Life fucking sucks now!

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Vox's POV:
"Dear diary, This shit was a horrible idea! I have to sit through these long ass "therapy sessions" or whatever Charlie calls it and Alastor just sits there like a pretentious fucking baby and he doesn't even acknowledge my existence! He's such a
asshole!" When I was writing in my diary I got so fucking mad that I punched a hole through the wall with a "VOXTECH PEN" and my immediate reaction was to look through the hole and to my fucken surprise behind the hole was Alastor's room! And he was talking to Rosie on his old ass, shit ass "phone" (that shit looked like it was from the 1800s) 

Third person POV:
"I'm honestly sick of that flat-headed so called man."
Alastor said while pacing back-and-forth in his room. Vox stayed quiet and just listened "it's like he has some kind of weird obsession with me!" Alastor stated
"o-obsession?! I don't!" Vox muttered under his breath. Alastor continued to talk to Rosie "I know's just- he makes me incredibly uncomfortable..." Alastor said with a sigh. "Hm- ...pardon me for a moment.." Alastor said calmly as he started to look around his room. Just then he spotted the hole. Once Vox noticed he immediately ran out of his room to not be caught "shit, fuck! I'm gonna fucking dieeeee!" He quietly panicked while running down the stairs "VOX!" Alastor suddenly yelled as he slammed open his bedroom door "CARE TO EXPLAIN WHY THERE'S A HOLE IN MY WALL?!" Vox tried his best to look like he had no idea. "whattt? a-a hole? Th-that's weird..." Vox managed to spit out. "Listen here..." Alastor started to walk towards Vox "if you do this shit again, I will tear out your organs and use them as decor for the hotel!" At this point he was towering over Vox and he was only inches away from his face. He was more scared that Alastor cursed than his threats, because Vox knew that he only cursed if he was completely serious. "Y-yes! I U-understand!" Vox stuttered like a wimp

Vox's POV:
I quickly left that...REALLY HOT situation, I'm so fucking rock hard right now! (You don't wanna know what happened to the body pillow later that night) That asshole covered up the hole sadly!

Srry it's been so long!!! Btw meh friends "Ava" and "Kenji" helped me make this part! ^_^

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