Two - A Good Puppet <3

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Karen's POV

I got out of the car, in my disguise. I thanked the driver and just went to the hiding. I know they must be searching for me since I was missing. 'I wonder how is Izana? Is he still having those fevers? He never even got any good memories... He's just always sick constantly.' I kept worrying about him.


Before I could even properly enter, I was attacked with a loving hug.

"OH MY so glad you're okay..." She said with tears in her eyes.

I looked at the woman infront of me with a smile and patted her head.

"I'm fine, Makima."

"They kidnapped did you escape...?" She asked with visible curiosity on her face.

"I...Y/n..." I remember everything that just happened and I couldn't hold back my tears. I knew I had to face the reality though. "Y/n stayed for our sake...she got really skilled...just like her father..." I said remembering her not hesitating to kill even at such a young age.

"I- ...I see. I guess I can understand her though, she has to take such huge measures if its him she's dealing with." Makima hesitantly said probably because she can relate. "We can't let her suffer alone, I promise. Me and my team are gonna make sure you guys are okay. Its my responsibility after all..." She said with a smile.

"Makima...." I understood her guilt, but it wasn't really necessary.

"Listen, you don't need to feel responsible for how he turned out just because he's your brother." I said this to her a thousand times and I'll say it a thousand times more.

"I know" thats all she replied. I know she doesn't wanna talk about it so I didn't pressure her.

"Anyways, lets get you to the nurse okay? We gotta check if they drugged you or anything...never can be too cautious" she says and I can only agree.


We reached to the nurse's. Makima let us be alone and walked outside. 'I have to say, her place is really cool. Its an underground facility and anything you may need is already here. Im sure this isn't the only place she has though.' I was snapped out of my thought when the doctor asked me another question.


"Miss Kurokawa, can you show me the places that aches? Its also gonna be bad if you have internal bleeding." She said to me.

Its been a while, the nurse went to look for a missing ointment so the doctor is currently scanning me now.

I understood and did as I was told. My check up was going on but I was lost in my thoughts.

' didn't deserve this. Will I ever be able to see you talk again?..I wanna believe so. I'm sorry jasmine. I failed as a mother. Izana was alone for such a long time. I know he had people to take care of him here but all I did was be a burden and get kidnapped cause of my own stupidity. In the end, Y/n was the one who ended up protecting me..."

Once again the doctor was calling for me, I looked at her but her face was shocked looking at the screen.

"M- miss Kurokawa,'re pregnant."

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