Chapter 6

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𝒜𝓊𝑔𝓊𝓈𝓉 13

Waking up was awkward. I decided that I'm not going to yell or scream or shout I'm going to hurt him silently. I'm going to force what he did out his mouth. Once I woke up I walked over to Deondre who was still sleep and I got on top of him.

"Good morning." I whispered in his ear

Waking up, Deondre said, "Mmmm I like being woken up like this." He said wrapping his arms around my waist

"I'm about to get in the shower." I said getting off him

"Okay then." He said smacking my butt and sitting up

I walked into the bathroom in his room and took my clothes off. I looked in the mirror watching my face turn red and tears form in my eyes. I quickly wiped my face and turned on the shower.

After taking a shower I wrapped my towel around me and went back in his room.

"I need some clothes." I said as he bit his lip looking at me

"You got underwear?" He asked

"Yep." I told him. "I always keep underwear with me."

He looked at me up and down then got up. He wrapped his arms around my waist as his hands traveled to my butt.

"Fuck you trynna do?" He asked licking his bottom lip

"Get some clothes on." I said getting out of his arms and walking over to my purse.(it was on the floor)

I bent over and grabbed my purse knowing Deondre was watching.

He rubbed his face before walking over to his closet.

"So do you have any clothes I can borrow." I asked getting up. Then I got an idea.

I walked over to his drawers and grabbed another pair of PSD's. Under my towel I put on my underwear then put on the PSD shorts and went over to his closet. Getting in front of him I grabbed one of his shirts. I put it on then tied it up in the back. (I put on a bra too and he didn't see nun)

"Thats what you're wearing?" He asked looking over at me then searching in his closet

"Yep." I said sitting on his bed and crossing my Legs

"Here." He said throwing some sweat pants at me

"What are these for?" I asked

"For you to wear." He said before taking his shirt off and walking into his bathroom

I just put the sweatpants on and walked into his living room. I looked in the mirror inside the living room and saw my hair was a mess. I took out my claw clip and brushed out my hair with my fingers.

"You look good as hell." Deondre said walking in the living room biting his lip

"Boy you got me in these ugly I look good?" I asked looking up at him

"Getcho ass up and cmere." Deondre said staring at me

I walked over to him and he pulled me closer. He grabbed my butt with one hand and held my waist with the other. Before
He could kiss me I walked over towards the door.

"Why you keep moving?" He asked as I continued to walk out the door

I went into the car and got on my phone.



We walked into the school and I walked toward the bathroom. Once I got in the bathroom I took the sweatpants he gave me off leaving the PSDs on. I walked out the bathroom and went into my first class.

"Fuck are you wearing?" Deondre asked as I sat down in my seat

"Clothes..." I responded

"After this class put them pants back on." He said

"Sure." I said crossing my legs

After a couple classes it was time for lunch. I went into the lunch room and walked into the line. Normally I would have a lunch packed but I stayed at Deondre's house.

After walking in through the lunch line I looked around for a table. I saw where Deondre was sitting and of course Tatiana was beside him. I looked around and saw the guy that tried to get with me. I walked over and sat beside him.

"Wsp ma." The guy said looking at me

"Heyyyy." I said biting my lip

"So you done whitcha bum ass nigga?" He asked

"No but he making me mad." I told him before crossing my leg over his

He looked at me up and down before putting his hand right on my bottom thigh right by my pussy. I didn't get that feel though. (Ifykyk ifydyd)

"This look nasty." I said looking at the food

"Nah you just bougie." He said

"Anywaysas what's your name?" I asked him

"Kj." he said rubbing my thigh getting closer to my pussy.

"I'm Naomi." I said clenching my thighs trying to stop his hand.

"I already know who you are." He said "You just be walking around like you got good pussy." He told me looking down at my legs

"I'm gonna throw away my food." I told him before getting up and walking over to the trash can

As soon as I got there of course Deondre had to be right there. He looked at me and then threw my plate in the trash and pulled me close to him.

"Fuck you doin over there with Kj?" He asked me

"How do you know him?" I asked Deondre

"Naomi Jones." He said sternly

"I don't matter Deondre now go sit with Brittney over there." I said before walking off

"You smell good." I said to Kj as I sat down

"Thanks ma." He said as I closed my legs tight.

I looked at my phone and saw Namari texted me saying I gotta ride home with Deondre. I rolled my eyes and looked back at Deondre.

"What's on ya mind?" Kj asked

"Nothing." I replied bluntly

After school I walked outside and went into Deondre's car. He was already in there so as soon as I got in we started driving to his house.

"What's going on bae?" Deondre asked me

"Nothing." I said dryly

Once we got to his house I got out and went into the living room.

"Naomi tell me what is wrong." He said instead of asked

"You really wanna know! You have this pretty ass bitch all over you when I'm your fucking girl friend. Plus she is gorgeous SHE HAS PRETTY ASS TEETH A FAT FUCKING ASS AND SHE HAS TITTIES! That's what the fuck is wrong with me Deondre. That's what the fuck it is." I said not even realizing I cursed

"I'm sorry I didn't know you felt this way." He said after a couple seconds of blank facing me

"I shouldn't excepted your first bum ass apology." I said plopping on the couch.

"Cmere." Deondre said pulling me up.

I looked at him as tears started forming in my eyes.

"I love you Naomi Prince. Don't forget that." He said kissing my cheek, "I'm sorry I made you feel this way."

I looked up at him and hugged him tight

"You love me?" I asked him

"Yes I do you are the most amazing woman I've ever met okay." He said before kissing my lips and picking me up

He took me to his room with us still making out. He stopped and looked at me before laying on the bed with both of us. We stayed like that for a bit and fell asleep.


Sorry for taking so long to update. I had so much to do this week but I'm back! Anyways don't forget to vote and comment. Give any suggestions on anything!

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