Mickey Mouse in: The Rose Blade Episode 3 - Rosé Mei-Lin Part 1

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Mickey Mouse in: The Rose Blade

Episode 3: Rosé Mei-Lin Part 1

5 minutes earlier

'Rosé has been dashing through the town prior to the explosion that happened at the gas station Mickey and his group were at. She has been following the trace of the unknown enemy that her unique senses picked up on. The trait remains unknown, but it has been a valuable ally to Rosé, as she races to the destination before it's too late.'

Rosé: Excuse me! Pardon me, sir! -she hastily practiced her mannerisms, as she has to precisely evade the citizens she was running fast towards in her haste- I need to find where this source of negative energy is at. But where could it-

'As she was talking to herself, she suddenly heard an explosion from several blocks away, forcing her to come to a halt.'

Rosé: What was that...?! -she puzzles, as she looks around quickly, only to see a trail of smoke going into the air down the street to her left- Oh no...!

'Rosé uses her wind around her shoes to dash towards the explosion. Meanwhile, inside the blazing building, Goofy got stuck in the freezer, Donald and Daisy get trapped by flames spreading quickly, and Mickey and Minnie got pushed back by the evil spirit keeping them from escaping, lying next to the damaged cashier counter.'

Mickey: No no no no no! -he shrieked, panicking more as he was seeing there was no way out, especially with whatever he saw stopping them-

Minnie: Mickey... -she whimpered softly, as she was shaking and so scared to tears, the situation looking like death was imminent, clinging onto Mickey tightly-

Mickey: -he felt Minnie hold onto him tightly, not letting go, feeling so helpless to make sure he and his friends escaped... but he didn't know what to do- Minnie... -he whispered, with a hopeless expression-

Rosé: -she manages to reach the gas station on fire, gasping in horror at the sight of the blaze- Sweet Solus... -she exclaimed, as she then notices Mickey and the gang inside, Mickey and Minnie near the front entrance, and to her left, she saw Donald and Daisy panicking as they're about to become fried ducks-

Mickey: -as he and Minnie laid there trapped, he hears the ceiling breaking a little bit, and looks up with a scared expression-

Rosé: -she gasps as she notices the ceiling about to collapse too-

Mickey: -as soon as he sees the ceiling beginning to cave in any second, he screams for a second, and clings onto Minnie to brace for the inevitable doom-

'Slow motion of the ceiling collapsing down onto Mickey and Minnie, about to crush and even burn them alive.'

Rosé: NO!!! -she shouted, thrusting her left hand the second she saw the ceiling collapse, and suddenly several streaks of gale force winds shoot out of her hands with the camera up close to her hand-

Mickey: -he, along with Minnie, were still bracing for doom... but he soon notices that they were still alive, as he opens his eyes to look and see what stopped it. Soon enough, he notices some powerful winds holding up the ceiling above them, as well as pushing the flames away from them, vertically and horizontally in their paths they blew in, and he also notices that red colored rose petals were flowing along with the wind- What...? -he questioned with confusion-

Minnie: Mph... -she was still scared, tears running down her face, but when she opened her eyes, she was seeing the same thing Mickey was seeing, which was bringing some ease for the moment, seeing that some force... was protecting them-

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