Chapter 4: A Super Miracle

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"-nderman?" a voice questioned. "Miss Thunderman, can you hear me?"

Brightness. That was all Phoebe saw when her eyes fluttered open.

"Oh, good, you're awake!" the voice exclaimed cheerfully.

"Where am I?" Phoebe asked, after finding her voice again.

"You're in the hospital," the nurse replied.

"Phoebe looked around, her eyes finally adjusting to the bright room.

"Don't worry," the nurse said. "This is a special hospital, specifically made for superheroes."

"How did I get here?" Phoebe asked, still trying to wrap her head around reality.

"You were brought in by a family of superheroes who were all enjoying a picnic by Mount Metroburg when you, in their words, 'came falling from the sky after a huge explosion.' They said that they brought you here after the only flying superhero in their family, known as Flying Man, flew into the sky to keep you from actually hitting the ground," the nurse recounted the story as she read it off of a report that she had been given about the situation.

"Wait, there's a superhero just called 'Flying Man?' Not very creative with names, I see," Phoebe commented.

The nurse shrugged. "He's just a normal dude who can fly. Don't think about it too much."

"Wait, how long was I out?" Phoebe asked, suddenly alert.

"Relax," the nurse soothed. "It's been two months since you were brought in."

"Two months?!" Phoebe exclaimed. "What's today's date?"

"March 22nd," the nurse replied, looking at the calendar on the wall.

Phoebe took a moment to let that sink in. It was hers and Max's 21st birthday. 'Max. I really hope he's okay,' Phoebe thought to herself. Then, she asked the nurse, "What about my family? Where are they?"

The nurse sighed. "No one has heard from the Thundermans in two months. We have no way to contact them."

The nurse saw the distressed look on Phoebe's face, so she quickly said, "but, after we run a few tests, we can get our doctor in here, and you will be good to go! You can be reunited with your family soon!"

Phoebe visibly relaxed after hearing that. "Okay. Then, let's get these tests done," she said.

An hour or so later, the doctor was finally in. This specific doctor had healing powers, so he used his powers to heal Phoebe completely, whatever hadn't healed in the past two months while she was in a coma.

"All right, Miss Thunderman, you are good to go," the doctor said.

"Thanks, doctor," Phoebe said. "Wait, but what about the bill?"

"Ah, the Hero League has taken care of your medical expenses, as a thanks for all you have done," the doctor informed.

"Oh," Phoebe said, "so, the Hero League knows I'm alive, but my family still thinks I'm dead?"

"Yeah, you might want to get home," the doctor advised.

Phoebe nodded, then she left the hospital. She didn't know how she was even supposed to get back to Hiddenville. She had no way back, and no phone to reach her family. She looked around at her surroundings. She realized the Hero League headquarters weren't so far away, so she started making her way towards there. They could help her get back to her family.


Five hours later, back in Hiddenville, Hank, Barb, Billy, and Nora were all gathered around, rereading the note Chloe had left.

"So, Chloe ran away, and Max is missing?" Nora recapped.

"We have to find them, Hank," Barb said to her husband, almost in tears. She couldn't lose two more children.

"Okay, everyone just calm down," Hank said. "Here's what we're going to do–"

But before he could finish his thought, Nora said, "Wait, do you guys hear that?"

They were all silent for a moment, listening carefully.

"Is that a helicopter?" Billy asked after a minute.

They continued listening to the sound of a helicopter right outside their house. As the helicopter sounded like it was getting further away, the family shrugged it off, thinking that it was just a helicopter passing over their house.

"Anyway, as I was saying–" Hank was cut off again, but this time, it was by the sound of the door opening.

The family turned to look at the door, hoping that it was Chloe and/or Max. Their jaws all dropped when they saw who was really walking through the door.

Phoebe closed the door behind her, then spoke to her family, awkwardly, "hey, family, I'm home."


A.N. So, Phoebe's alive! Who would've guessed?! Stay tuned to find out what happens next!

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