chapter 10

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The doctor who treated Heer was being held captive in a room, the same room where Turjo had once kept Ryan tied up. Turjo had been beating the doctor for a while, and now his bodyguard, John, was taking over. The doctor was in terrible shape, barely able to stand, and if the beating continued for much longer, he'd likely die.

"How much more are you going to take, doctor? Now tell me, why were you giving Heer drugs?" Turjo demanded.

"I've told you over and over again, I did it for money! I had no personal interest in it."

"You didn't hesitate to ruin someone's life for money? What kind of doctor are you! Aren't you supposed to save lives? Why did you harm my Heer for money?"

"Please forgive me. I did it because I was greedy. I knew the consequences, but at that time, money was everything to me."

"Who paid you to give Heer drugs?"

"I don't know him. We only ever spoke over the phone. He would transfer the money to my bank account."

"You're lying, aren't you? John, hit him some more. This man is responsible for Heer's condition."

"No, please believe me! I'm telling the truth. I never met him. I don't even know his name. We only communicated over the phone."

"Where can I find his phone number?"

"He always called from a private number."

"Damn it!" Turjo punched the wall in frustration.

Meanwhile, at the Chowdhury house, Ryan and Roohi were chatting with Heer . Heer still didn't know how Ryan had gotten into such a condition, so she kept asking subtle questions, trying to find out, while Ryan dodged them.

As the servant served juice, some of it spilled on Ryan's shirt. He went towards the washroom to clean it. At that moment, jasmine returned from college, rushing inside. She accidentally bumped into Ryan, causing her to fall and hurt her hip.

"I'm so sorry, kid! Are you okay?"

"Kid? Do I look like a kid to you?"

"No, I mean... I'm sorry. Please forgive me, sister."

"Sister? Since when am I your sister?"

"What a problem! Fine, I won't call you sister, kid, or anything else."

Without giving jasmine a chance to say more, Ryan quickly walked away. Since they had never met before, neither recognized the other. jasmine stared at him for a moment and then went to her room.

On the other side, Turjo was frantically searching for the mastermind behind all this. Since the calls were from a private number, they couldn't trace the phone number. He had found a glimmer of hope, but it quickly faded. Everything felt dark to Turjo, and until he found the person responsible, Heer wouldn't be safe.

Turjo finally got some hope after being assured that they could track down the culprit through bank details, but it would take time. Until then, he'd have to stay extra cautious and keep a close eye on Heer.

After returning home, Turjo discussed everything with Ryan. They were still keeping the doctor captive, though he was receiving treatment. As Turjo was talking to Ryan, his phone rang. It was Kiara calling. As soon as he answered, Kiara said:

"Turjo, please don't hang up. Just listen to me once, please."

"Why are you calling?"

"Turjo, I realize my mistake now. Please forgive me. I'll even apologize to Heer."

"Kiara, I can forgive you for whatever you've done to me, but Heer is my life. You tried to take her away from me. How can I forgive you so easily?"

"I made a mistake, Turjo, please forgive me. I'm really sick. I'm alone at home. Please come take me to your place."

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