Chapter 2: A Runaway

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Two months had passed since the incident, and things hadn't gotten any better for the Thundermans. Chloe returned home from school. The house was quiet and still, just like it always was since that day. Chloe sighed, and made her way up to her room. She threw her book bag onto the floor as she closed her bedroom door behind her. She sat on the foot of her bed, covering her face with her hands. She started crying softly. "I screwed everything up," she whispered to herself. "Phoebe's gone, Max hates me and hasn't been talking to anyone, Mom and Dad are always really sad, despite them trying not to show that in front of me, and Billy and Nora have really been struggling in school. This is all my fault. My first real superhero mission, and I tore the entire family apart."

Chloe lifted her head up, and looked around her room. She looked at her school bag, and an idea formed in her head. She got up, and went to it. She picked up the book bag, and emptied it. She then stuffed it with clothes from her closet. She also put in some snacks and drinks from her secret snack stash. "My family would be better off without me. All I've done for them is tear us apart."

Chloe took out a piece of paper and a pen, and wrote a note to her family:

'Dear family,

I'm running away from home. Our family is in shambles because of me. I'm sorry. Don't bother coming to look for me. I'm going somewhere you'll never find me. But first, I have a few things to say.

Mom and Dad: I'm sorry about all of this. I hope you two can get through this. You've always been my heroes. I love you.

Billy and Nora: keep trying hard in school. I know you two can get through this. You have each other. Always remember that. And stick together. You two are the strongest people I know.

Goodbye, family. I love you guys.



Chloe was going to write a message to Max in that letter, but she decided that he deserved his own letter, so she got out another piece of paper.

'Dear Max,

I'm running away from home. I'm really, really sorry about what happened to Phoebe. I know it was all my fault. I made the decision to leave her behind. I didn't want to, but that doesn't really matter. I still did, and I caused the entire family suffering. Especially you. I'm really sorry. I know that won't make up for me getting your twin sister killed. That type of thing isn't forgivable. I know you hate me now, but I want you to know that I love you, and I hope things get better for you, and that, somehow, you learn to move forward, and keep Phoebe's legacy alive, like she would have wanted you to. I know it's hard, but I know that you'll get through this. I love you.



Chloe folded the letters, and left her room. She put the one to the rest of the family on the couch. They would be sure to find it there. Then, she walked down to Max's lair. Max was asleep, so she had to be quiet, so as not to wake him. She put the letter on Max's desk. She was stopped by Dr. Colosso. "Hey, kid, what are you doing?"

"Just leaving this letter for Max. Make sure he sees it when he wakes up," Chloe answered.

"Yeah, sure, whatever," Dr. Colosso said.

"Thanks," Chloe said. "Goodbye, Dr. Colosso."

Chloe headed back up the stairs, and took one last look at her sleeping brother. She went back into her room, and grabbed her bag. "Well," she said to the room, "goodbye, family. Goodbye, house. Goodbye, Hiddenville."

"We're Not a Family Without You." (A Thundermans Return AU)Where stories live. Discover now