Chapter 6: Welcome Home

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The room was tense in shocked silence after Phoebe closed the door. They all stared at her, and she locked eyes with each of them individually. No one said anything for a solid two minutes. Phoebe shifted uncomfortably every now and then, but other than that, the room was completely still.

Billy was the first one to speak, leaning over and whispering to Nora, "you see her too, right?"

Nora nodded slowly, remaining silent, not taking her eyes off of Phoebe.

"But... it's impossible," Barb whispered, covering her mouth with her hands as tears threatened to spill from her eyes.

"Uhm... surprise?" Phoebe shrugged with a small nervous chuckle.

Phoebe moved further into the living room to face her family. She realized they weren't going to say anything, so she explained the situation to them. "So, I know you all thought I was dead, but I just woke up in the superhero hospital in Metroburg this morning. Apparently, I was saved by a superhero named Flying Man. I know, super original name, but anyway, he saw me falling from the sky, and he saved me, and brought me to the hospital, where I was in a coma for two months, and when I woke up, the nurse told me that the Hero League covered my hospital expense, and that I would be good to head home. So, I had the Hero League fly me here in their helicopter."

The room was once again silent after Phoebe finished telling the story. Phoebe looked at her family's shocked faces. "Come on, say something," she pleaded. She hated how silent the room was.

Barb was the first to move. She walked up to Phoebe, and pulled her into a tight embrace. "It's really you," she whispered, holding Phoebe close.

"It's really me, Mama," Phoebe confirmed, hugging her mother tightly.

Hank was the next to move. He joined the hug as he started to ugly cry.

"My baby," Barb whispered as tears fell down her face.

The hug broke apart slightly, and Phoebe saw Billy and Nora. She smiled at them, and held her arms out. "Come here, you two," she invited.

Billy and Nora ran up to hug her, and soon, they were all in one big group hug.

The hug lasted way too long. About five minutes. But everyone was just so glad to have Phoebe back. Once the hug broke apart, Barb asked, "why didn't the Hero League call us when they knew you were alive?!"

"They tried!" Phoebe informed. "The nurse at the hospital and Super President Kickbutt told me that no one has been able to reach the Thunderman family in two months!"

"Oh, yeah, I think the Thundermonitor is broken, and no one has fixed it," Hank remembered.

Phoebe looked around at the living room she was all too familiar with. She looked at her family, then she finally asked, "where are Max and Chloe?"

Hank and Barb shared a look. Barb sighed. "Chloe ran away, and we can't find Max anywhere, so he's missing."

Barb handed Chloe's note to Phoebe. Phoebe read it, then thought for a minute about the situation.

"We were actually thinking of ways to find them when you walked in," Hank told Phoebe.

"The problem is that we have no idea where Chloe would have gone, and we don't even have a lead on where Max could possibly be," Nora piped up.

"Oh, and happy birthday, Phoebe," Billy added, prompting small 'happy birthday's from the rest of the family.

"Thanks," Phoebe said. She hummed. "Have you tried asking Dr. Colosso where Max is?"

The family shared an awkward look, but didn't say anything.

"I'm gonna take that as a 'no' then," Phoebe chuckled.

"We kinda forgot he was even down there," Hank admitted.

"I'll go ask him," Phoebe said.

Phoebe used the slide down to Max's lair. She was about to ask Dr. Colosso where Max was, but she saw a note left on the desk. She picked it up, and read it. It was a note from Chloe, telling Max that she was running away. Phoebe looked around the room. She got an idea on what might've happened to Max, and she gasped. But she had to know for sure if she was right...

"Phoebe?" Dr. Colosso asked, shocked. "I thought you were dead!"

"No time to explain," Phoebe said quickly. "Tell me, did Max go after Chloe after she ran away?"

"Yeah?" Colosso answered, wondering why Phoebe wanted to know.

"Do you know where he went?" Phoebe asked.

"Yeah, he headed to Metroburg," Colosso answered. "Said that Chloe would've gone somewhere she knew very well, rather than going somewhere she didn't know."

"I knew it!" Phoebe exclaimed. "Thanks, Colosso!"

With that, she ran back upstairs.

"Max went after Chloe," she told her family. "He went to Metroburg to look for her. Chloe wouldn't go somewhere she was unfamiliar with. But the only two places she really knows are here in Hiddenville, and where we used to live in Metroburg, right?"

"Right," Barb realized, looking at her husband. "Why didn't we think of that?!"

"So, we just go to Metroburg, and get them back," Phoebe finished her thought.

"Are you sure you're up for this, Phoebe?" Barb asked worriedly. "I mean, we just got you back. We thought, for two whole months, that you were dead. Do you really want to go all the way back to Metroburg? It could be dangerous."

"I'm up for this, Mom. I'm a superhero. This is my job. Plus, Max and Chloe could be in danger. We don't know the exact situation. We have to make sure they're okay," Phoebe persuaded.

Hank and Barb shared an unsure look. "Honey, you've been out of commission for two months," Barb reminded. "Are you sure it's a good idea for you to get back into superhero business so soon?"

"I'll be fine, guys," Phoebe claimed. "But, if it makes you feel better, I'll take it easy. I promise. I just can't stay here when my twin brother and little sister are missing and possibly in danger."

Hank sighed. "There's no convincing her," he said to Barb. He turned back to Phoebe. "Fine. But you have to take it easy."

"I will," Phoebe nodded.

"Then, I'll fire up the Thundervan," Hank said, "and let's go find Max and Chloe."

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