Rules and Home - Chapter TwentyFive

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Perspective of Bellatrix


The creature thrashed beneath me. His fiery temper led to snarls and little bursts of flame from his nostrils. My saddle stretched as he heaved in breaths, and flattened as he exhaled. I didn't bother to correct his behaviour.

I felt the dragon shift his weight, strong legs tensed and extended as his erratic spikes tosselled in the wind as if they weren't solid bone. Muddy brown scales chased with red, wing membranes tinged with orange. They spread, trembling with the effort of keeping them aloft.

He leapt into the air as I finally allowed him to beat his wings. A low grumble raced through his chest at the fight the wind put up against his ascent. My rage lead me to kick him on and encourage him into the sky.

The black, curly ringlets flew behind my head as the beast growled. His scaled lips curled and yellowing teeth sharp as swords were unveiled. He lurched higher into the air with unbridled eagerness and animalistic rage.


"There is something we need to discuss"

Narcissa watched me as i made quick work of the bowl of soup she'd sent the house elves to create. It was creamy, perfectly liquid with the slight crunch of soft veg. My eyes ran up to hers and watched her quiet, reserved smile.

I tried to speak but a little bit of spittle leaked from between my teeth. Narcissa chuckled, eyes wide with adoration. She set down her spoon.

"While you are a guest in my house, there will be certain rules I would like to be respected" Her voice was serious, stern and slow. Her eyes cold. Narcissa had no warmth to her now, she was a powerful matriarch.

I nodded my head, swallowing in my suddenly dry throat. Narcissa continued.

"First of all, I don't believe you have had a safe space since... Well, not for a long time" her eyes flickered away from mine. Soft lips wetted by her tongue, Narcissa made her point "so I want you to have the sleeping quarters opposite from my own, just in case you feel the need to talk"

"You will also refer to me with respect. This is my home, and you are merely a guest in it. To you, I am Miss. Variations of my name will not be accepted"

I nodded along with her orders. Her eyes were fixed on mine, there was a cold command in her gaze. Narcissa drummed her fingers on the wooden dining table. She stopped, took a sip of her water, then continued.

"Good behaviour will earn you points. Such as obeying orders, being respectful and following my guidelines. This will create rewards such as time outside, gifts and more freedoms like the ones you experienced today. Is this understood?"

"Yes" her eyebrow raised, a subtle fire behind her eyes "Y-Yes Miss!"

She chuckled, an amused smile painted her face as she leaned back in her chair. Her lips let out a sultry whisper "good girl"

My cheeks flushed a pale pink. It widened Narcissa's smile. Little house elves scuttled around beneath the tables surface, hidden in the background. They took the plate and cutlery from in front of me and once again disappeared into insignificance.


The lights twinkled so prettily against the dark sky, Bellatrix thought as she gazed down at the ground. Trees swayed in the breeze below, cold night air snaking its way throughout seemingly secure homes.

The beast growled. In his chest rumbled a deep, foreboding bloodlust. Like his rider, he was insatiable. His head dipped as he breathed in the smell of sleeping muggles. His wings beat with passion, the closer they got to the settlement the more gleeful they became.

Bellatrix could sense the filth below. Ignorant little bugs to be squashed beneath her boot. Her frown deepened. These many months without her precious little baby were torture. Rage built up higher and higher until it needed to be unleashed, and what more suitable target than Muggle scum for her to reign fire upon.

Finally, they surfaced above the quaint little town. Rolling hills, strong oak trees and pastures filled with the golden rays of straw filtered upon with moonlight. Bellatrix gritted her teeth. Anger that was righteous in her mind filled her every trembling muscle.

She poised her lips, and summoned a wretch of spittle into her tensed cheeks. With a disgusted leer she let loose the spit and sent it flying down into her black pit that lay below. The dragon hissed out a threat. It was as if his emotions were intertwined with his riders, they were one and the same.

Bellatrix barked an order. Her hatred for the creatures below burned so hot that there was no room for mercy. The dragon threw himself into a dive, the woman gripped on with her hands and thighs as her dark curls flew behind her head in the wind.


Miss Narcissa walked ahead of me, three paces in front. Her straight back, pinned hair and black heels made her look tall and intimidating.

Her long legs marched down the hallway like a chopsticks clicking onto noodles. The older woman stopped, her eyes looked me up and down with a slight smirk tugging at her lips. Narcissa pulled a key from her pocket, small and dainty. It was shiny silver.

"This is the key to your room" I moved to take the key, only for Miss Narcissa to curl it upwards into her palm "I want you to remember that I have a key to every room in this manor, even your own. I am giving you a key to this room but any grievances and I will remove that privilege, do you understand me? I won't hesitate"

I gulped. My eyes stared up at her as if she was a god ready to strike me down for merely basking in her presence. Narcissa smiled, soft and slow as I nodded. She unlocked the door and let it creak open. The smell of dust and freshly cleaned linen drifted out and tickled my nose sweetly. Her hand, long, skinny and manicured held open the door as I took a step inside.


The screams were rough and abrasive but still sweet enough for Bellatrix to endure them. Her hands loosened on the saddle, calloused from holding onto the burning scales of her beast.

The flames licked the buildings, breaking roofs open like egg shells. The heat building up inside reached boiling point and splintered stone walls like sticks.

Running around their little hive splashing buckets of water on the mess she'd created, Bellatrix nearly pitied them before her laughter began. Her throat ached as she inhaled the smoke. They were pathetic.

She wanted to be happy. Really, she did. Normally bringing an end to the life of an inferior species would make her giddy. Though her heart ached.

Even as she laughed, tears trickled down her porcelain cheeks. She felt as if she was cracking. True, there'd been dents in Bellatrix since she was born, but now they were getting worse. Every day that passed without her sweet little cherub was damaging her psyche more and more.

She breathed out shakily, eyes scattered around. She needed to destroy more. Kill more.

She wouldn't rest until her baby was home.


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