Ch. 16

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Liam's P.O.V.

Its been a few days since I got to see Zayn again, my brother was taking care of his sick mate and in turn got sick himself so he's been home a lot. I smiled when I seen Zayn's car pull up but that faltered when I seen Louis and Niall getting out with him, but I waved them over non the less and kissed Zayn softly quickly when Louis had his back turned, "what was that?" Zayn asked laughing and cupping my face kissing me deeply. I quickly pulled away when Louis tugged on Zayn's shirt asking for the money so he and Niall can get a coffee and a sweet; Zayn gave him some money and they ran to the counter and I looked at him, "are you nuts?" I whisper-yelled, "what? He won't tell anyone I promise" he said, "in fact we made a deal" he said, "whats that?" I asked sipping my coffee handing Zayn his, "anytime I wanna come see you, I tell my mum I'm going somewhere I know Louis would wanna go, arcade, theme park, skate park, etc.. he 'over hears' me and pipes up that he wants to go too, my mum agrees to let me go if I take him.. we both get out of the house, I get to see you he goes off and doesn't bother me.. its a win win" he said smiling. I nodded and sipped my coffee; since the arrest Jay and Harry forbid me and Zayn to see each other, to Jay I was the bad influence on Zayn and to Harry Zayn was the bad influence on me; reality we were both to blame; but we're not allowed to see each other so we've been sneaking around. Zayn and I were sitting in the booth kissing when Niall and Louis sat down on the opposite side and smiled offering some of their sweet to us, I smiled and shook head politely and Zayn took a piece of the sweet bread and ate it asking the two boys where they wanted to go, "can we go to the theme park?" Louis asked, Zayn looked at his wallet and nodded, "yeah mum gave us enough money for that" he said, "feel like going on rides babe?" Zayn asked, "at the park, not in my brothers car" Louis added causing Zayn to laugh at him pushing him playfully. I nodded and looked at them as they playfully shoved each other out the door, "hey can I drive!?" Louis asked, "as if!" Zayn laughed, "what? I'm almost old enough to get my permit!" He said, "not for another few months" Zayn said, "well how can I get it if I don't practice?" He whined, "fine.." Zayn sighed tossing him the keys, "whats going on here?" I asked, "what do you mean?" He asked, "your being nice to your brother.." I said looking at him weirdly, "yeah.. well since the day we found out about the shooting at the hospital, something just kinda hit us, we take every day for granted.. we don't know what days gonna be our last and we shouldn't use it being mad about stupid things.." He said, I nodded knowing where he was coming from and he bit his lip; "but you know that.. sorry" he whispered, "its fine, um if you're gonna teach Louis to drive I'll follow behind you and meet you at the park?" I asked, "I can take Niall with me so your not all scrunched up in there, Louis' gonna need some room to turn the wheel" I said laughing, he nodded and smiled kissing my cheek telling Niall to go with me, "c'mon Nialler, we're gonna follow behind them" I said, he smiled and got in, "Louis lucky he has Zayn to teach him to drive, I learned highjacking my dad's car when he was asleep, I already have my permit" he said smiling, "you wanna drive then?" I asked, "wait.. really?" He asked hopeful, "yeah.. I'm kinda tired I've been driving all day besides I kinda wanna finish my coffee and croissant" I said he nodded and took the keys from me getting in the drivers seat, "just please don't crash my car" I said laughing; he nodded and started the car pulling up beside Zayn and Louis "see ya there bitches!" He yelled sticking his tongue out and pulling out of the parking lot causing Louis to pull up right behind him, I laughed and shook my head drinking my coffee enjoying the ride. "So you and Zayn are getting pretty serious huh?" He asked checking that the boys were still behind us, "yeah.. but we're forbidden to see each other so it kinda makes things hard for us, but I love him.. and I don't wanna loose him" I said softly, "thats sweet.. kinda like Romeo and Julio" he said smiling, "I think you mean Juliet.." I said, "I mean if you wanna consider yourself a girl.." He said laughing, I looked at him and he smiled, "I put you as Juliette cause well you strike me as the rich kid type" he said, "I'm not rich" I said, "hmm.. nice car" he said, giving me a look before turning his gaze back to the road, "Zayn drives a Bentley and he's not rich.." I said, "no but Zayn got his Bentley used and he saved up for it for 4 years" he added, "too shay.. but I'm not rich, this was my dads car" I said, "he always kept his cars in great shape.." I said, "oh; where is your dad anyway? Is he the one not allowing you to see Zayn?" He asked, "um not exactly.. my dad uh.. he and my mum died in a plane crash.." I said, "shit.. I'm sorry" Niall said biting his lip, "its ok.. it was a long time ago" I said, "how long?" He asked, "7 years ago.." I whispered, "I'm sorry" he whispered. I bit my lip in silence thinking about the night my parents left, I was only 11, Harry was 13; we were getting ready to watch a movie when the phone rang, Harry answered it and his face fell before he dropped the phone; he changed the channel on the telly to the news and there we saw a live reporter going on about a plane crash. The world felt like it stopped around me, I wasn't sure how long it was afterwards but a knock came at the door, it was the cops. They talked to Harry asking him questions, my mind was still lost in the news by the time I came through I was being led to the cop car, Harry crying and fighting to reach me, they split us up for a few years; when Harry turned 16 he stayed with a friend of his, the friend got him a job and helped him get his own apartment so by his 16th birthday Harry was able to take legal custody over me. It was rollercoaster ride but as I got older things Harry was doing to keep me safe started making sense to me so I did what I could to help my brother help keep us together.

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