Chapter 1

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"Naomi! Get out that bed and put some clothes on." My mom said as I rolled out of bed and checked my phone.


Bestie wya?

𝖨'm getting ready
You better hurry
Okay i'm otw

I went into the bathroom and got in the shower. After my shower I changed into some black Nike sweatpants and a white crop shirt. I called my Uber and went to work. I could have my drivers license since I'm 17 but I didn't feel like it.

"Hey Moriahhhh" I dragged as I went up and hugged her.

"Hey NaiNai!" She said

After talking for a bit I put in my AirPods and listened to The Weekend by Sza while checking all the hangers and making sure everything is organized. All of a sudden I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Yes?" I asked turning around seeing someone I could've swore I knew. Then it hit me it was the guy from my school. Demari, Deon, something like that. He had pretty white teeth that were covered either his braces. He had the richest brown skin. He looked at least 6'3 and he has some big feet. And you know what they say big feet big meat...

"Wussup ma, can I get a dressing room?" He asked me

"Yea of course follow me." I said walking towards the dressing rooms and grabbing a key. I unlocked his dressing room and held it open.

"Thank you." He said looking down at me like I'm short or something. I'm 5'4 is not my fault he like 6 ft

"No problem." I said as I walked away with a smile from ear to ear looking at Moriah "Girlllllllllll he is too fine." I said biting my lip.

"Girl I saw yall looking at each other. You might have just found your husbannd." She said putting her hand on the counter as a customer walked over.

As she was talking to the customer the guy walked over with clothes in his hand. He looked at me biting his bottom lip. DEONDRE that is his name.

"Is that all?" I asked grabbing the clothes and ringing them up.

"No, there is just one more thing I need." He said starring in my eyes.

"And that is...?" I asked looking down.

"Your name and number." He said look deep in my eyes

"That's two things." I said biting my lip with a smile.

"So can I get it or no...?" He asked smiling

"My name is Naomi." I said as he bit his lip

"And your number...?" He asked

"(***)-***-****." I said as he put it in his phone

"Don't forget to text me back." He said putting 500 dollars on the counter and walking out.


(Unknown number)

Wsp ma
This is....?
  And that is.....?
You know who I am
Shut up.

Unknown number FaceTime....
"Hey." I said with my phone to my ceiling face

"Let me see your face ma." He said knocking on the screen

"Let's not do too much." I said as I put my face to the screen

"Mhm but you trynna go to the movies later?" He asked causing me to bite my finger nails.

"Sure I'll meet you at AMC." I said as I got off my bed.

"Okay see you later ma." He said hanging up

I got up and washed my body up a bit before going into my closet. I put a jean skirt on with a pink and white cropped shirt and my pink and white dunks.

(Use your imagination)

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(Use your imagination)

I called an Uber and went to the movie theatre. After getting out the car I saw Deondre and he had tickets in his hand.

"Here, you want some snacks?" He asked looking at me while handing me my ticket.

"Sure can we get some starbursts?" I asked him

"Of course ma." He said walking over to the food and getting starburst, a slushie, nachos, and m&ms.

"I didn't ask for all that." I said looking at the food.

"I DiDn'T aSk FoR aLl ThAt." He said mocking me

After the movie we went outside the movie theatre and he just stared at me. Looking into his eyes I bit my lip.

"Well I'll see you another time." I said before getting my phone out and ordering my Uber.

"You know I can just drive you home." He said taking my phone out of my hand wrapping his arms around my waist and putting my phone in my pocket.

"Ok I guess so." I said as we walked over to his car.

I got in the passenger seat of his car and told him which way to go. After we got to my house before getting out the car I kissed his cheek and unlocked the door.

"MOMMA I'M HOME." I yelled so she can hear me

I proceeded to go in the kitchen and get a glass. I poured some ice and water in it then got some pineapples before going upstairs to my room. I layer in my bed and turned on Jane The Virgin while eating my pineapples.

After a while I put my empty bowl of pineapples and my empty glass on my dresser then changed into some shorts and an oversized t-shirt. I got in my bed and went to sleep.

It'll get better just wait but what do yall think? Is there anything yall wanna know? Well anyways continue reading cause like I said the drama and stuff will come soon!

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