Chapter 10

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Green POV

Ow...where am I?

I looked around, the only thing I can see was just pitch black.

Okay..this isn't so weird at all.

"Glitchy? Yellow? Cyan? Black? Lime?" I called out, hoping someone, anybody, can respond.

But nobody came.

Strange..what am I doing here then?

"To remember your mistakes."

I was caught off guard after hearing someone. Or something.

I see a shadowy figure from a distant. I couldn't really recognize them well. Is it someone I know?


There was no response from the figure. I was honestly starting to get a bit freaked out now.

With a blink, the figure appeared in front of me more closer, making me jump. What the hell?!

The figure had its mouth open. Their bloody teeth was shown, their tongue was bloody as well. I was getting scared.

I couldn't move. Even if I want to, I just can't.

The figure move closer and closer. Their mouth was open wide, ready to bite my face off. I look up in fear. My body was shaking badly.

I don't wanna die, I can't be dead yet. I still have unfinished task to do. Oh god please...

Then, I felt the sharp teeth going down.


I panted heavily. I can feel sweat form on my body. My heart couldn't stop pounding.

Lately I've been getting endless nightmares every so often. I don't know if there was any way to stop it.

Thank god it was just a nightmare...

"Green!? Green are you okay??"

I was approached by Yellow who look at me with concern.

It took me a while to figure out my surroundings. I was in familiar place that started all. The cafeteria from before.

My head turn to the hole that I fell in. Such a memory..

When I turn back to Yellow I jolted in surprised when I saw everyone in the room surrounding me.

Everyone had worried faces, some were relieved, some was happy.

I was tackled by a little figure who hopped on me. I look down and saw it was Glitchy hugging me.'s him!

I immediately hug back, my worries and stress was slowly going away. Can't believe I'm still alive..

An 'awe' was heard from everyone surrounding me. I blushed and pulled away from Glitchy before giving him back to Yellow.

Yellow chuckled and took Glitchy from my hands.

"Green..I'm sorry if I yelled at you. I shouldn't have done that.."

Yellow look down sadly at their words. I couldn't stay mad at Yellow, so I pat their shoulder.

"It's okay, we both were worried about Glitchy. Which..where is the other one?" I questioned and looked for the other 'Glitchy'.

"Ah, they are right here. They are just shy." Yellow bent down and picked up a little mini Crewmate with a blue navy looking like color.

So that's its true colors...

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