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| XXIV. When the Protector Becomes the Protected |

Soon enough two weeks had passed, and the trio was now at the Château. Marion did not have the strength to walk alone for the entire trip, so for most of the time she was leaning on Mélie. The trip was... a bit tense. Marion hadn't said a word the entire time– her body was rigid against Mélie's and it was clear she'd rather be anywhere else.

The Inquisition had taken all of her things– her mother's things. It made her heart hurt knowing that she had nothing–aside from a cotehardie that she might not even be able to stomach wearing anymore–of her mothers. Her father had once again taken everything from her.

"Marion!" Amicia practically screeched once she realized her companion was back.

The dark-haired girl let out a sob as Amicia pulled her into her arms. She wanted so badly to just melt into her arms, but... she couldn't. Her touch was gentle, soft, nothing like his... yet her body didn't seem to register that. Amicia gently ran her fingers through Marion's hair as she pulled away, her eyes scanning her companion's now bony figure.

Being starved for days, then being on a diet of stale breads and other extremely non-nutritious foods didn't help her get any healthier. Her skin was slightly more pallid, her cheekbones more noticeable... it was little things, but Amicia noticed them all. Marion didn't like the look on her companion's face– she didn't like it at all. She had so much to tell Amicia... how was she supposed to bring up the fact that her father was the one who killed her parents? She couldn't keep that information to herself... It felt wrong.

"I- I have so much to... to..." Marion choked out, before another sob left her throat.

Amicia frowned, "We can talk later... you all need to rest, and eat."

It turns out, the inside of the Château wasn't much warmer than the outside. Marion sat near the fire, the same ratty blanket from the hideout wrapped around her body. A new member to their little ragtag group, Rodric, had cooked a simple stew out of edible plants they found in the area. It wasn't the greatest, but it was the first hot meal Marion had eaten in weeks, and it felt like heaven on her tongue.

She finished her meal within minutes, the empty bowl resting at her side. Amicia sat near her, her own empty bowl abandoned next to her. Hugo was asleep on a straw mattress, it was clear that he wasn't feeling good. The little boy was weak... he wasn't like the little ball of energy that he used to be mere weeks ago. That sickness was taking hold of him– the Macula was what Lucas called it.

"He'll be okay... I think." Amicia said, breaking the silence.

Marion looked away from the sleeping boy, and over to Amicia.

"I've got a book– Sanguis Itinera, Lucas says it should help us make a cure." Amicia continued, and Marion nodded.

"That's good." Marion responded, her eyes flickering back to Hugo.

'Where is Amicia De Rune taking the boy?'

She would've never told him. Not if he beat her or maimed her. Hugo was innocent– he didn't deserve to be hunted. She sucked in a deep breath– she couldn't quell the guilt that bubbled up in her belly. That ugly, nagging feeling that made her unable to look at the siblings without wanting to burst into tears. She looked away from Hugo, and down at her hands.

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