Searching - Chapter Sixteen

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The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black had ruled the Skies of the Wizarding World for centuries, striking fear into the hearts of the lower classes. Their dragons were powerful, miraculous beasts that earned them the respect of the Ministry and Dark Forces alike.

Now, sadly, only two of the creatures remained bound to them. These were the last dragons tamed in the world, no one else had worked out the magic it took to bind themselves to such un-possessable beasts.

Bellatrix scanned the ground below, like a falcon searching for prey. The wind whistled in her ears as Volaris beat his wings and carried them across the black laden sky. Even the erratic spines lining the back of his extended neck couldn't shield her face from the rain lashing against them.

The beast beneath her created a warmth in her legs, even through the saddle. If Bellatrix wasn't so distressed she might have enjoyed the sensation. She felt him rumble in the darkness as he extended his wings once again, the muddy red of his leathery wings beat against the wind and rain. The dragon's sheer size proved an asset in his battle against the elements.

How dare they; Bellatrix raged inwardly, clutching onto the pommel of her saddle ; she was mine! I had her in my clutches and they snatched her away!

Her search against the blackness of the night sky proved to be fruitless, even after days of continuous raids. She'd found nothing. The Order of the Phoenix was hiding that little brat somewhere, and when she found her oh... she'd make her sing~

She heard the channeling roar of Pyraxes the silver beast, Narcissa flew on his back a few paces behind Volaris and herself. She felt the vibrations of Volaris as he responded in kind to his kin, and changed direction at his own call.

Bellatrix wondered if the dragons had seen something they couldn't in the murky night, and her heart leapt at the possibility of revenge and the recapturing of the little thorn in her side.

They veered to the left, somewhere over Devon, England. A village had a cluster of lights that sparkled in the nearing dawn hours, the sky became tinged with purple streaks in the east. She held on tighter to the saddle as the beast dipped into a tilted dive.

Volaris tucked his wings into his sides and Bellatrix ducked down to keep the wind from tearing at her face. Her ringlets of dark curls danced behind her as the air attempted to rip her from the saddle.

Bellatrix sneered to herself at the sight of a misshapen little house, a cottage built in the shape of a tower so clumsily made it seemed as if it might blow over in the wind.

She gritted her teeth and held on tight as the dragon snapped his wings open and glided across an estuary. She relaxed as much as she could as Narcissa drew level with her on her own silver beast.

Almost as powerful a legilimens as her older sister, Narcissa engaged a conversation in their minds.

"I believe the Order uses it as a Safehouse on occasion, Sister" Bellatrix cackled out loud, although she wagered Narcissa didn't hear it over the roar of the storm around them.

The witch gazed down at the Burrow with a half sneer, she knew what kind of wretched mudbloods and the like were housed in that fly-hung cesspit. She sensed Narcissa's equal disgust and sent her an image of flames, screams and the smell of roasting flesh.

"Quite an idea, Cissy" Bellatrix giggled in their mental channels, skirting above the building as the first lights of dawn began to bloom like the fire burning in their dragon's lungs.

The beasts waited for instruction, Bellatrix heard Volaris growl lowly in the boredom of it all. She rubbed an understanding hand across his scales and felt the vibrations rumbling in his chest.

Narcissa, baring her wand, mumbled a spell under her breath that sent a silent shockwave across the marshy land below them. The magical green wave toussled the grass and went through the building, scanning every last inch of the place. Every room, hole and crevice was left open to her sight.

She found the sleeping Weasleys all huddled in shared rooms, Narcissa swept away her sneer and searched for the familiar girl her older sister so desperately wanted. Harry Potter was there, as was the mudblood Granger, but the girl was absent. She shared this fact with Bellatrix, and felt her disappointment.

Still, Bellatrix assuaged her little sister, they could take vengeance on the ones to cause her this strife. With a yelled command Volaris lurched downward with an ear-splitting roar to be quickly followed by Narcissa.

The lights of the Burrow flickered on at the noise, and Bellatrix knew she only had a few seconds before they would realise the hell reigning down upon them.

The heat raised into the dragon's maw, and flame belched onto the wooden hovel. Bellatrix cackled with glee as the roof of the Burrow was set alight, burning against the night. Narcissa reigned fire down upon the corn fields surrounding the small collection of jumbled buildings whilst her elder sister circled back to continue her spree of destruction.

The scum realised the heat wasn't that of some central-heating charm and piled out of the house in several states of dishevelment. Harry Potter stood out against the red-haired Weasleys with his black headedness, his glasses glared with the heat of the now burning place he called his home.

Volaris plunged into the building, sending scorched wood scattering across the grassy fields as his claws ripped the burning roof from the Burrow. With a deep, rumbling roar he released even more flame into the open building as he threw the roof still clasped in his talons onto the flame-broiled crop fields.

Narcissa's silver beast was vicious in his attack, even as the Order threw spells and curses in an attempt to bring the dragons down. The Blood-traitors dove out of the way as Pyraxes unleashed a torrent of flame directly in their path, although they were lucky enough to avoid it.

The Burrow fell into smoldering ruin, crackling and snapping apart as the flames licked at the tumbling walls. The Beasts roared in triumph and Bellatrix laughed alongside them, shooting curses from her saddle to help bring down the hovel..

Turning their backs on the pile of rubble, the dragons flew North-Easr towards the Malfoy home in Wiltshire for a temporary reprieve. Bellatrix grew tired, and she wanted to be at full strength to reclaim her chosen prey.


A.n I love dragons and honestly I wanted to give the Black family something more to cement their powerful reputation

Thanks for reading!

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