13 - Capabilities

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This chapter is brought to you by: wheelofnames.com and an unmotivated HOAA !!!

Song that matches this chapter: Ancient Dreams in a Modern Land by MARINA

"That's a good question Raggy. I'll come with you guys," you responded, already being fueled by the sweet feeling of revenge. You could practically already see the regret upon his face as he's dragged away to who knows where. Maybe he'll even have a public execution! Of course that's not something you should be looking forward to, but unfortunately your self preservation translated all adrenaline, anxiety, and grief into uncontrollable anger and the need for vengeance. 

Pomni continued, "Then what the hell are we waiting for? We need to find Jax and Caine!" Ragatha grasped onto your hand tightly and pulled you out of bed and onto your feet. It was very hard to stand steadily, and you swayed slightly as you tried to regain your balance. 

"It'll take you a bit to readjust to walking, but it shouldn't take long. Probably a minute or two at most," Ragatha informed as she tightened her grip around you to keep you stable. 

"Thanks guys. I had no idea y'all would be so supportive about this!" you said gratefully.

"You say that like we'd let him get away with this. Just because our real forms are all technically anonymous doesn't mean we don't have a strong sense of morals and are incapable of justice!" Ragatha tells you.

Together the three of you walked outside the door and towards the main circus area. You dreaded bumping into Jax before you'd encountered Caine, though you knew there was nothing he could do. If he could barely fight you, there's no way he could also take on both Ragatha and Pomni at the same time. His strength was a facade that could be seen past if you tried hard enough. 

Approaching the main stage, you took your left arm back from around Ragatha's shoulders, trusting your judgement that you wouldn't need her as a brace to keep you stable anymore. 

"How did you get Caine's attention earlier? When you gave me medicine, I mean?" you question the rag doll. 

"Uhm, we don't really have a way of getting Caine's attention here. He's like a neglectful parent: you gotta hope he's in a good mood and he's not busy doing something," Ragatha responded.

"God that was depressing!" Pomni remarked. "Was that analogy really necessary?"

Ragatha glanced at her from the side of her eye with an awkward smile resting upon her face, and proceeded to ignore Pomni's statement. "Caineeeeeeee, are you available currently?"

The two of you stared at her, deciding to follow her lead. You all called for Caine in unison and from the outside you guys probably looked hella stupid, but that was for future you to worry about. You had bigger problems right now.

"HELLO!" his voice boomed as he appeared directly in front of you. With a startled yelp, you jumped backwards while struggling to find your footing. 

"Are you going to do that every time we interact?" you ask him sarcastically.

"How can I help my players?" he asked, your question falling to deaf ears. 

With an eye roll, you replied, "We have some tea. Involving one of our fellow members." 

"I am an AI. I cannot drink tea!"

"God you're stupid. WE HAVE NEWS CAINE!" 

"Well why didn't you say so?!" His eyes popped out of his... head? and his tongue rolled out of his mouth. All three of you stared at him completely unamused, with a sort of disdain upon your faces. Caine, being the unadvanced and unaware technology he is, didn't catch upon how his idiocy irked you. 

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