Cat (ch4)

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"Aki! Where have you been? I saw Taiou run off and you chase him. What happened?"

"Taiou was acting up." I look down at Taiou, he's at my feet.

"I see."

The party goes by easily and it's actually kinds fun. Shawn's fish was a girl and it was maimed Mina. Taiou stayed away from me and I got to play with Venus.

~ two months later ~

I was at my desk at home. Lying my head down with my hair all a mess. "Let's see what all happened this month?" I ask myself in my head. Oh and if your wondering why I'm so much of a mess, it's because the due date for the book moved and now everyone on the floor is struggling to finish it all up. And since I'm the main writer of the floor, guess what that means? Freaking have the most work. But over these last two months I guess it's been alright looking back, minus all the nights I didn't sleep.

Let's see, Taiou and I got closer, sometimes he becomes a cat and lies only lap to warm it, it's becoming winter now so it feels nice. It's also good that he can cook and take care of himself. It's nice that he's a neko. He's a great person too.

"Aki. Aki! AKI!"

I sit up and rub my eye. Didn't even realize I fell asleep. "Oh. Sorry. I didn't even realize I fell asleep. I guess I was so deep in thought I fell asleep."

"Well." He looks at my computer and smiles. "Page 253. Your done. Just need to write the last pages with all the credits and stuff that only about 25% of the readers read." He was sitting on my lap.

"Thanks? Man I'm tired. And it's the middle of the day too."

"You can sleep. I mean you've gotten all your work done and cats sleep during the middle of the day all the time, so you can too." He turned to face me. Never actually realized how short he was till now.

"Yeah. I'll do that." He gets off of me and I sleepily walk to my bed. I lied down and Taiou slept on my stomach as a cat. I quickly fell asleep after that.

~ 7:59 ~

I wake up to Taiou changing. He has his shirt off. I look across his tan skin and notice he has a lot of scars. I tiredly walk over to Taiou and touch his back. I wake up more when I notice he has scars all along his body. "T-Taiou!"

"Ah! A-akishi!" He backs away from me in fear. I jut stare blankly with worry. His ears go down and he begins to speak. "I-I d-didn't want you t-to see my scars." He was so scared. I brush his hair out of his eyes.


"'Cause it's scary."


"Yeah 'cause-" I pull him into a hug.

"It's ok. I get it. But.., d-did your previous owners do this?" I say as I trace my hand over his scars. He backs away showing me the scars in the front of his body. "They're all around his lower stomach and back..." I think. I remember the conversation we had when I first met him, he said something about his past owners, but I think I stopped him from saying what they did to him because well, he was scared.

"Y-yes. They did do this to me." His ears where down. "They abused me but.., they kept me healthy but where always so mean."

I knew I was gonna regret asking but, "what did they do to you?" His ears went down even more.

Taiou's POV

Telling him was easy but.., remembering is the hard part.

Flash back ~ <warning (AKA GET YOUR PITCH FORKS WE'RE GONNA KILL SOME MOTHERf**kers!!!)>

"Ahh!" I scream. The whip hits me as I remain blinded. "I hate this. How long is this going to last? Why is he doing this?" I think. My wrist are bound so I can't even turn into a cat. Damn it! I hate how my wrist and arms are the things that keep me from shifting!

"Well that'll be it for today. Stupid cat." He whips me one more time before he leaves.

One day Ill escape but.., the next owner I had wasn't much worse. When he was out of the house I was forced to turn into a cat and he put stuff on my arms so I can't turn into a human. I was also always in a cage so I couldn't move around.

Each owner I had did something cruel. They practically always raped me. My ears where always down and rarely ever up. I hated it.

The only good thing they ever did was feed me well. They never let me starve, which I.., guess.., was good.

Man.., how many owners did I have? Fourteen? Eighteen? Twenty-four? I don't remember. Just that none of them treated me right, besides.., three? No.., it was five. Including Aki.

Out of my many owners only five where good to me. The rest always hated cats or had something against me.

I hated it.

Every time I wanted to escape.

They where never nice.

"Taiou?" Akishi said, pulling me out of my thoughts. he walked up to me and wiped away a tear. I didn't even realize I was crying, yet, I'm not surprised. "What's wrong?"

"I-I was re-remembering my past." He gave a look of empathy.

"What... What do they do to you?"

"T-to put it short th-they r-" my ears went down even more then they where. I took a breath. "They raped me." I peeped. "They where never really nice and didn't treat me like a cat or a person. The only nice thing they did was keep me well fed."

There was silents.

I looked at akishi and he had a look on his face like he was going to kill someone.

"Um... Akishi?"

"Oh!" He snapped out of it and put on a kind smile. "I'm sorry!" His facial expression quickly changed and he pull me into a hug. "I'm sorry." He said more softer and kinder.

"For what?"

"Not finding you earlier. You could've been saved years ago but-"

"It's not your fault akishi!" I say interrupting him. "I made the decision of going with those people and showing them my neko form."


"It's my fault. M'kay?"

He sighed in defeat. "Fine." He poked me in between my eyes. "Now get dressed. I'm hungry." I started laughing.



Hey!!! Thanks so much for reading! I can't be any more happier about this!! Espeacially since I'm new (ish) to wattpad!

I really didn't like writing Taiou's history! >~< but it's for plot purposes and I can't leave you guys like "why is he so scared of people!!" Or (slight spoiler do next chapter) "what does the new neko mean?" And stuff like that.

And yes!! Adding a new neko!!! Yaaay! (You've already met him but not the neko form! Plus Shawn will make more of a notice in the next chapter! <not his fish>)

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