Chapter 31: Rookies

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"What exactly is it you want me to do?" Sancha asked at length as they headed towards the room where Conor, Meilin, and Rollan would have their first training session under Tarik. 

"I may need your help in demonstrations during the session," Tarik explained. "Besides that, you ought to observe them. Your training has proved exceptional, but there's much that can be learned from watching others."


Other than Tarik, three other Greencloaks were going to be present for this first session, two men and one woman. Their task was monitor the developments (in terms of physical and bond-related training) of the three trainees. Sancha had endured similar inspections during her early training with Tarik, and she could recall the anxiety and annoyance she'd felt  at being watched during times where she was certain she would humiliate herself. Now she was so used to be stared at while she worked that she barely took notice of it, but that had taken time.

As the five people entered the high ceilinged training room they had reserved for the morning, Sancha heard the tail end of something Rollan was saying.

"-going to fight to the death?"

"Nothing that exciting," Tarik said, a hint of humor behind his stoicism as the group made their way inside, with one of the observers shutting the door behind them. "We value all new recruits to gauge their abilities."

"Who are your friends?" Rollan asked, indicating the three other Greencloaks in the room.

"Observers. They'll assist you as needed. Pay them little mind. I just want to put each of you through a few exercises."

"Finally, somebody to stare at us."

"Don't worry," Sancha assured the younger trio. "It's only for the first handful of sessions, and only Olvan and Lenori are informed of anything that happens here."

"Great, I'd love for Olvan to hear about me falling on my face," Rollan drawled sarcastically. Sancha laughed slightly.

"If it helps, the first time I did indoor training, I tripped on my own cloak and knocked over an armor stand," Sancha said. With a shrug she added, "it happens." Rollan grinned slightly at that, seeming to appreciate Sancha's attempt at humor.

The two men headed toward Conor and Rollan and the woman toward Meilin. At Tarik's request, Jhi emerged from passive form, before the trio were blindfolded by the adults. Sancha knew exactly what they were about to do. Tarik had put her through a similar exercise, which she had struggled with and ultimately, she'd gotten fed up and stormed off to her room, refusing to see anyone for the rest of the day. Thanks to a dream and some help from Spesamari, however, Sancha had put that frustration behind her by the next morning, and when she'd arrived to try again, she had new determination and a spirit animal who'd finally been given a name. It was one of the most painful times in Sancha's life, but looking back, it was a productive pain.

Back in the present, Essix, Jhi, and Briggan changed positions, and the excersize began.

Conor proved to be a natural fairly quickly. Rollan tried but struggled. Meilin remained still for a while before at last giving it a go, only to fail miserably. After a second failed attempt, Meilin tore off her blindfold, trying not to look frustrated, and Sancha was hit was a rush of Deja vu.

"How can I improve?" Meilin asked.

"You can already call Jhi to her passive state," Tarik acknowledged, "so earning the trust of your beast does not seem to be the problem. I imagine it will just take time to strengthen your connection. Part of that includes your receptiveness to her."

"I went through this too, Meilin," Sancha spoke up. "I had the same struggle with my partner, and I must admit I handled failure poorly back then. But I found it in me not to give up, and I know you can too."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23 ⏰

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