Unrestrained Desires - Chapter Six

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"Let the maids do that, Pet. Cleaning up isn't your job" I heard her teeth pierce an apple and crunch it to bits as Bellatrix ambled past casually in the kitchen. Her skirt swished around her ankles, giving flashes of pale skin and lightly trimmed leg hair.

I kept an eye on her as I folded away my apron and put it into the washing basket. The older witch leant against the counter, amusement dancing in that cheeky smile. I couldn't help but return her grin, and for a few precious seconds we shared a loving moment. It was non-malicous, not covered up by sexuality or aggression. Just two people enjoying eye contact in a peaceful, almost homely setting.

Yes, I'd been confined to her manor for 5 months already but it was only now starting to feel like home. My eyes flickered away from hers and watched the maid as she cleared up the mess I made while cooking. Tonya, I think her name was.

Tonya, a frightened young girl around the same age as myself, didn't dare to meet my gaze. I didn't blame her. I could feel the jealous eyes of my Mistress on us, watching for any sign that Tonya would disobey her most important rule. Never interact with Mistress Bellatrix's pet.

Guilt ate me up inside as I looked around at the mess, especially the sweat collecting on Tonya's forehead. It was a hot day, why did I think baking was a good idea?

"Let me do that-" I snatched a mixing bowl from her hands, mistakenly brushing her fingers with my own. Her brown, scampering eyes darted up with shock and overwhelming fear dancing in her pupils. We both froze, fingers touching and eyes locked together. Both of us knew the consequences, especially since Bellatrix suddenly tore me to her side and dropped the glass mixing bowl to shatter on the ground.

Her arm was tight around me, securing me to her side as Tonya trembled in front of us. Bellatrix's beautiful face was icy cold, her grip on me hard. Tonya's eyes watered.

"Mistress Black- I'm so sorry" Tonya whimpered, backing up until she hit the counter and jumped at the surprise. Bellatrix's lip curled in disgust and she glared hard at Tonya.

"How dare you presume to touch-" Bellatrix slapped her, hard. Even harder than she'd ever slapped me. A thought crossed my mind, was she kind to me even when I upset her? I pushed that thought to the back of my mind as Bellatrix continued"-MY PET!"

The poor girl cried as Bellatrix grasped her hair and right hooked her in the face. Tonya fell to the ground after the older woman's vicious assault, whimpering and sobbing as I pulled Bellatrix away. The witch's fiery eyes turned to me, outrage overflowing. I gulped and prepared for her onslaught.

"And you" she took a threatening step towards me, and I backed up just like Tonya had. My butt hit the counter and I scrambled to find an escape. Bellatrix saw my search for purchase and her hands hit the counter on either side of me, enclosing me. Preventing my leaving.

"You better hope I'm in a forgiving mood" her eyes burned with anger, and watered with perceived betrayal. Bellatrix turned her head to yell at Tonya "get out. Now!"

Her voice hit my cheek as she shouted, causing me to flinch at what I thought was an incoming hand. Her dark, angry eyes were like looming clouds on the horizon, warning me of an incoming storm about to sweep me away. Tonya had scrambled out of the kitchen and I heard her sobs ringing through the empty, dust filled hallways.

Bellatrix once again commanded my full attention. Eyes gleaming, chest rising and falling with menacing rhythm. My gaze fell to her breasts, and flickered back up. She smirked smugly and grasped onto my chin to force my eyes back to hers.

"You like them, baby?" She whispered, a haunting smile teased me. I gulped and licked my lips. Bellatrix grinned, hands now caressing my sides and moving to squeeze my thighs, which were supple for easy gripping "why don't you put your mouth where your eyes are, pet? After all..." She bit her lip seductively "they're right in front of you"

Without second thoughts I threw myself headfirst into her exposed breasts, mouth opened to suck and nip on pale milky skin. Her cruel hands slithered into my hair and held me as I left marks on her ample chest.

Bellatrix held my scalp, gasping and moaning as I bit and sucked on her breasts. My mouth found sunken collarbones and tongue trailed over the bone. My Mistress shuddered at the feeling.

I pulled her dress off her shoulders, revealing her nude breasts "Mm... Good girl-" Bellatrix moaned, biting her lip as I dragged my teeth over her now exposed nipple. I heard Tonya's now muffled sobs in the next room, but right now I didn't care.

Her hands hit my thighs and squeezed before pushing me up to sit on the counter, at the same time pulling down my shorts. I heard her groan as I bit down again, at the same time she discovered my lack of underwear.

"Ooh- naughty girl..."

Her talon-like nail toyed with my folds, probably scratching me but I was in too much exhilaration to care.

Bellatrix pushed my head away from her, making me hit the wall breathless and waiting for her next move. She smirked, fingernail stroking across my clit to make me shiver "don't hold back, little one. I want that filthy hag to know you're mine"

With that, she dropped to her knees and finished pulling my shorts off of my legs. They fell onto the floor, next to the shattered mixing bowl. My thoughts of whether she would cut herself on the glass were cut off when her tongue met my folds.

She parted my wetness, hands keeping my legs spread as I trembled at her touch. I felt her teeth trail over my clit and whimpered at the feeling, knowing it was very possible for her to bite. Bellatrix laughed at that thought before she dove into my pussy with vigour.

The maids circulated through the corridors and I heard their clomping footsteps on the wooden floors, my breath grew even shorter every time they passed the door to the kitchen. My hand went to cover my mouth, but was grabbed and pinned to the counter by a stronger arm.

"Don't you fucking dare" Bellatrix warned, eyes hard with annoyance but still lustful. I swallowed a whine and tilted my head back, lips hard pressed to keep sound from escaping. Her tongue skillfully massaged my clit and a fingertip dipped inside my entrance. I whined, back arching off of the counter as she held me there by my thighs.

"That's it" Bellatrix muttered "good girl" All I could see was her crazy eyes and even wilder hair between my legs, the view drove me crazy. The older woman pushed her finger inside of me and curled, scraping me with her nail but also teasing the tip of another at the same time.

"F-fuck-" My quiet whine earned me a faster, more brutal pace. Bellatrix laughed with her teeth bared as I shuddered and grasped the counter to release some tension. Her tongue flicked at my clit like a snake scenting her prey, I could feel the overstimulation building up and my legs spasmed to close.

Bellatrix narrowed her eyes and held my thighs open, continuing to fuck me like the nymphomaniac she was. My orgasm hit me like a ton of bricks and a moan ripped out of me, the loudest I'd made since she started eating me out. The sobs stopped next door, and I realised the maids were probably listening.

"M-Mistress- the maids-"

"Fuck them. Focus on me" her dark eyes built the intensity of my pleasure, she dug her nails into my thighs to leave cuts and bruises on my skin. My hips bucked into her mouth, Bellatrix held me steady so that I wouldn't fall off of the counter edge.

"Good girl... That's it, pet. Take my fingers like a good little slut"

My breaths laboured as I looked down at her, chest rising and falling in rhythm with the intensity of her eyes.

Bellatrix smirked, cum on her lips as she stood up and brushed off her dress. Her hair was even wilder than normal, sweat stained both of us.

"I'll go deal with the maids..." She kissed me quickly, and winked "stay here. I'm not done with you yet"


A.n thanks for reading! 😁

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