Chapter 6

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Yellow POV

Tears fall down more and more. We only been here for what? Hours? Days? I'm not sure anymore..I can't think straight.

I miss my little baby Glitchy..I'm such a bad parent for bringing him here..

And now, I don't know if he's even dead or alive! That's the scary part I don't want to think about.

I heard a gentle knock from the door. I quickly wipe my eyes and got up to open the door.

There revealed Lime standing there with a concern look.

"Hey, are you okay?" He asked.

I step aside to let him in and close the door to have privacy in the closet.

I sat back down where I sat before and sighed,"No..I'm not okay. Glitchy is gone and so is Green. I can't help but feel like it's all my fault.."

I sobbed quietly and look at the ground. I never felt this sad in a long time.

My mind drift off when I felt Lime's arm wrapped around me. I was shock at this gesture, but I felt somehow better.

I slowly hugged back, shoving my face into Lime's chest.

I felt pathetic crying in front of someone. But with Lime..I feel safe.

After a minute I pull away and wipe my tears. Lime smiled and pat my back.

"Don't worry, we will get Glitchy and Green soon."

I loved how confident and positive Lime was. It kinda makes me wanna laugh.

I smiled and nod in agreement. I hope those words were right...I wish I can hold Glitchy in my arms right now.

I noticed Lime was staring at me so I look back in confusion.

Lime noticed that he was staring and laughed it off,"U-uh sorry, couldn't help but notice how cute you are heheh.."

My whole entire face blush at that comment. I didn't know Lime felt that way.

I giggled and lean closer to rest my head on Lime's shoulder. I wanted to stay like this, just for a while.

Lime was hesitant for a moment before cuddling me.

My mind was at ease for a while.

Green POV

" maybe if we were up here..we could meet where the doctors were."

I mumble to myself while looking at the paper I had in my hand. Glitchy was playing with an alien dog with one eye the whole time.

I'm glad to know he's distracted from being hungry. He gets a bit cranky without his food.

I look down at my paper once more to brainstorm.

Okay, here's my plan. Step 1. We befriend Indigo, Step 2. We ask to go to the top level of the HQ, Step 3. Immediately run to the room where the doctors and the rest of the Crewmates are at. Step 4. Cure Glitchy Step 5. Leave the HQ.

Alright then..simple enough. We need to get back up asap, or else the crew would probably think we are dead.

But surprisingly, we are not dead! We manage to come in the hideout with a disguise everyone falled for.

I neatly folded the paper and put it in my pocket to keep hidden. I need to tell Glitchy the plan before we do anything.

Being in disguise was stressful..I killed my own Crewmates. It was the only way to save myself from me and Glitchy from being exposed.

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