Ch. 13

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Harry's P.O.V.

I got home around 8:30 AM. I strolled into the driveway holding my spinning throbbing head, I seen a black Bentley parked in the driveway and sighed; "Liam must've gotten pissed at me for leaving again and gotten a new car" I sighed thinking to myself; he did that often, when I had to go somewhere or I broke a promise to him, instead of yelling and acting out; he bought something. Which I didn't mind cause it was rare that he spend an insane amount of money on something he didn't need. I figured this was just cause he was pissed off at me so I shrugged it off and went inside, I went to go tell him I was home but I walked into a very awkward situation. When I walked in I found my 17 year old brother laying on a mattress that was on top of pallets on the floor; a guy who I'm guessing was Zayn..? I didn't get too good a look at him but I'm pretty sure thats who it was considering they were dating.. On top of my brother both naked with a sheet wrapped around Zayn's lower half covering Liam's lower half. To say I was fuming was an understatement. I had barely seen Zayn's eye open slightly to see who had entered the room before I was bellowing out a loud yell of my brothers name, both boys shot up immediately and looked at me. "Harry.. when did you get here?" Liam gasped out in surprise; "you know this guy babe?" Zayn asked holding the sheet around him standing next to Liam working his way in front of him protectively. "I'm his brother" I said, "your his brother?" He asked in shock; "mhm.. and I'm gonna be the reason you will never see him again" I said, "you can't do this!" Zayn said taking a step forward towards me; Liam put a hand on the young boys chest to prevent him from coming any closer. "I can do whatever the hell I please he's my brother! If I don't want him seeing some juvenile delinquent twat he won't be" I said now getting face to face with the young boy. Had it been any other day before the arrest I wouldn't have cared that Zayn was here.. or that he was dating my little brother.. but the fact that ZAYN is the reason Liam's gotten arrested, started smoking pot, lying to me, and sneaking out; thats not someone I'd want my little brother associating with. "Both of you get dressed.. I'm gonna shower and when I get out Zayn you better be gone and Liam you better be here. If neither happen in the next 2 minutes I'm calling the cops" I said walking away.

Zayn's P.O.V.

I scoffed at Harry as he left Liam's room. I had no idea Liam's brother was THE Harry Styles. Liam's last name is Payne so I was curious how that was; maybe they were half brothers like Louis and I? He sighed getting dressed handing me my clothes. "I'm sorry about this.." He whispered, "he can't do this" I said getting dressed; "he can unfortunately.. He's my legal guardian" he said, "you never told me you were related to Harry Styles.." I said, "I know.. I didn't say anything cause when we first met we clicked instantly, and I really liked you and I wanted you to like me too but not because of who my brother was; thats why he went by our dad's last name and I took our mothers maiden name; so I could have a normal life.." He explained, I nodded and sighed, "I won't let him get away with this.. I'll fight for us" I promised causing a tear to fall from Liam's eyes. "I'll figure something out; nothing can separate the two of us" I said kissing him deeply. We heard the shower shutting off and he begged me to leave before Harry caught us. I sighed and left with half a heart but hope that I will see my love again.

I had gotten home a few hours after leaving Liam's place; I had to stop and relieve my anger before I did something reckless. Once I got home I was immediately attacked by 4 pairs of arms wrapping around me, I looked down to see Louis and Niall hugging me tightly. "Whats going on?" I asked, "theres an active shooter at the hospital.. we don't know the full details but two brothers were brought in under serious conditions and the older one is holding all the hospital staff hostage he said no one leaves until his brother's heart is beating again but the doctors said there wasn't much they could do for him.. he's lost too much blood; the guy didn't like that so he began shooting" Niall said with a shaky tone, "and we can't get a hold of mum.." Louis added with tears, "what the fuck!? Why didn't you guys call me!?" I asked pulling out my phone trying my mum's cell. No answer. "Shit!" I mumbled trying again, Niall was doing his best to comfort Louis and I sighed trying again, it went straight to voice mail. "Dammit!" I yelled grabbing my keys, "you two stay here!" I said, "I'm going!" Louis called out, "the hell you are!" I said shoving him back to Niall, "she's my mother too!" He cried, "I'm worried enough about her I don't wanna have to worry about you too!" I yelled with tears in my eyes, "just stay here.. I'll keep you updated" I said, "Zayn the whole road is blocked off, they aren't letting anyone in" Niall said, "I'll find a way" I said turning back around to walk out the door, I bumped into my mum and sighed hugging her tightly; Louis and Niall ran over and hugged her too all of us crying tears of relief that she was ok. "Whats with all the love?" She chuckled lightly, "we heard the news" Niall said with tears, "about the shooting at the hospital" Louis added, "the what?" She asked confused, "weren't you at the hospital?" I asked, "no.. I had the day off to set up for the charity event tonight.. whats going on?" I sighed and hugged her tighter, thank god for this charity thing! As a promise of gratitude for letting my mother be else where during this horrid event I vowed to go to this charity showing and make a proper donation. Its not like I don't like helping kids its just being the sons of one of the well respected favorited nurses at the hospital we tend to have to go to a lot of these types of things, and one after another they just kinda all seem the same. It gets old fast; so I never stay longer than 2 hours if I can help it.I usually leave before the actually charity thing starts; but as a promise of my gratitude I'm gonna make a huge donation to the hospital. I know my mum's gonna kill me when she finds out what I'm gonna do but at least she's here with us now.

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