Part 1: The Beginning

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Background: Jackson is not with us anymore. Tim and Lucy aren't together quite yet but everyone knows that they like each other they just can't admit it. Jackson Leah and Angela's last baby is born we calling her Chloe! Lila is with Donovan.

Lucy gets woken up by her alarm she rolls over and presses snooze like usual a few moments later Tamara knocks on the door.
Tam- "hey Lucy you're gonna be late for work you need to get up!"
Luc- "mmhhh I'm getting up."

Lucy rubs her eyes slowly getting out of bed before hopping into the shower letting the cold water run down her back waking her up. Once she hopped out she done her hair and started to get change before Tamara chimed in.

Tam- "do you want eggs and bacon before I go to school?"
Luc- "no thank you, oh and before you leave remember me and the gang are going to the bar later and your babysitting!"
Tan- "I remember but can you please tell them not to pay me! We're all family."
Luc- "I'll tell them but I don't think they'll listen."
Tam- "thank you and also why are you so grumpy? I thought you would've been excited to see officer zaddy today!"
Luc- "stop calling him that, please and also we are just friends how many times am I supposed to tell people?"
Tam- "well maybe if it wasn't so obvious that you too love each other so much, people wouldn't be asking so much!"
tam- "does he know that?"
Luc- "what do you mean of course he knows he is apart of the we"
Tam- "what ever, I'm going to be late for school if I don't get going so good bye I love you and have fun with zaddy!"
Lucy rolls her eyes with a smirk on her face.
Luc- "have a good day I love you too"

*Lucy's mind*
"I know she's right I feel a spark between us and I really do like him but I was his rookie we can't be a thing. Right? Every time I see him my stomach gets butterflies every time he opens the door for me. He's just perfect!"

After getting ready lucy makes her way down to the car before getting a call from Tim.
'Why is Tim calling me?' Lucy thought to herself before answering.

Luc- "hey"
Tim- "hi, are you going to the bar with us all later?"
Luc- "of course why what's wrong?"
Tim- "Tamara called me last night saying that she can't baby sit for Angela and Nyla tonight so she asked if I could I said yes but I have no clue how to look after three kids"
Lucy- "that liar I told her to remember to babysit and she said I remember!"
Tim- "oof, why'd she lie?"

*Lucy's mind*
"Because she knew you would ask for my help and we would have the night alone with kids and boy Tim is hot with kids!"

Luc- "Im not sure, would you like my help?"
Tim- "yes please!"
Luc- "sure I can help you out tonight but you owe me!"
Tim- "thank you so much!"
Lucy- "can we take them to yours and we can all have a sleep over tonight I mean Nyla jame Wesley and Angela will probs have to much to drink and
You can't look after them yourself?"
Tim- "umm yeah that that sounds good!"
Luc- "ok I'll see you soon."
Tim- "yeah bye"
Luc- "bye!"

Lucy hangs up with a smirk proud of herself for letting her stay over for the night.
Mean while Tim was freaking out Tim knew he had a fat crush on Lucy but she was his rookie that's wrong. Besides it's not like she could have a thing for him right?
They both pull into the station around the same time as each other. They get out their cars and lock eyes for a moment before making their way towards each other with awkward waves and smiles.

Luc- "hey"
Tim- "hey thanks for helping me out tonight?"
Luc- "absolutely and you owe me!"
Tim- "I don't owe you anything!"
Luc- "mhm well see."
Tim- "whatever we're going to be late for roll call I'm gonna go get changed I'll see you in there."

Tim And Lucy make their way into the separate locker rooms and get changed before heading to roll call.
After a long and flirtatious shift. Tim and Lucy head Home while the others meet up at a bar 'los Terese' it's a usual hangout spot for them.
As rookies Jackson John and Lucy always used to hangout and sing karaoke together but ever since Jackson's death they haven't done karaoke because it doesn't feel right anymore.

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