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| XXI. Daughter of Sin |

Marion had no clue where she was. She was in a tent... and Amicia and Hugo were not with her— she needed to find them. Much too quickly for her body's liking, she sat up, and kicked the heavy quilt that rested over her body away.

She furrowed her eyebrows when she realized that she was wearing different clothes, and was completely clean. Her hair had been washed and brushed through, while her skin was void of any dirt or ash. How long had she been out for, and who had cleaned her up?

The dark-haired girl stood up, unsteady on her feet for a few moments before collecting herself. She felt like a little fawn, her legs shaking slightly as she stood. Marion looked around the area, taking note of all the dried herbs strung about- perhaps this was a healers tent?

"Oh, you're finally awake!" A soft, yet unfamiliar voice said from the entrance of the tent.

Marion flinched, and quickly turned to face the woman. Her hand instinctively drifted to where her belt would be— but it was gone, along with her throwing knives. They didn't exactly have much use anymore, she most likely wouldn't be able to use them even if she tried her hardest.

"Who are you?" Marion questioned, her words hard and curt.

"Peace, child, peace... My name is Maria." The older woman said, a soft smile showcased on her slightly wrinkled face. "Relax, you're safe here."

Marion wasn't convinced by her words; this woman could be spewing lies for all she knew. Amicia and Hugo were still at the front of her mind, she needed to make sure they were alright— if they were even in the same place.

"Where did they take Amicia and Hugo?" Marion asked, her fingers subconsciously rubbing at the woolen fabric of her cotehardie at her hip.

"The girl and the little boy? They... they're safe, you need not worry." Maria spoke, "You have no idea how glad I was when I saw that rosary of yours... God, I thought I'd never see you again."

Marion didn't like the way Maria hesitated, and changed the topic... she slimmed  her eyes at the woman, and let out a soft breath through her nose. How did she know her? She'd never seen this woman in her life... unless...

"You knew my mother?" Marion asked, her voice softening and eyes widening.

"Yes, I was her Nurse— well, till she married that Frenchman. Then I became her handmaid." Maria informed, clasping her hands in front of her plush stomach.

Marion still didn't trust this woman... but her words definitely opened a door of excitement within her. This woman knew her mother— what she sounded like, looked like, her personality... Marion wanted to know everything.... Yet she had more pressing matters to attend to.

"I- I need to find Amicia and Hugo." Marion fumbled, averting her eyes from the woman, and picked up her skirts.

It was quite a task; the woolen fabric was thick, and heavy, and her grip was not very good. The cotehardie was dark-blue in color, with a soft green linen kirtle underneath. It was slightly too long, and a bit loose in her bust, waist, and hips— even though the lacing on the sides were tied as tight as possible.

At her words of leaving, Maria grew a bit pale. The woman unclasped her hands, and gently reached out to grasp Marion's bicep.

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