4 - Music

308 13 16

This chapter is brought to you by: @Alextheplush !!!

Also quick A/N, I may or may not have made this chapter approx. 2000 words long. Mb, I got excited writing this. 

Deciding a smaller item would suit your fancy, you pick a size 3.5 mm hook. Not only was it the second smallest hook size, but judging by how different it was from the others with a handle for ergonomic support, it seemed to be one of Ragatha's favorites. She might have the most experience with this one.

As you pick it out and hand it to her, she wraps her fingers around its yellow grip. Twiddling it around her fingers with elegance and precision, she eagerly exclaims, "Oh I love this one! It's such an excellent choice, Y/N! This is the one I use to make all my stuffed animals!" Ragatha's smile sure was contagious, because before you knew it you felt the same expression spread across your face too. 

Almost instantly, you saw her eyes light up. But that wasn't the weird part about the interaction that took place before she ran over to her shelves filled with endless colors of yarn. No, perhaps it was the fact that as the idea popped into her head, a little 3D gif of a lightbulb appeared above her head, disappearing just as quickly. 

"Is that normal?" you find yourself asking without thinking. Of course it was probably normal, you were basically in a child's TV program after all. 

"Hm?" Ragatha questioned back, not giving you her full attention as she rummaged through her vast yarn collection. 

"The... the lightbulb?" 

"Oh!" she began to laugh it off, "Yup! Guess that's just another part of being here. Almost everything is very cartoonified. As you've most likely already noticed." Whilst Ragatha was still rummaging through her yarn collection during her little clarification on the cartoony aspect of your new home, you were caught off guard by a spool of yarn hitting your face. Looks like Ragatha didn't need this color, so what harm could it cause to look at it?

As you admire it in your hands, the overly soft texture of the yarn catches your attention, along with its cotton candy pink color and the strands of glitter intertwined with it. You had no knowledge of your past life, but you were almost certain you'd never seen something quite like this before. You wonder what could be made with it. 

Ragatha, finally finished with finding her wide array of yarn colors she'd use for this "surprise project," turned around and faced you holding the ball of yarn. Not noticing her approach, she startles you when she grabs the tail end of the yarn and pulls some weird circle object with grooves in it out of one of her dress pockets. As she slides the circle object through the tail end of the yarn, it cuts it. You assume there must have been a blade inside.

Noticing your confusion, she helps explain it to you, "Oh, this is a yarn cutter! I observed you eyeing it. It's very easy to carry around, so I usually have it in my pocket if anyone needs me to cut something tiny and thin, like string!" While talking, she walked up behind you and pulled your H/L (hair length) hair behind your head, and used the piece of yarn she cut off to tie it up with a neat little bow. 

(Alternate, if Y/N doesn't have hair or their hair is too short, Ragatha will tie the piece of yarn around your wrist as a little friendship bracelet. If this scene is brought up later in the story, it will be referred to as a hair tie, but if Y/N used it as a bracelet instead you can pretend the context is talking about it as a wrist accessory.)

"Aww, it looks so good! What do you think, Y/N?" the friendly rag doll questioned. You couldn't help but let a grin of pure admiration take place of your previous fascination of this pink yarn. You had only just met Ragatha, but she was already so observant of you and your likes. Not to mention, she was so friendly and didn't get mad in the slightest even though you now realize you should've asked first.

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