4 ⋆ Ego has a large ego

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"Come on," ordered Gamora as she held Esther's hand, leading them outside. The big door groaned sadly, letting Drax and Mantis know that they were there. The pair sat at the top of the stairs, turning around when they were interrupted.

Gamora didn't trust Mantis yet, the shy bug looked down intimidated. "What's going on?" The green one asked.

"This gross bug lady is my new friend," Drax replied, pointing at Mantis. "I'm learning many things like I'm a pet and I'm ugly." She explained unbothered. "You're not ugly?" Esther tilted her head, a little confused as to why she would think that.

Well, mantis wasn't the most gorgeous person she had ever seen but believe me, she's seen worse. After years of traveling through space and visiting lots of different planets, you get used to all kinds of aliens.

"Mantis, can you show us where we'll be staying?" Gamora requested.
The two pairs were walking through a calm and lovely field. "Hey Gamora, did you know that there are 275 million stars born every day ?" Esther chirped joyfully. Gamora sighed quietly; "I know, Esty, you already told me twice last week." She said with a half-annoyed, half-amused smile. "I know!" The small girl answered playfully through giggles.

"Why is there no one else around here ?" Esther asked as they were on their way to their 'hotel'. The girl could not stop asking questions, being bored out of her mind. "The planet is ego. A dog would not invite a flea to live on its back." She answered matter of factly. "And you're not a flea?" Gamora asked.

"I'm a flea with a purpose. I help him sleep." She answered casually, turning her head to look at Gamora. Gamora then suddenly stopped dead in her tracks and fully turned around, inspecting Mantis, making her stop too. "What were you about to tell Drax?" She questioned sternly with her hands on her hips. The alien was taken aback, struggling to find an answer. She glanced back at Drax before replying "Nothing..."

She averted her gaze from Gamora to the fields in front of them, "Your quarters are this way."

Instead of staying in her room, Esther decided to stay with her father. Ever since she landed on this weird 'planet' she's had this gut-wrenching feeling. Not a small 'I think I forgot something' feeling, but an immense, awful one. She felt so dizzy because of it, it just grew bigger and bigger to the point where she almost threw up.

Esther was fast asleep in her dad's bed as he quietly listened to music with Esther's snoring in the background when Ego walked in. They talked for a little before they went downstairs.

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