Ch. 8

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Harry's P.O.V.

"Hello all you Gremlins! Nick Grimshaw here with yet another fantabulous super star! He's young! He's gorgeous! He's Harry Mother-fucking Styles! Say hello Harry" my mate Nick said smiling, I chuckled shaking my head amazed at how he runs his radio show but not that surprised having known him since I was 16. "Hello Nick, you're alright?" I asked, "Better than ever! You know why?" He asked smiling, "I'm not sure you can mention that on the radio Nick" I said laughing drinking my water, "True. Very true, but thats not it! I'm in a good mood cause I have the one and only Harry Freakin Styles in my studio! Sitting in my chair! Drinking my water! Tell me something kid, how's it feel to be the king of the world?" He asked, "I'm not quite sure but I'll let you know when I've gotten there" I said, "oh your just being modest!" He said scoffing, "but truthfully tell me how's the modeling thing going?" He asked, "its really good; we're working on something pretty exciting" I said smiling, "oooh intriguing! Can we know what that something pretty exciting is?" He asked winking, "unfortunately no, but even more unfortunate you already know what that something is and you can't keep a secret" I said smirking, "Oh Hazza boy! You know me too well!" He said smiling, "alright my little Gremlins! Grab a hold to your hearts cause its about to explode! This secret project Harry and his team of models have been keeping hush hush about is actually pretty sweet. For one night only! If you don't have any plans for the weekend get dressed up anyway and head on over to The Make A Wish Foundation and show your love and support for those little angels that are fighting every day for another breath; and to meet the fabulous host himself! Harry Styles who will be-for charity of course.. auctioning himself off as a date for the highest bidder! For one night only YOU could be the love of Harry's life! Doesn't matter who or what you are, our lovely Hazza boy here doesn't mind, do you H?" He said smiling at me making me choke on my water, I didn't think he would give that much information out.. Actually its Nick, I totally should have seen that coming.. "Um no I don't mind; after all its for charity" I said laughing, "speaking of sexuality! What's yours? I mean if I didn't know you personally I would've assumed you were as straight as the pole you danced on" he said making jokes, he knew I wasn't straight, "Actually the pole I dance on is flexible, it sometimes folds into a smaller pole for a bit more excitement" I said laughing, "woah easy H! We have innocents here!" He said joking yet again, causing us both to laugh. Nothing was innocent about Nick Grimshaw's podcasts, thats why you had to be at least 16 or older to listen, before every podcasts he gives warnings of the content you might endure listening in. "For those of you just tuning in we have Harry Styles here with us today! We were just talking about his charity event for Make A Wish! Tell us about it Harry!" He said, "well.. the charity is gonna take place at the Make A Wish Foundation, every little bit of a donation helps, even if you can't donate just being there and hearing these kids stories and talking to them letting them see your with them in this fight too; that they aren't fighting alone is enough.. there will be tons of food, games, photo booths, face paints, and we'll have some of our best models there; myself included, hanging out with the kids, signing autographs, playing games, and taking pictures. Then at the end of the night one lucky boy or girl will have a chance to go out on a special date with our models, every little bit of money we earn that night is gonna go to the Make A Wish Foundation and give these kids hope of another day." I said smiling, "Wow! That was beautiful!" Nick said slowly clapping, "but I gotta ask for the listeners.. are there limitations on these date?" He asked, "I knew you would turn this sexual, and I'm sorry to any of the older audience listening and thinking about attending but yes there are limitations to the date not only for our models protection but for yours.. there will be no sex for obvious reasons, and no nudity.. This is a Children's charity event after all. But anything else is ok" I said, "thats kinda funny coming from a porn star" he said laughing, I rolled my eyes "its not porn.. we're a fashion company" I said, "I wasn't talking about the company mate" he said smirking, oh no here we go.. "Last week I went to go visit our lovely lad here in London, and you won't believe what I saw when I walked into his house! I saw a cute young lad a bit younger than himself hugging Harry like he hadn't seen him in weeks! Then the words "I love you Harry" were slipped out of his mouth.. Is our young Harold Styles off the market..?" He asked, I sighed and looked at Nick shaking my head, I wished he didn't go this far.

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