Chapter 25: The One Who Lived

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Warning: Trauma, PTSD, mental illness, and grief are not only present but central focuses of this chapter. I won't blame you if you feel you can't read about that stuff and skip this chapter. I'll do my best to reiterate any important plot elements in this chapter in the one that follows. Also, as with last time, I suggest having some tissues on hand. Also, while I won't spoil anything, I can say that the chapters that come after this one and the one right after aren't going to be as emotionally draining, and we're getting really close to some exciting action as Wild Born gets closer. Hope that helps as you read this next chapter.

In the days that passed, Sancha grieved. The whole of Greenhaven did. The cloud that fell across the castle reminded Sancha all too much of the atmosphere in the wake of her mother's death. But at least she hadn't;'t been without support. With her mother, she'd had Shane. With the Cooleys, she had both Spesamari and Tarik to lean on. Within days, though Tarik showed great concern over this, Sancha insisted on resuming her combat training, and she asked that when she sparred with him or another older Greencloak, that they not hold back.

"They certainly won't," Sancha said. "I need to be ready."

It gave her a place to hone her frustration and fury, to make it useful to her rather than just torturous. She took to rising early as well, plunging into the cold waters of the sea, sometimes with Spes, others without. Their bond meant that freezing waters had little effect on her, but sometimes she wanted to feel the harsh grip of the cold on her skin. She never was quite sure what drove her to want this, nor did she end up reflecting much on it. She had far too much on her mind as it was.

Then, a month after the awful news broke, Sancha was sent abroad once more. Lenori's visions had directed her to request that Sancha be allowed to head to Zhong, and Olvan, after much reluctance, agreed. And so, off she went. This time, Tarik was not with her. Instead, Lenori herself had elected to accompany her, though Sancha had a feeling she could have easily selected someone else who was far less valuable. Nonetheless, she was grateful for the Amayan woman's company. More and more in recent days, Sancha had gravitated towards Lenori, finding strength and comfort in the woman's words and her gentle ways and spirit. 

During the journey by ship, Sancha found a certain strength she hadn't realized had been missing, returning to her. She suspected it had to do with Spesamari being in closer proximity to her natural environment. Though undeniably worried for her partner, Spes seemed to take pleasure in being out at sea once more, something that seemed to rub off easily on Sancha.

Sancha welcomed this new strength. She'd need that for what she was about to face. Following the deaths of his brothers, Finn Cooley had been transferred to a stronghold in Zhong for treatment. Regular reports of his condition were sent to Olvan himself, though Sancha never saw them or given great details of their contents. The most she knew was that her friend was largely recovered from his physical injuries, but that his mind was nowhere near as repaired.

Sancha hoped she might be able to help with that. She knew that this was a very different affliction than the Bonding Sickness, and territory she'd not yet entered, but she wasn't going to let that dissuade her. Finn was the closest thing to an older brother she had, and she wasn't about let him down when he needed help the most. She owed him that much at least. 


They docked in a Zhongese port in the middle of a rainy afternoon. Lenori and Sancha, along with a few recruits who were being stationed at nearby towns and strongholds, were shepherded anxiously to the particular stronghold where Sancha had been directed and where Finn was being cared for. 

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