Chapter 1: Not a Family Without You.

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A.N. Hey, everyone! I have been working on this for a while, so I'm just going to publish what I have throughout the day. This is a pretty long chapter, because I didn't know where to break up the chapter, from how I have it formatted on my Google doc.

TW for this first chapter: grief and "death"


"I can't see anything!" Phoebe exclaimed as smoke from the flying drone flew into her face. The drone tilted, and Phoebe screamed as she fell over the side, just barely clinging onto the drone with her life. 

"Phoebe!" Max called out worriedly for his twin sister.

"I can't teleport us unless we're all touching!" their youngest sister, Chloe, reminded.

"Phoebe, hurry, we're going down fast!" Max shouted, desperately hoping that his sister could reach them.

Phoebe thought for a moment. She looked up at her siblings. She knew what she had to do. "Max, take the seeds!"

Max nodded, and used his telekinesis to pull the canister of superpowered, villain-making seeds towards him. He caught them under his arm, and he yelled to Phoebe, "got them!"

"Now, go without me!" Phoebe ordered.

"What?!" Max exclaimed. "No, we're not leaving!"

Max felt his heart rate rise at just the thought of leaving Phoebe behind. He spent so much of their lives being mean to her, and pretending he didn't care about her, and sure, it had been three years since he and Phoebe were put in charge of the T-Force, and four years since he had become good, but those four years didn't make up for the sixteen years he spent making his sister's life miserable. He wasn't going to leave her. He refused to.

"Max, don't be ridiculous! Take Chloe and the seeds, and get back to the family!" Phoebe shouted. If any of them were going down, she'd rather it be her. Max was her twin brother. His safety was everything to her. And Chloe was only a child. She was the youngest of the family, only ten years old. She was way too young to die, especially after how reluctant their parents had been to even let Chloe go up there.

"Not gonna happen! We're not a family without you!" Max denied. He was determined to not leave Phoebe, but he knew that he couldn't let Chloe die up there with them. "Chloe," Max said, turning to his youngest sister as he let go of her hand. "You get out of here. Get back to Mom, Dad, Billy, and Nora."

"Max, what are you doing?" Phoebe asked, hoping that Max wasn't thinking what she thought he was thinking.

"I'm not leaving you, Phoebe. We're a team. We go down the way we fought: together," Max said to Phoebe.

"But, Max, someone will need to take my place!" Phoebe argued.

"What do you mean?" Max asked.

"I mean, who's going to lead our family through tough times or tough battles?" Phoebe asked.

"But-" Max started.

"No, listen to me. Max, you have worked so hard to prove you can be a great hero, and you've succeeded! I am so proud of you, and how far you've come!" Phoebe started. "But, part of being a superhero is making tough decisions."

Chloe watched the scene unfold in front of her. She didn't like the idea of leaving the twins behind. Either of them. She looked at Phoebe. Phoebe locked eyes with her, and nodded firmly. Chloe then knew what Phoebe wanted her to do.

"There's no way we can get all three of us out of here. I know you'll be okay," Phoebe said.

"You're still out of your mind if you think I'm going to just leave you!" Max protested.

"We're Not a Family Without You." (A Thundermans Return AU)Where stories live. Discover now