chapter 4

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As soon as I entered, the people present started talking to me. Some were asking how I was doing, others were wondering if I arrived alright, and some were concerned about how I hurt my foot. But judging by the way these people were talking, it seemed like they knew me from a long time ago. But I've never seen them before. I sit quietly, not answering anyone's questions. Then a woman came over to me and grabbed my arm.

"Hey, how are you, dear? It's been so long since I saw you. You seem more distant than before. Hey dear, do you even remember me?"

As I listened to her words, I felt a strange sensation in my chest.

"I don't recognize you, who are you?" I asked.

The woman seemed to be in pain at my question. But I haven't said anything wrong. Before I could say anything else, she quickly left.

"Come on, let's not start this now," someone said. "All these things can wait. Heer will come with me to the room now." Everyone seemed a bit surprised by the suddenness of it all. Everyone was speaking in whispers, and I couldn't understand any of it. Quickly, they took me to a room upstairs. The room was quite large, elegantly decorated. They sat me on the bed and went to the bathroom. I sat there, looking around the room. The window was open, letting in a cool breeze. It felt nice, I wanted to stand by the window for a while. But my foot was hurting. The sound of water in the bathroom had diminished, maybe he will get out of the bathroom now. I can't tolerate this person anymore. I'll have to deal with them right away. I lay down quickly, pretending to sleep. But as I tried to pretend, I found myself unable to escape into sleep.

In the midst of sleep, it felt like someone was kissing my cheeks, neck, and forehead. After kissing me, he gently brushed my forehead with his hand, holding one of my hands. I could feel it all, but I couldn't open my eyes. Sleep seemed to have taken a vow to keep my eyes closed. With determination, I fought against the sleep and opened my eyes to see Tury lying on top of me. Rage ignited in me, feeling like my head was on fire. The audacity of this person to lie on top of me like this. With a push, I pushed Tury off me, but he fell on the floor with a thud. He looked up at me with fiery eyes. Fear gripped me fiercely. I sat frozen in fear. Tury , embodying that fiery figure, came closer to me. Surely, he would strangle me now, his  hands closing around my neck. Fearfully, I closed my eyes, but Tury lifted me up, not choking me, but holding me close to them. I couldn't believe it. I sat there, dumbfounded. Looking into Turi's eyes, I could sense that they were playing some kind of devilish game.

What I had thought,,, Tury had filled the bathtub with water and dropped me in it just like I am nothing but a lifeless thing . Anger made me feel like tearing my own hair out.

-- What did you do? Are you crazy? Why did you push me into the water like that?

-- I took revenge.

-- Revenge? Revenge for what?

-- You pushed me down, I pushed you into the water. Now the score is settled.

-- You're a psycho!! All those crazy ideas in your head. Who throws someone into the water like that? I felt so much pain. Do you feel good now?

-- Even if you didn't like being thrown, it feels much better now that things are even.

 -- I'll chop off all that long hair of yours while you're asleep.

-- First, take a shower, you're dripping wet and it's annoying.

-- Whatever. Get out of here.

I rushed to the bathroom to fetch her towel. The aunt who had grabbed me sobbingly came and fed me. She kept saying, 'I'm Turi's mother, Talia Chowdhury, among the people at registrar's office were Turi's father, Ayan Chowdhury, younger uncles and aunts, and the only paternal aunt.' After feeding me, Aunt Talia put her hand on my head and said, "Dear, Tury is a bit stubborn, but that doesn't mean he's a bad person. Give him some time. Don't think I came here to defend Tury . I came here for you. I know what Tury did was a very bad thing." Aunt's words made me feel ashamed to die. Does Aunt know what happened that day? I was thinking all these things, Aunt started speaking again.

-- It was not right for Tury  to get married forcefully. It was necessary to talk to your uncle and aunt. I hesitated at Aunt's words. Who is Aunt talking about? I thought I was her mother. When Mom heard the call, her face lit up. I don't know how many years it's been since I lost Mother. I don't even remember my mother's face. If Mother were alive, I would have been able to recognize whose daughter I looked like. I said 'Mother' once, and she raised her head and looked at me. Mom  started crying. Why am I feeling so much pain? You yourself are shedding tears. Mother grabbed me and hugged me, crying. Mother kissed me on the forehead and showed me affection. Today, as if someone has rained in the desert for many years. Turi's sister jasmine comes to see me with Aarav (Turi's cousin). The girl, though older than me, is somewhat childish. Even in words, there is a bit of a childishness, but the girl is heavily adorned. Within minutes, she has been filled with love and affection . One thing is surprising to think that people in the family are so good, but Tury! Why is Tury like this? Did anyone ever think about ruining a girl's life once? How will I accept Tury as a husband? I can never love Tury . What will be the future of this relationship then? I was thinking all these things when the phone rang. My heart trembled when I saw Ryan's number on the screen. What reply will I give to Ryan? Maybe he is still dreaming of spending his life with me. Did I betray Ryan so much!!! Will Ryan understand my situation? I was helpless. Tears welled up in my eyes thinking about Ryan. Jasmine and Aarav have come to decorate the bridal room. The words were still echoing in my head, following the rules, today is our wedding night. But I won't let it happen. I can't even touch Tury  again. I have to do something. But what? Even that day I lost to his strength. And today his touch will be valid!!! Jasmine has forcefully put a red saree on me. I'm sitting in the balcony with a bewildered mind. The AC is on but I feel intensely hot. The door rattles, meaning Tury has arrived. My heart beats extremely fast. But there's no fear. I'm ready today. Sitting with a bangle in one hand. I'm sitting with my eyes closed. After a while, someone breathes heavily behind me. I know it's Tury . His smell is very familiar to me. Of course, I don't know the reason for this. My cheek is burning with the breath of Tury's body. The familiar scent of his body seems to be burning my cheek. I don't know why. I'm looking at him with my eyes closed.

-- You can't cut a person with a fruit knife.

 I'm totally perplexed by Turya's words. How did this person know I had a knife in my hand? I widened my eyes and stared at him.

 -- After this, grab a knife from the kitchen. You went to cut fruits with the knife for Tury Ahmed's wife, you tried to cut people with this fruit cutting knife, right? If someone hears this, they will die laughing. Think something big, you know!

-- Turya's words are making my blood boil. How could he possibly know I'm holding a knife? I stared at him with my eyes wide open.

 -- Everything in this room is under my scrutiny. When I saw the knife in the fruit bowl, I immediately understood it was yours.

-- You didn't have to do so much acting beforehand.

 -- I can only do that kind of acting now. I couldn't understand what he said at all. But I can't contain my anger. I need to be alone now. So, I got up from the bed and stood by the balcony. I haven't done any makeup, and my hair is messily undone. I'm standing with my eyes closed. After a while, I felt someone's warm breath on my neck. I know it's Tury . His scent is very familiar to me. I don't know why. Removing his hands from my neck, Tury started kissing me. Gradually, Tury's hand began to wander around my stomach. My anger subsided even more. I turned around and pushed Tury away. Tury is still staring at me with the same injured look in his eyes. His compassionate gaze pricks my heart. No, I won't be weak. I can't give in to this monster.

-- You've had the audacity to touch me? You have no right over me. After what you've done to me, you think I'll do anything with you! Ugh! you think everyone's like you , don't you ? That's why you think you can get away with whatever you want. Do I also seem inferior to you? Remember one thing, every time you come to me, you'll have to come with force every time. By my own will, I'll never come to you willingly. I'll never give you the respect of being my husband. I'll never be able to love you. Tury is still staring at me with the same gaze. Even after saying so much, his eyes haven't moved away from me for a moment. There's no anger or hostility in Turi's eyes today. It seems like he's suffered a lot because of me. Tears are glistening in Turi's eyes. It hurts me terribly to see Tury looking at me with those eyes. Tury left without saying anything. I don't know where he went, I didn't even try to find out. It's almost 1 AM now. Maybe everyone in the house has fallen asleep. There's no sleep, only in my eyes. After standing for a moment, I walked back to the room. Sleep is trying to come. Over and over again, I feel like Tury is in pain. I don't know how Tury is, I want to know what he's doing. Unable to suppress the desire to know what Tury is saying inside, I left the room. But I don't recognize anything about this house. I saw a light on in a room as I went. I tried to listen outside the door. It seems like Tury is talking to someone. But I can't hear the words. I realized that the door was locked from the inside as I tried to push it. But I'm very curious to know who Tury is talking to inside. After waiting for quite some time, I returned to the room and lay down. Tury is holding a photo frame in his hands. Tears are streaming down his cheeks.  Will these not accuse him! The blame lies with his destiny. Despite having everything, he has nothing today. The only support for survival, that person, is the extreme object of his hatred. The person whom, if not seen at a glance, causes heartache, Tury cannot even bear to look at her face. This pain cannot be expressed to anyone anymore, no one else can understand it.

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