Part 4: Morning

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In the morning  Lucy wakes up to Leah's cry's, she gets up and starts to rock Leah back and forth smiling knowing that Tim had put her to bed the night prior. After Leah was settled she puts her back down in her crib and walks into the bathroom washing her face brushing her hair and teeth then getting changed she walks out of the room with Leah on her hip finding Tim in nothing but grey sweatpants making pancakes with jack on the bar stool and Chloe in her high chair.

Tim- " breakfast is ready, I'm going to wake up Lucy!"
Lucy- "no need I'm here."
Tim- "morning, how'd you sleep?"
Lucy- "good thanks for letting me stay."
Tim- "thanks for helping me out, come sit down and help your self to some choc chip pancakes."
Lucy- "thanks, what time is Angela and Nyla coming?"
Tim- "they should be here around 8:30ish."
Jack- "it's only 7:45 how much longer can I stay?"
Tim- "we have 45 minutes until you leave which means we need to eat breakfast get changed and all ready for mommy to come pick you up!"
Jack- "can we play a game before they come?"
Lucy- "of course!"

They eat breakfast together while Lucy feeds Leah her purée and Tim feeds Chloe her bottle.  Lucy bathes Leah and Chloe then gets them changed while Tim helps jack get changed and ready to leave. He brushes his teeth and hair making him look all handsome for his mommy. Tim puts Chloe in her crib along with leah. After they meet up in the living room ready to play Jackson's  game of choice. "tickle wars!" Tim and Lucy had made an agreement to gang up on jack however Lucy couldn't say no to jacks pleading help to target Tim so their agreement was quickly broken. Like last night Lucy pins Tim down while jack slides between them and tickles Tim. But Tim being smart he starts to tickle back Jackson's giggles echo through the room as the time goes on. Jack rolls over and starts tickling lucy.

Lucy- "oi we were meant to be a team!"
Jack- "nuh uh!"
Lucy- "yuh uh!"
Tim- "actually we were meant to be a team boot!"

Lucy starts tickling Tim as he Squirms underneath her jack still tickling Lucy making her laugh as Tim's large hands join Jack's tickling her. Then Angela and Nyla come through the door with a bottle of red wine for Them along with a box of chocolates. They see them all stacked on top of each other and take a bunch of photos before making them selves known.

Angela- "good morning!"
Lucy- "morning, oh umm."

Lucy manoeuvres her way off Tim awkwardly as Tim sits up with jack in his lap.

Jack- "MOMMYY!"

Jack runs over to Angela crashing into her legs as she bends over to pick him up.

Nyla- "and where's my sweet pea?"
Tim- "she is right here!"

Tim picks Leah up and takes her over to Nyla handing her over. Lucy goes over to Chloe and picks her up while Tim gets all the bags.

Nyla- "so what was that?"
Lucy- "nothing, jack wanted to play a game and he chose tickle wars!"
Angela- "and you straddling him?"
Lucy- "Jackson told me to pin him down so that what I did."
Nyla- "mhm, any way how were the kids?"
Tim- "fantastic! Not one complaint except this one and Lucy made an agreement to trash uncle Timothy's kitchen!"
Angela- "good boy!"
Tim- "don't encourage that, it's bad enough when Lucy does it what's it gonna be like when his mother does too?"
Angela- "oh calm down Timothy!"

Angela and Lucy both chuckle as Tim rolls his eyes. Nyla gets a text from James saying "hey Wesley's wondering where you guys are I think he's still a bit tipsy from last night!"

Nyla- "ok well we have to go your husband's still tipsy."
Tim- "he really is a lightweight isn't he?!"
Angela- "yep anyway thank you guys so much for looking after them!"
Lucy- "anytime this was fun!"

Angela gives Lucy a look before turning her attention towards Tim handing her the kids bags.

Lucy- "hey I'll walk out with you and put Chloe in her seat."
Angela- "thanks, at least your boot offers to help Bradford instead of dumping Chloe on me!"
Tim- "fine you win I'll take the bags,"

Tim rolls his eyes as he grabs all the bags putting them in the trunk of Angela's car saying good bye to everyone as does Lucy. Once they leave Lucy and Tim make their way back into the house.

Lucy- "your kitchen is a mess. How can it get so messy by making pancakes?!"

Lucy chuckles to herself as Tim rolls his eyes.

Tim- "it's not like I did it myself jack helped me make the pancakes too!"
Lucy- "that's why they tasted good!"

Lucy and Tim both chuckle as Tim walks around the counter and starts doing the dishes.

Lucy- "here let me help you!"
Tim- "no it's all good I've got it."
Lucy- "I'm not asking I'm helping you whether you want help or not."
Tim- "thanks."

They both wash the dishes and tidy up the kitchen it was their day off today and they both had no plans whatsoever so they decided to spend the day together. By the time they finished cleaning it was lunch time Lucy wanted to make lunch but Tim insisted and ended up doing it himself Lucy offered multiple times but he declined. Lucy made her way over to the couch and put a reality tv show on.

Tim- "really that stuff rots your brain!"
Lucy- "it's funny."
Tim- "no it's problematic. All that drama it's a waste of time,"
Lucy- "what about the drama in football? The fights they get into. The petty ness of not handing over the ball when asked because it was a bad call?"
Tim- "that's different!"
Lucy- "how?"
Tim- "it just is ok."
Lucy- "mhm!"

After a few minutes Lucy makes her way in the kitchen because she could smell something burning.

Tim- "I burnt lunch."
Lucy- "I knew you would I ordered lunch."
Tim- "that's rude. What you get?"
Lucy- "sushi!"
Tim- "that's better than what I was going to make."
Lucy- "what were you trying to make?"
Tim- "that doesn't matter."

Tim and Lucy chuckle but Lucy look intensely at the pot trying to figure it out before following Tim back to the couch. Tim grabs the remote and quickly changes the channel to football before Lucy could sit down.

Lucy- "oi I was watching that thank you!"
Tim- "my tv if you don't like it you can leave,"
Lucy- "ok!"

Lucy stands up and grabs her bag making her way towards the door.

Tim- "I was joking come sit back down!"
Lucy- "see you couldn't go a day without being around me!"
Tim- "is that such a bad thing?"
Lucy- "no I like your company, when you're not yelling at me calling me boot. Every 10 seconds!"
Tim- "hey I don't call you boot anymore and I don't yell, I project."
Lucy- "what ever!"

They sit down on the couch watching the game waiting for the food to arrive.

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