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I'm on spring break rn but when I have to go back to school I won't have as much time to write(T ^ T)
TW:bad language

Vox's POV:
I waited for that old ass bitch to come to the Vee's tower but the coward didn't do sh-it! W-WHY DOES HE ACT LIKE I-I-I DONT EXIST!? IM DONE WITH THIS! I've even moved the news broadcast to the time that he talks into that dumb outdated radio, other than Making fun of me on his broadcasts he doesn't do anything!

Quick scenery check!
Vox lays in his bed next to a Alastor body pillow (it's clean, he recently washed it)
In a room covered in pictures of Alastor all along the walls.

In third person at the hotel:
"I'm going end that foolish picture box!" Alastor yells to himself while walking down the stairs. "Whoa! Alastor what is wrong?" Charlie asks as she runs over to him in confusion "Vox put a camera in my room, he is trying to find a reason to cancel my broadcastings!" Alastor explains "He- WHAT?" Charlie yelps "Alastor...I don't think he's trying to cancel your show" Alastor tilts his head "Well then what other reason would he hav-" Alastor stops half way through his sentence "darling...you don't suggest he.."
Charlie looks at Alastor and nods as his eyes widen "I must go search through my room now!" Alastor quickly vanishes. "HA- I didn't know Vox was a freak like that~" Angel says.

In third person at the Vox tower:
Velvette yells for Vox to come to the door "please come back later for an autograph-" Vox states while opening the door "Vox.." Alastor calmly says "w-why are yo-u here?!" Vox says while Alastor walks though the door "because you invaded my privacy" Alastor says "And..I WANT YOU TO UNDERSTAND THAT YOUR DISGUSTING ACTIONS ARE COMPLETELY UNACCEPTABLE!" Alastor yells while turning into a horrifying creature towering over Vox (UwU idk how to explain his full demon form)"Wai-t what? I-I wasn't trying-g to-" Vox was cut off by Alastor "if you even think about pulling something like this again, I will make you feel pain worse than ANYTHING you've ever experienced" Alastor says while grabbing Vox by his neck and threw him into a wall. "o-o-ok! I'm-m so-rry A-Alas-tor!" Vox whimpers "Looks like someone should fix the Television signal~"
Alastor teases and walks away laughing. "GO-GODAMNIT!" Vox cried like the little piss baby he is. "Ah!- shit!" Velvette yells "I was filming the entire thing but now my phone is glitching the fuck out!"

Vox's POV:
Th-at a-asshole! I quickly run back to my room to make sure he didn't break my screen (he absolutely did.) That really fucking hurt but why..was that kind of hot?
It's not like I still like him...right?

Ooo~ sounds we gonna get a flashback! Part 4 should be out soon^_^ thx for all the support <3

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