Finn headed in that direction.


They'd been walking for two days straight through the wooded terrain beyond the village and thus far, all seemed peaceful. At midday, they stopped briefly to rest and eat a small meal of an apple and a roll each. A river was nearby, and Sancha headed there, releasing Spes from passive form. The seal reclined on the bank of the river, accepting pats from her partner, who talked to her as if she were a person. 

"I know it's not your favorite type of water, but we can make do, right?"

The seal barked softly in response.

"That's what I figured. You know, I think this might actually work. I could get used to this, traveling from town to town helping those afflicted, that is. I know I can't reach every case. Even after I showed I actually could help, some of those people in Mackendorn still refused to let me help them."

Sancha's mood saddened at this.

"It's terrible, Spes. The fact that it's gotten to a point where those in need still refuse help when they have proof it's not a trick says a lot about this world. The Greencloaks have screwed up a lot."

Sancha then felt bad for saying the last part.

"But it's not all their fault. I know that. If not for the Devourer, maybe things would be different. Or maybe if Criseyde had lived to become queen. And now my uncle is on the throne, working to get revenge for Feliandor and his country. I get why, but I don't think it's right. All another war will do is make Stetriol look worse in the eyes of the world than it already is, and the ones who'll pay the most are the ones who don't deserve it. Innocent people. There's got to be another way. If only someone less hungry for power had found Zerif's cure. If only I could go home, show them I'm not dead and that I'm no traitor. If only I wasn't just one girl."

Sancha sighed.

"If only Shane hadn't been robbed of the throne. If I begged him to stop this, to make things right. Olvan would be willing. He may not trust Stetriol, but he certainly would rather not have a war on his hands, right?"

Spes huffed.

"Yeah, I know it looks awful. If it comes down to it, I intend to fight. I'll be fighting my own people, but so be it. Zerif and those like him are the real evils, and they have Stetriol under their influence. Zerif's not getting his claws into the rest of Erdas if I can help it. And at least the Greencloaks have made genuine efforts to help those they can without ulterior motives. Look at Finn. They could have left him to suffer, but they didn't. Plus, without them, I'd never have summoned you, and I honestly can't imagine what kind of person I'd be or where I'd have ended up without you. If not for Tarik and the Greencloaks, I'd have never met Alec or his family. I'd have never learned about Criseyde and her story. And I'd never have found out I had the ability to fight the Bonding Sickness. I'd go through everything awful I've endured a hundred times if it meant I'd end up with you and with these gifts."

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