Ch. 4

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Niall's P.O.V.

It's been a few days and Louis was finally ungrounded, not being able to see my other half for almost a week was driving me crazy! So before anything else got done I left my house early in the morning to go visit my best friend. I walked in the house seeing Zayn and Jay sitting at the kitchen island talking, it must've been something serious cos they stopped talking when I walked in, "don't mind me; just here to see Louis" I said, "he's still asleep honey" Jay said, "thats ok! I'll wake him up!" I said taking a drink of Zayn's coffee before running upstairs and walking into Louis' room; he laid across the bed on his stomach with his sheet loosely tangled around him, his mouth a gap as cute little snores left his lips. Why did I have to fall in love with my best friend? Why can't I ever tell him how I feel..? I quietly locked the door and went to lay next him, he sleepily turned around on his back and I could see his early riser waking up before he was. I licked my lips running my hand down his chest gently; he let out a soft hum of relaxation and stretched his body still staying asleep. I attached my lips to his neck as my hand found its way into his boxers, I began pumping him kissing down his chest lovingly. "Mmm baby that feels nice" he moaned, his eyes still closed, "fuck that feels amazing.. don't stop" he panted softly, I smiled and kissed under behind his earlobe knowing thats where his sweet spot was, he let out a groan of pleasure mixed with a faint moan, "your lips feel so good on me Harry.. why don't you run those pretty lips on my balls next" he moaned, "who's Harry..?" I asked, Louis opened his eyes and sighed throwing his head back on his pillow; "fuck..! Niall what the hell are you doing!?" He groaned rubbing his face, "well I was trying to wake you up with morning sex but then you called me Harry.." I said, "so it was just a dream.." He whispered quietly to himself but I heard him loud and clear, "who's Harry?" I asked once more, "um no one.. just some guy I met a while back ago" he said, "you fucked him?" I asked sitting up looking at him, "no.. he's not the type to sleep with just anyone, he likes commitment" he said, "what's that supposed to mean?" I asked, "nothing.. Niall.. don't be mad" he whispered kissing me, "I didn't mean anything by it.. you know I love you, your my best mate" he said, that was it. Those words. 'Your My Best Mate' I sighed and nodded, I knew I would never have a chance with him he'd never wanna risk our friendship for something more; I don't know who this Harry guy is but I hope he treats Louis the way he deserves to be treated, like the king he is. I hope he can see what he has and not take him for granted. "Niall..?" Louis said softly, "huh?" I looked at him and softly smiled, no matter what Louis decides to do I'll always love him, and I'll always be there for him; he planted his lips on mine so lovingly and sweet for a second I forgot why I was bothered, "c'mon lets go get some food" he said smiling, he put some sweatpants on and I looked at him closer, those weren't his sweatpants.. like I said, only for a second did I forget why I was bothered.

Louis' P.O.V.

I went downstairs smiling not being able to get last night out of my head, I had snuck out and gone to go see Harry again, I spent the night with him, no we didn't have sex but I would stay a virgin if I could have every night with him like we did last night. We laid on his couch cuddling and watching movies, making out and well there was some SLIGHT sex kinda.. mostly blind sex.. like we had the sheet over us and we were grinding on each others naked bodies, giving hand jobs and sweet kisses, sensual touches and deep massages but we never saw what was under the sheet, he wanted to respect me but still love me the way I wanted him to. I know it sounds lame but to me it was perfect. He brought me "home" early this morning, by home I meant he dropped me off at Niall's that's where he's been taking me, I didn't want him to see my house; I guess I was too embarrassed, I mean Niall's house is a little smaller than mine but its still nicer, besides I have nosy neighbors that would've spilled to my mum that I was sneaking out and being brought home by someone driving an Audi R8. So the first the night he took me "home" I gave him Niall's address, I waited until he left; which he waited so patiently to do so until after I got inside to do; once I knew he was gone, I used my key to lock the door and began my short walk back to mine. I've been doing that for a few weeks now every time I snuck out to go see Harry but last night.. last night was special. I smiled and sighed happily kissing my mum's cheek as she handed me a plate of breakfast; "good morning mum!" I said happily sitting next to Zayn taking a drink of his juice, "someone got laid" he said, causing my mum to scold him, "its a joke!" He laughed, "I don't care!" My mum said pouring me my own orange juice handing it to me and refilling Zayn's cup, also pouring one for Niall who still had yet to come down; which shocked me cos he never missed out on meals. "You know I don't like that kind of talk at the dinner table.. or at all" she sighed, "technically we're at the breakfast island not the table.." I said slowly eating, "and yet he still doesn't deny it" Zayn said looking at me then at my mum smiling like an idiot. "Zayn!" She sighed smacking his shoulder with the folded news paper causing him to laugh, my mum was a great mum she would never hit us for real she'd just yell and ground us the most but she raised us right, well the best 2 young teenage boys can be raised, at least we respected others and had manners. She hated the topic of sex, working as a nurse she sees a lot of cases of human trafficking, rape, young unwanted pregnancies, abortions, miscarriages, and deaths caused by difficult labors, not to mention kids between mine and Zayn's ages coming in with STD's, Chlamydia, Herpes, all that shit.. young boys that get high to have sex to make a living.. thats why she hates the topic of sex, she doesn't wanna think of her own sons doing the things she has to see and treat every day, or worse think of them going to a different hospital to hide the fact that they weren't careful enough and caught something; seeing a doctor she doesn't know to treat it or hiding it and letting it get worse.. I slowly ate my breakfast and looked at her, she looked so tired and winded down, but she still managed to put a smile on her beautiful face. "Sex is a real strong subject I'm sure neither of you are ready for" she said, "its just sex.." I said shoveling a fork full of eggs in my mouth, "no its not Louis.. its a big commitment, one to which you NOR Zayn are ready for" she said looking between us, Zayn scoffed looking at his phone laughing, "why do you have to bring me into this?" He asked, "I do your dirty laundry Zayn, if theres something you don't want me to see maybe you should wash your own clothes" she said with a hint of annoyance in her voice, Zayn sat up and glared at her, I knew he wasn't gonna dare talk back to her but he so wanted to, "what's going on?" Niall asked, finally coming down and sitting next to me eating, "good you finally decided to join us" she said; "now that I have all of my boys here" she said, even though Niall wasn't hers she considered him to be like family, I don't think it was like a "son" thing but more like a son figure type thing.. I can't explain it, she took care of him when he was around, fed him, looked after him, and kept him safe, as his father was never around and his mum stood in Ireland with her new husband; to which whom Niall didn't get on with at all; my mum was the parent he desired, and needed; the parent he never had. "I wanna talk to you boys about something important" she said taking a sip of her coffee, she gave us the look that she was serious and this wasn't the time to be our usual smart asses. "I don't want any smart ass remarks from you guys; especially you Louis.. I'm being serious right now.." She said, I put my hands up in defense still eating and Zayn sat up from his leaning position on the chair putting his phone down giving our mum his full attention. "Thank you" she said softly and sighed setting a napkin down in front of us, I saw a clear bag sitting on the napkin; I reached over to pick it but Zayn smacked my hand away, making my glare at him, Niall snickered eating and turned his head to see what was on the napkin choking on his food, I patted his back handing him his orange juice, "what the hell is that!? Why is it on the table where we're eating!?" He groaned pushing his plate away, "do you know what this is?" My mum asked, I shook my head no and Zayn grimaced nodding, Niall just looked disgusted covering his mouth and nodded slowly. "Why is it in front of us?" He groaned, "and why is it used?" Zayn asked in an equally disgusted tone, "what is it?" I asked, "a condom dipshit" Zayn sighed, "Zayn!" My mum scolded again more fiercely this time, she hated us using foul language like that especially towards each other. "What!? I'm sorry but he asks the stupidest questions!" He sighed, "he's only 14.." She sighed, "Niall's 15 and he knew what the fuck a condom was!" He said; his eyes went wide when he realized what he said and quickly corrected himself; "sorry.. what the frick.. a condom was.." He corrected, my mum sighed and shook her head, "I've also been de-virginized" he said, I looked at him in shock, I mean I knew about his past obviously, but I never thought he'd tell anyone else about it. "Excuse me!?" My mum said in shock looking at him, "before I met you guys.. when I was like 13ish I was a male whore" he said clearing his throat, "sorry, um.. hooker? No..? Um escort!" He said snapping his fingers when he finally found the word he was looking for. Zayn looked at him then at my mum trying to contain his laughter by drinking his juice slowly. "Niall.." My mum breathed out softly with tears in her eyes, Niall shrugged and quickly took a long sip of his juice, I could see tears brimming his eyes; Zayn stopped his laughter and looked at Niall brokenly, my young mind didn't understand what was going on at the time, but Zayn did, he got up and hugged Niall from behind cautiously, softly rubbing his arm, whispering reassurances in his ear, Niall held his arm and turned his head into Zayn's shoulder letting a tear fall, my mum bit her lip drying a tear before it threatened to fall from her eyes as she hugged him tightly too. I've always known Niall to be so strong and fearless, seeing him break down like this scared me. I bit my lip and softly rubbed his head hugging him and Zayn; Zayn sighed softly and wrapped an arm around me pulled me into the hug, this was creepy.. Zayn was never one to show affection, especially towards me. After a while of hugging and some tear shed from Zayn and my mum she told Niall to go upstairs and she was gonna come talk to him later and he nodded leaving and she sighed drying her eyes, "Louis.. did you understand any of what just went on?" She asked, "not really.." I said, "is Niall ok..?" I asked looking at the empty doorway he just walked out of, "no.. but he'll get there eventually" Zayn muttered. My mum sighed and explained the whole meaning of the condom on the table, and what is was used for; "you obviously had no idea what I was talking about before this" she said sighing and looking at Zayn, "don't even try that with me, this shits too small for me" He said, "who else's could it be then?" she sighed drinking her coffee, I looked between them, I knew where that came from but I didn't dare tell her. I knew what a condom was, I didn't know how to use it but I seen them on the streets and in the garbage bins in the loos at school, it was mine.. I hadn't personally used it yet, I found it at school floating in the toilet, I picked it up and rinsed it off; I wanted to use it for the night I was gonna ask Harry to take my virginity. My mum always seen me as her innocent little prince, Zayn was in his rebellious stage so she was always stressing over him, and shielding me as much as possible I didn't wanna add onto her stress or be another problem for her. I was too lost in my thoughts I didn't realize how loud it got between them, "if it was mine I would've fucking fessed up!" He yelled, "watch your tone with me" she warned gently, "your accusing me of having PROTECTED SEX, yet you're yelling at me cause of my verbal choices?" He snickered, "Zayn just stop.." I mumbled looking at my mum, I could see the stress in her eyes; she was tired of fighting with him already. Zayn looked at me then at our mum and sighed getting up from the chair he was sitting on scooting it away from him "I'm not taking this shit!" He mumbled going upstairs, I heard his door slam and I flinched looking at my mum, she sighed rubbing her hair and shaking her head, Zayn came down a couple minutes later slamming a square foil packet on the table, "Trojan Magnum Raw" I read picking up the packet, my mum smacked it out of my hands glaring at Zayn, "what's your point?" She asked, "Magnum Raw! Not no cheap Durex shit!" He growled, "you think you know everything that goes on in my life? Well you fucking don't! I don't use these cheap ass condoms; and yes by the way I am having sex! But not once have I ever had sex in this house! I'm not stupid! I take my sex partners, yes PARTNERS more than one!! to motels where we could fuck all day and night not giving a shit who fucking hears us! But at least I have the mother fucking balls to confess it!" He said throwing my phone on the table with it open to the picture Niall sent to Harry of me. "I'm sorry to say mummy dearest but it looks like you got the wrong son on this one.. your little prissy prince ain't so innocent after all.. for all you know this could be his.." he said pointing to the used condom, "you say you know everything that goes on in this house.. you don't know shit!" He spat trying to contain his uneven breaths; my mum didn't say a word to him, I bit my lip as the silence became thicker than the air around me, I tried to get up out of my seat slowly trying not to make the situation worse. I got off my seat when I heard a loud slap, I turned to look at Zayn; his face was facing the ground as he gripped the table tightly trying to control his balance, his lip was bleeding a little; I jumped back a tad looking between him and my mum wide eyed, "Louis go to your room.." My mum growled tensely, "um.. actually can I go to Niall's?" I asked softly; Zayn licked his lip cupping his cheek glaring her down, "get the hell outta here" he hissed not removing his gaze from her, my mum stood quiet with tears in her eyes, I could tell they were both beyond pissed off; I ran upstairs and grabbed Niall by the arm and pulled him with me running outside before the fighting started again, "where are we going?" He mumbled stumbling to follow me, I had tears in my eyes; I was scared. I couldn't tell you of what there was just so many things going on in my head. We finally made it to Niall's and I texted Harry from Niall's phone since I left mine on the table in the kitchen too scared to grab it from between Zayn and my mum. "Harry.. its Louis.. I'm texting you from my mates phone I left mine at home" I said and sighed rubbing my head freaking out trying to figure out how to tell him, I figured telling him in person would better,

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