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| XIII. Quae Mentitur Non Invent Pacem |

Marion couldn't believe she was bit. How could she be so careless? Her ankle ached as she walked, a constant reminder of her slip-up and the consequences that were bound to follow. How long till painful boils grew on her skin, till she was too weak to keep pushing on?

She didn't want to think of that, and tried to tell herself she'd be alright. After all, it was just a little bite– how much damage could that really do? The dark-haired girl let out a sigh of relief, as they opened the door and the status of the Three Saints that now towered over them came into view.

"The crypt!" Amicia smiled, as she stepped away from the door.

"Finally... I think if we stay in this place any longer my heart will give out." Marion said, taking in a deep breath to ground herself.

Amicia lifted Hugo over the wooden barricade, before waiting for Marion to climb over. It was slightly taller than the fences they had been hopping... if her hands were uninjured she'd have no issue getting over, but seeing as she could barely hold a torch, she doubted she could use her hands to pull up her body.

Marion hopped onto her tippy toes, and tried to use her forearms to get over as she usually would, but that plan didn't work. The dark-haired girl let out a quiet squeak when she felt a pair of arms wrap around her thighs, and lift her up.

She quickly pulled herself over the fence, a faint blush dusting her round cheeks. When in God's name did Amicia get so strong? The dark-haired girl winced when she hit the ground, the pressure on her bad ankle sent a spike of pain up her leg.

Amicia climbed over the fence last, the sound of her boots hitting the floor gave off a small echo. The three began their descent into the crypt, Amicia grabbing a stick to light so they'd have protection from the rats that waited below.

A blackish, almost fleshy material crept up the stairs like a vine. Marion frowned, she couldn't even imagine what the substance was made of– well, she could, but she really didn't want to.

"What's that on the ground?" Hugo asked, as Amicia lit the stick with the fire from a sconce on the wall.

"I've got no idea..." Amicia responded, "Let's go... we'll be fine, just keep close."

Marion took a deep breath; she was not very fond of having to go into such a small space with so many of those rats. Her legs felt like jelly as she followed her companion into the crypt, the rats moving in an extremely unnerving way.

The rats trampled over each other– eager to get away from the light, but just as eager to get a taste of their flesh. They were reduced to nothing but flesh-eating, light-avoiding monsters. Marion did her best to keep her eyes off of the vermin, and her mind away from the possibility they could all be eaten if that stick burnt out too quickly.

The smell only grew worse the deeper they went– the air heavy with the scent of rotting flesh, and God knows what else. The scent made Marion's lungs burn, as if it were rotting the organs with every breath she took. The black, fleshy vines grew larger as they walked, growing to the point of it taking over an entire wall.

Bodies were strung in the substance. Skeletons of those eaten to the bone, jaws wide as if they had died screaming. It squelched beneath their feet, Marion couldn't even look down anymore without wanting to retch. Liquid leaked from the ceiling, smelly, slimy and vile. The dark-haired girl let out a quiet whimper when some of it dripped onto her shoulder, it smelled horrific.

If this wasn't Hell, Marion didn't know what it was.

Amicia quickly lit a stray brazier once they were in the heart of the crypt, every single wall seemed to be covered in the nasty webbing.

"I ca–" Marion coughed, which turned into a dry heave, "I can't do this..."

The air was so thick... her chest heaved and she felt her stomach twist and churn.

Hugo whimpered  into Amicia's tunic, his little arms clutching at her waist. The brunette ran her fingers through his hair– an action to soothe him, and herself.

Marion watched as Amicia waved around a stick to rid it of black sludge, before lighting it with the brazier. As the trio walked deeper into– further out?–of the crypt, they had to squeeze together in order to not make contact with the walls. The dark-haired girl coughed into her arm, the stench finally making her weak lungs flare up.

The last brazier was lit, and they finally made it to the tunnel to the outside world.

Amicia wasted no time in lifting Hugo over the small wooden barricade, and then lifting herself over. Marion followed soon after, and gently lowered herself to the ground. She didn't want to worsen her ankle– or in other words, she didn't want Amicia to notice.

The children burst into a sprint–even if Marion felt like her lungs were shriveling–booking it down the tunnel towards the light. The ground began to shake, and in the blink of an eye rats began to rush out the walls. Marion pushed Amicia and Hugo forward, ignoring the pain in her hands when they made contact with the cloth of their tunics.

A ringing filled her ears, that along with the sound of the rats made her feel like her head would burst at any moment.

Marion wiped her eyes with the back of her hands once they entered the light, tilting her head up to keep in her tears. She could barely breathe, she was in pain... they were children, for Christ's sake, what had they done to deserve this!

"What the fuck... what the fuck..." She muttered to herself, walking in circles and trying to keep her breathing steady– her lungs burned, but at least she hadn't sent herself into an attack.

She stopped pacing, finally looking back over to the siblings to see them embracing on the floor. They were only children... Marion would be damned if she ever let anyone harm a single hair on any of their heads. Amicia opened her eyes, making eye contact with her companion.

Marion fell to her knees beside the two, wrapping them up in her arms as best as she could. She buried her face into Amicia's neck, as the brunette wrapped an arm around her waist.

She'd do anything to protect them– she would make sure Amicia got Hugo to Laurentius safely, under any circumstances.

Even if that meant lying about the black veins that began to creep up her ankle.


OH MY GOLLY GOSH YALL this chapter is short and idk how to feel, BUT IM GIVING YALL TINY CRUMBS OF AMICIA X MARIoN :DDD

feast my little birdies.

Anywho, Wattpad and I didn't have a WWE match today, so i'm in a good mood!! (Still no gif's, I kinda gave up on that lmao + it was taking up a shitload of space up in my phone.)

Also, not to be a spoiler sally or anything but...

y'all noticed how Marion was worried about boils right.... :PP

okay that's all (I wish I had emojis omg im actually dying without them this is not X fireball)

(Imagine that X was two arms crossing pls and thx)

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