Part 5: Lunchtime

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Once the deliver man arrived Lucy and Tim fought over who was paying, and after a few minutes Tim pulled out his wallet and chucked a few bills at him and took the food slamming the door so Lucy couldn't oblige. Tim took their lunch into the kitchen and began to plate it up, Lucy grabbed them both a drink and made her way to the couch to continue watching the game. After they finished lunch they waited till the game was over until finally doing the dishes but of course Lucy kept giggling and mimicking every move Tim made during the game, weather it was because the rams scored a goal or a disappointed sigh because the other team got a touchdown. As Lucy was cleaning the dishes Tim went over to help, Lucy bent over to put the dishes in the dishwasher. Tim couldn't help but check her out. Her perfect round ass filling his sight.

Lucy- "like what you see sarge?"
Tim- "yeah actually and you can't get mad, you were checking me out this morning."

Lucy stands up with flushed cheeks embarrassed that he caught her staring.

Lucy- "you were in nothing but sweatpants how am I not meant to look!"
Tim- "you could've at least made it less obvious."
Lucy- " probably but where's the fun in that? There's no thrill of if you're gonna get caught or not! But doing it in plain sight that's really obvious!"
Tim- "well I wasn't planning on checking you out you're right in front of me and that thang ain't small!"
Lucy- "please I've seen you check me out multiple before! And That's your excuse that I was right in front of you and that I have a big ass?"
Tim- "tell me in wrong?"
Lucy- "your not"

They both laugh and sit down on the couch again accept this time Lucy lays down with her head on Tim's lap. They both end up finding a movie to watch little did Lucy know that it was a horror movie and the second there was a jump scare she jumped up and buried her head into the crook of Tim's neck while he bursts out laughing.

Lucy- "hey it's not funny! You didn't say this was a horror movie!"
Tim- "we're cops we see stuff worse than this but this freaks you out?"

They carry on watching the movie until Lucy gets up and starts to walk away. Tim pulls Lucy back down onto the couch by her waist.

Lucy- "it's not funny!"

Tim was to busy laughing to respond to her as she keeps her head against his shoulder.

Tim- "do you want to put a different movie on?"
Lucy- "I really do!"
Tim- "fine what do you want to watch?"
Lucy- "hmmm how about 'anyone but you'?"
Tim- "oh absolutely not!"
Lucy- "pleaseeeee!"
Tim- "no!"
Lucy-'"pretty please with a cherry on top!?"
Tim- "fine!"
Lucy- "thank youuu!"
Tim- "I'll go make popcorn!"
Lucy- "I'll set it up."

As they start watching the movie Lucy lays back down on Tim's lap as he starts to play with her hair during the movie when unwritten was on Tim would sing along and brake out into a little dancy dance that would send Lucy into uncontrollable laughter. After the movie was finished they cleaned up the media room.  (They have 3 days off)

Tim- "hey do you mind if I go out and take kojo for a walk?"
Lucy- "no not at all go ahead, I might head home give you a peaceful night."
Tim- "umm yeah, sure ok."
Lucy- "I'll see you tomorrow?"
Tim- "yeah that'd be nice."
Lucy- "ok have a good night"
Tim- "you too."

Tim walks Lucy out the door and Lucy gives Tim a hug and quick peck on the cheek. Before moving her mouth do the his ear.

Lucy- "I'll see you soon Timothy."

She looks at him with fiery eyes and says in a seductive voice nipping his ear.

Tim- "looking forward to it boot!"

Once lucy leaves Tim has the brightest smirk on his face he's had In ages. He gets kojo together and takes him out for a run. They run to a park and watch the sun go down and all Tim could think about was how Lucy would love the sunset here it's so pretty. And how she could be snuggled up in his arms on the bench he's sitting at. He takes a photo of the sunset and decides he'll send it to her once he's back from his run.

Mean while when Lucy got home she found a note on the bench from Tamara saying "hey I'm sorry it's late notice but I'm going to maddy's house tonight have fun call me later I wanna hear about how it went at Timothy's last night! Love you xx" Lucy reads the note and sends Tamara a quick message "I just got home I'll call you later, have fun and be safe! Love you too xx". She steps into the bathroom and sets herself a nice bath with lots of candles lit.

She strips all her clothes and the only thing in her mind is Tim. His voice. The hug she gave him before she left. The feeling of his skin under her lips. Him squirming underneath her. Him checking her out. Him in nothing but grey sweatpants holding Chloe. His chiseled abs. Before Lucy knew it she had plugged two fingers into herself going in and out slowly and progressively getting faster and faster. Tim's name leaving her mouth in the form of moans.

Her thumb rubbing against her clit resisting the urge to call him. For him to hear what he does to her. For her To hear his voice. To hear him talking her through it. She reaches her other hand to her breast fumbling around with her nipple making them hard peaks. As she approaches her climax her moans get louder. Until the knot in her stomach finally comes undone as her fingers are covered in her juices. She relaxes in her bath for a few more minutes before hoping out to a text from Tim.

Tim- "I wish you came on the walk the sunset was beautiful!"
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She opens her phone and sees a photo of kojo rolling around in the grass with a beautiful sunset in the background.

Lucy- "looks amazing! Wish I was there."
Tim- "me too! I have to go but I'll see you tomorrow I'll be around yours at 11 ish?"
Lucy- "sounds great! Good night."
Tim- "good night"

Tim orders some food before making kojos dinner. Once it arrives he and kojo lay on the couch watching some tv before going to bed.

Lucy gets changed and fixes up her hair before getting changed into her pjs. She heats up her leftovers from the other night then calls Tamara while she eats.

Tamara- "how was officer zaddy?"
Lucy- "it was so fun jack and I made a mess in his kitchen and I told him to keep calling him uncle Timothy,"
Tam- "aww cute how is jack?"
Lucy- "he's growing up so fast! He's so cute, I was talking about how Jackson was dead but he thought we were talking about him and he never knew how he got his name so we told him."
Tam- "aww he's so sweet. Did spending the night do anything?"
Lucy- "I don't know what you're talking about!"
Tam- "please, you loved him before now seeing him with kids that's the biggest turn on!"
Lucy- "fine it may have worked a little, but him being shirtless didn't help!"
Tam- "Tim was shirtless while holding a baby?! But no you couldn't possibly like him!"
Lucy- "look even if I did like him he doesn't like me so there's no point,"
Tam- "girl! I've seen the way he looks at you. Trust me he likes you!"
Lucy- "well he's coming around tomorrow at 12 Ish I think he said so I might ask him then or something?"
Tam- "so the days of endless flirting "without" liking each other are almost over?"
Lucy- "maybe?"
Tam- "good, but I have to go maddy's calling me so I'll be home the day after tomorrow I'll let you guys have some space."
Lucy- "thanks tam I'll see you soon, good night."
Tam- "night, love you,"
Lucy- "love you to sweets"

They hang up and Lucy goes to bed and soon falls asleep thinking about tomorrow.

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