Plan in motion

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TW: foul language

In Vox's POV:
I just finished this week's episode of my cooking show. I had to make pasta with tears of the weak on top and garlic bread. I am completely confident in my plan!
I'm going to fuck with Alastor until he forgets about that short ass Blondie! Sadly I can't kill Lucifer but if I could Oh I would...

In third person:
Val sneaks up behind Vox and Val screams
"AHHH- WH-WHAT THE FUCK VAL?!" Vox screeched "hahaha Sorry!" Val giggled, while wiping a tear from his eye "don't fucken sneak up on me!" Vox barked (woof, woof) "...why are you here?" Vox demand. "Oh I wanted to let you know that Alastor and Lucifer are fighting at the hotel...again" Vox rushed to his office to look on the Television "T-T-THAT FUCK-EN A-A-ASSHOLE!" Vox  yelled
"whoa there, calm down, darling!" Val said
"It's-s time to put my plan in motion!" Vox states while getting ready to leave "oh-...ok don't get yourself killed!" Val says jokingly while waving Vox goodbye.

Vox's POV:
I'm so-o tired of this shit! Why does that headlight watching idiot, ignore m-e?! ITS NOT-T FAIR! But I'm going to get my revenge. Good thing I've been working onnnnn "VOXTECH New and improved drones with! Controllable arms so you can take or leave whatever you want wherever you want!" And now I can do what that useless snake couldn't do. I turn on the drone and start guiding it towards that shithole of a hotel. Good thing that Alastor was on his daily 3:00pm walk
(ITS NOT WEIRD THAT I MEMORIZED THAT!) So I can put a camera in his bedroom! JUST SO I CAN FIND OUT HIS WEAKNESSES! Alastor being the complete idiot he is, left one of his windows open, making this the perfect opportunity. I fly the drone into his room and gently set down the camera on a very high shelf that had a whole collection of radios.
I quickly maneuvered the drone out of the hotel and waited for that red freak to come back! After what seemed to be forever, I saw the door open on the camera And Alastor sat down at his desk, and started writing heaven knows what on his typewriter (that old ass bitch) after 20 minutes he suddenly stopped and just stared at the wall in front of him for like 10 seconds, and then...he turned around and looked straight at the camera. HOW THE F-FUCK DID HE KN-OW?! Alastor grabbed the camera and yelled "VOX!" And then he crushed the camera with one hand.

Thanks for reading^_^
part three will be out soon
Sorry that each part is so short!(T_T)
writers block is a bitch.

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