Ch. 28

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Louis P.O.V.

"I can't believe we're actually engaged!" I said smiling setting the last box down; it's been almost 2 months since graduation and I decided to move into Harry's house with him, it was hard leaving my mum behind but she reassured me she was gonna be fine, she said since I was leaving she was gonna use her super nurse mom powers and travel to Ghana to help sick children out there. I was proud of her and happy for her, I was sure to give her one huge hug and a million kisses telling her how much I was gonna miss her and I was gonna write to her and text her every day; she told me she wasn't leaving until the end of summer cause Niall wouldn't be gone til then; which made sense, I guess not ALL her 'eggs were ready to leave the nest' yet. I promised her I was gonna be here everyday to visit her; she laughed and kissed my cheek sending me off with Harry; we moved all my stuff from my mums to Harry's place and we were now unpacking boxes. "Where do you want this box Louis?" Zayn asked holding up a box of my clothes, "um those 2 boxes can go in Harry's room" I said, "and these?" Liam asked holding a box labeled books, "you can put those in my office" Harry said smiling and kissing my cheek taking another one of the boxes, I smiled and kissed him deeply hugging him, "I can't believe this is real" I said, "I can't believe you were stupid enough to say yes" he said laughing, "stupid is what stupid does" I said smiling and kissing him some more, "are you calling me stupid?" He asked smirking, "I don't know.. you gonna punish me for it?" I smirked walking slowly backwards to the stairs smirking, "you better run" he growled playfully making me laugh and run half way up the stairs before he caught me and knocked me down, both of us were laughing as he sat on the steps and threw me over his lap "ooh kinky" I laughed causing him to hit my bum repeatedly making me laugh harder, "ooh baby! Spank me harder I've been a very very naughty boy" I laughed pretending to moan, "what the hell is going on down there!?" Liam called out from somewhere upstairs, "are you two seriously fucking on the stairs!? Harry you got mad at me and Liam for doing that!" Zayn called out making me bellow in even more laughter. "We're not doing anything sexual!" Harry yelled laughing, "spank me daddy!" I moaned causing Harry to actually smack my bum hard laughing, "ow fuck!" I hissed trying to contain my laughter. "Are you done?" He asked, "maybe" I smirked, "until tonight anyway" I whispered licking the corner of his mouth and went into what was now OUR room to put my stuff away. I was putting my shirts into my dresser drawers that Harry made room for me in and went downstairs to ask him if he seen my toiletry stuff when I heard him on the phone.

"He's a child Harry.." I heard Nick say on the other line, "he's gonna be 18 in a few months" Harry said, were they talking about me? "Exactly, he's GONNA be 18 meaning his NOT he's barely 17" Nick said, "your point?" Harry sighed "he's still a baby.. look you're a smart young lad don't get yourself in this mess" Nick sighed, "we're engaged Nick, theres no-" Harry started but was cut off by Nick rudely mocking him, Harry sighed and pouring himself a drink of whiskey and sipped it slowly, "think of the kid Harry.. you could be doing him the biggest favor by backing out now" Nick said over the phone; thats when I made my presence known acting like I didn't hear anything coming in with a forced smile on my lips. "Hey babe have you seen my-oh sorry I didn't know you were on the phone" I said whispering the last part and pouring myself some juice. "Its fine babe, it's only Nick" Harry whispered covering the phone and kissed me softly, "what did you need?" He asked, "um nothing, found it" I said grabbing the box from the living room and going upstairs, I wasn't sure what the conversation was about but for some reason I just felt like leaving the rest of my stuff in boxes. I laid on the bed playing with my ring thinking about the conversation between Nick and Harry, they were obviously talking about me.. Nick said I was still a baby which I guess to someone as old as he is that would be so.. but then he told Harry he'd be doing me a favor by backing out now.. out of what? Our engagement? Why was Nick's opinion about us matter? I sighed and closed my eyes, I'm finally at my happiest and I'm already dreading everything. Why did Harry decide to wanna marry me? Did I pressure him into it somehow? I sighed and sat up knowing the only way I was gonna get my answers was by asking him. I walked downstairs and looked around for him, I couldn't find him anywhere, then something flashing caught my attention from behind me, I turned and seen a door I had never seen here before; it was a door under the staircase, I read the little sign next to it; When Red Light Is ON; DO NOT Disturb. Recording In Progress. I sighed and stood by the door waiting for the light to shut off, when it finally did I walked in and was met with smoke causing me to choke and cough; "Louis?" I heard a voice call out, "H-Har-" was all I could say, "did I walk into the studio of Willie Nelson and Snoop Dogg?" I asked laughing swishing the smoke out of my face, Zayn gave a sarcastic annoyed laugh and Harry smiled; "whats up babe?" He asked, "can I talk to you for a minute?" I asked, I wanted to wait until he was done but I knew from his previous texts that he would be in the studio for HOURS before he was finally texting me back, but that was the studio at his record label, I didn't know he created his own little studio in his house, "I'll get us a drink" Zayn said scooting out of the chair, Harry nodded and sat down pulling me over his lap and smiled kissing me, "whats up Boo?" He asked, "um first.. where did THIS come from?" I asked, "oh.. I had it built in a little after the brits.. well I had the walls knocked down so I could create my own little studio for the days when I wanna just record on my own, ya know? Then I take what I have to Jeff, my new manager and we decide if its a keeper or not" he said smiling, "wow.. this is incredible" I said looking at all the equipment he had in here, it wasn't too expensive but it was nice. "You didn't come down to see my studio; did you?" He asked, "um not exactly.. I wanted to talk to you.." I said turning on the little Do Not Disturb light. "Louis.." Harry said slowly looking at me concerned, "I love you Harry, I love you more than anything! I just want you to be happy.. I would give ANYTHING just to make you happy.." I said, "I know.. and I love you too; but your kinda scaring me right now" he said holding me, I bit my lip as my eyes filled with tears taking off my ring, "I think we're great together but maybe we're just too young to be thinking of marriage right now.." I said holding the ring out to him, he scoffed licking his lips and blinked at me, "please tell me your fucking kidding me right now.." He whispered, I looked away from him blinking away the tears in my eyes trying to get up off him but he held me in my place. "Louis tell me this is a fucking joke.." He said more sternly now, "its not.. Please Harry I love you but-" "but what!? You keep saying you fucking love me and I'm trying to show you I love you too and your turning down my fucking proposal to be mine forever!? What kind of shit is that!?" He yelled, "I JUST DON'T WANNA BE HOLDING YOU BACK!" I yelled back getting up and taking a few steps back from him, "Holding me back FROM WHAT!?" He yelled, "EVERYTHING! You're only 22, your just starting out in your music career; I'm not even a legal adult yet! Theres so much you could loose cos of me and I don't wanna feel responsible for it" I said blabbering, Harry sighed and sat back on the chair rubbing his face looking at the ring, "so this is it..? We've been engaged for 2 months and you wanna call it quits? All for something stupid as a music career?" He spat menacingly. "Your music isn't stupid.." I said slowly staring at the carpet on the floor. "It is stupid, it's stupid cos without you there IS NO music!" He spat throwing some papers in the air letting the sheet music fly everywhere, I saw several songs that were ideas of mine, or songs that he wrote for me or about me; another tear made its way down my cheek and I sighed picking the papers up looking at one of the songs biting my lip, Harry sighed and closed his eyes, "maybe this is for the best.." He whispered, "maybe.. maybe loosing me will make your decision to go to New York easier.." He said causing me to look up at him, "what did you say..?" I asked, "I know about Juilliard" he sighed leaning back in his chair, "what I don't know is why you didn't tell me" he said finally looking at me, the hurt in his eyes matched the hurt in my chest when he said breaking it off was best. "I didn't tell you cos.." I sighed, "I didn't want this to happen.." I whispered, "I didn't wanna feel like I had to choose between you and my dream school.. when you proposed to me its like nothing else mattered, school didn't matter, Niall didn't matter, Zayn, my mum.. none of it.." I whispered, "its like it was just us two against the world and for once everything felt right.." I sighed softly, "let me ask you something.." He said looking at the ring in his hand, "do you love me?" He asked, "thats the stupidest question ever; of course I do" I said, "do you know how I feel about you?" he asked, "I was kinda hoping the same.." I said softly; he nodded and sighed, "then what made you think you had to choose between me and Juilliard?" He asked, I bit my lip and shrugged, "I heard you talking to Nick and-" I stopped talking when he put his hand up and chuckled shaking his head, "never mind.. forget I asked; of course it has to be Nick.. Louis.. whatever you THOUGHT you heard wasn't what you think.." He said, "but he said that you would be doing me a favor by backing out now; you were talking about me cause you said I was ONLY 17.. what else could you have been talking about if he wasn't trying to convince you to call off the engagement?" I asked, "this.." He said holding up my acceptance letter, "I was asking if I should confront you about it or just let you miss out on this great opportunity" he said, "so Nick was-" "telling me not to pressure you, when he told me to do you the favor and back out now he was telling me to just let you be, he said your only 17 you have a lot of time ahead of you to decide what you want, I told him this was a huge opportunity I wouldn't want you to miss but I knew you tried hiding this from me for a reason, I felt responsible for you throwing your life away.. this isn't what I want for you.. yes I wanna marry you still; if its still something you want.." He said holding my hands, "yes yes more than anything!" I whispered with tears, he held the ring in his hand and looked at me, "then we'll have the wedding, but on one condition" he said, "yes I promise not to be a total twat" I said, Harry laughed shaking his head, "you'll always be a twat" he mumbled, "oh piss off" I laughed, "whats your condition then?" I sighed, "I'll give you back your ring.. but you have to promise me you'll go to Juilliard" he said; I smiled with tears in my eyes and nodded. "I promise" I whispered; he slipped the ring back on my finger and kissed me deeply and I knew right then and there NOTHING else mattered but THIS MOMENT right here right now. I found my ETERNITY, my WORLD, my SOUL MATE. My Harry.

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