Ch. 20

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Harry's P.O.V.

It's been a few months since I last saw Louis, I was traveling around America doing photoshoots and interviews when I got a call from Nick. "Styles" I said fixing my hair before heading off to the airport after making sure I had everything, I was coming home to surprise my Boobear and Liam. "Something you wanna share with me mate?" Nick asked on the other line, "who's this?" I asked, "don't play with me H. I got a picture sent to me today and I want.. no I NEED to know.. is it real?" He asked, "Nick?" I asked, "GODDAMMIT HARRY!" He cursed, "sorry I didn't get no snide comment from you like usual. Whats up?" I asked, "I got a picture sent to me yesterday and I need to know if its real.. I know you're a very private person and you wouldn't do anything to jeopardize your career.. the picture is of you and another lad.. by the looks of his body he looks a little younger than you.. I could be wrong but it looks similar to the first pic I got sent a few months ago. You two are completely naked and your naked bits are touching each others while you two stand chest to chest in a tight hold" he said, I knew what picture he was talking about. Louis thought it would be fun to do our own 'photoshoot' I tried to talk him out of it but he kept pestering that I was gonna be gone for months on end and he needed SOMETHING to keep him sane and happy. I just wanted him to be happy so I gave him his little photoshoot. "Where did you get the picture from?" I asked, "anonymous" he said, "Nick I'm not in a mood right now please.. those pictures were personal" I said, "I'm not being a dick Harry, I don't know who sent them to me, they were printed, laminated, in a manilla folder at my desk here at BBC1 Radio when I got here" he said, "Fuck!" I groaned, my only thought was Louis lost his phone and someone found it and recognized me somehow and sold the pics to Nick. "Whats going on H?" Nick asked, "I'll call you when I get back into town.. I'm catching a plane right now give me a few hours" I said boarding on the plane shutting my phone off. Once I landed back in London I took the AEC Routemaster to the closest stop it could get me to Louis' school and walked the short distance there. I seen Louis' van in the parking lot and decided to wait by it until he came out; the bell had rung and I heard a bunch of students running out and chatting to their friends, I heard a particular Doncaster accent that caught my attention; I whistled loudly getting his attention, he stopped in his tracks and dropped his bag and came running into my arms. I smiled and engulfed him into a tight hug and turned us around so he was pressed against the van and pecking his lips softly. "Fuck I missed you" I said smiling, "I missed you more" he said kissing me again. "I doubt that" I said smiling setting him down when I heard an Irish accent behind us, "you two dolts wanna get caught?" He laughed, "maybe" Louis said nonchalantly; I smiled and took his keys from him giving them to Niall and opening the back throwing Louis in and crawling in with him engulfing him in long over due kisses, Niall looked at us from the review mirror and laughed, "keep your clothes on you two" he laughed starting the car, "no promises!" Louis said wrapping his legs around my waist, "seriously.. no promises" he whispered kissing my neck moving his hands down my pants, I laughed and stopped him before he got too far and laid next to him smiling, "easy Boo.. I need to talk to you about something real quick" I said, "whats more important than sex?" He asked, "did you send the pictures we took at the cabins to anyone?" I asked, "are you seriously asking me this?" He sighed, "somehow Nick got one of the pictures and he's been attacking me with questions about it since I landed" I said, "I sent the picture to Nick Grimshaw" he said, "why would you do that?" I asked, "I told you I'm tired of hiding" he sighed, "but sending them to Nick fucking Grimshaw!? Louis do you not understand how bad this is!?" I asked, "Nick can get the story out there the quickest, and he's your friend.. he won't make this into a big mess.." He said, "you don't know that fucker as well as you think.. he'll risk ANYTHING for a good story.. no matter the celebrity" I sighed rubbing my face, "I'm sorry Harry.. I just.." He sighed biting his lip. I felt bad for telling him off and I tried to coax the situation by kissing him softly. "Niall drive me to BBC Radio please.." I said, he nodded and made a turn driving in the opposite direction. Hopefully I can fix this before it's too late.

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