23 - The Unknown

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A/N: hi. don't look too closely into the book gangle is reading. the things I draw for y'all and this story istg-

You thought to yourself, "You only live once" before you shut your eyes and began to let the tugging sensation pull you into the depths of your mind. 


"Aagh!" you shouted, startled out of your almost meditative state. 

"Y/N!" the masculine voice shouted again. 

"Caine, what do you need? Shouldn't you be supervising the adventure?" you questioned him.

"Nonsense! The most interesting stuff happens when there is no mediator!" No wonder you had been thrown in a jail cell and been allowed to commit murder. Not like it mattered much though; Caine had reset the adventure AND Gummigoo's code, meaning he was unfortunately still alive. Oh well, at least Ragatha had a head start on who the adventure's antagonist was, as well as other necessary information about the misogy- shit, what do you use to describe him now that he's no longer a dick?

"Why are you here?" you asked again.

"Look at this cool bee I drew!" Caine exclaimed, holding up a crude drawing of what you assumed was supposed to be a bumblebee. Like you were one to judge though, at least not after the scribble of Pomni you made on your second day. 

"It's- uh- very nice Caine. Why don't you go show Zooble? I bet they'd be VERY interested in that."

"Sweet bejeezus, you're RIGHT! I'LL BE BACK LATER AS I HAVE NOTHING BETTER TO DO!" Caine had a habit of appearing and disappearing randomly. Usually for comedic effect, there would also be a cloud of dust following behind. This time was no exception. After the white particles had settled, you sat down on the floor and closed your eyes once again. The presence was weaker this time. If you didn't hurry, it would be gone. 

The best way to describe the tugging sensation that pulled you deeper and deeper into your mind was like a rope around your waist. Imagine standing in pitch darkness before someone tugs on the rope. If you so desired, you could plant your feet into the ground and stop yourself from being dragged into oblivion. But your interest had been piqued. 

The world swirled around you, and you were overcome with strong light headedness, as if you would pass out at any second. Was that even possible if you were already unconscious though? The transition between mindscapes felt like it lasted forever, but in reality it was most likely only a few seconds. 

Colors flashed through your vision. Just like your first time in the circus, some of them were unrecognizable. Shades so incomprehensible they couldn't be described. And then you stood in a void.

You felt calm, even though in a situation like this you would usually be panicking. Being an anxious wreck was what you were good at, after all. Deep in the distance, too far away to be discernible, was loads of text. You wanted to run closer to it, to investigate it, yet you found yourself as still as a statue. Whether you were still be choice or force was unknown. 

The only thing you could move was your dominant hand. You moved your fingers a bit, testing to see if you still had a full range of motion. You did. You could move your arm freely. Bringing it up to your face so you could examine it, you again noticed the glitches flashing around it. 

"I thought that was a part of the dream..." you whispered to yourself, finding you could still talk even though the rest of your body was paralyzed. You turned your hand, looking at it from all directions. Vibrant cyans, magentas, and yellows. It was extremely beautiful, and a tad bit entrancing.

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