Chapter 7

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Green POV

The view was nice, seeing the crowd walk around and enjoy their time.

I cuddled closely to Indigos chest. His body was very comfy.

It's been a few hours after the diner, it was the worst moments and the best ones ever.

"Someone seems comfortable." Indigo commented with a chuckle. I playfully punch his stomach angrily.

"Don't comment about it." I huff and continued to rest my body against him.

Indigo look at me with a smug and put his finger under my chin to make me look up at him.

"I love it when you're so feisty. Make me want to eat you up."

I know he was joking on that part, but I couldn't help but get a little scared still. I slowly laugh at this.

"Haha..of course.." I mumbled.

Indigo shook his head and held my hand,"Don't worry, I'll protect you no matter what. I want you to know that you're mine now."

My heart fluttered at his words, he always seems to know how to make me flustered.

I blush and lean closer to him while looking down,"Do you me?"

I asked in a quiet tone. Indigo look down at me and pat my head.

The touch felt nice, I leaned closer and hum in satisfaction.

"I do like you, very much. Don't think otherwise Green.." Indigo smiled down at me and kissed my head.

I blushed at his words, hoping those words were true.

I look back at the view in front of me. Right now we were on top of some building. Giving us a better view of the small hideout town.

This reminded me of my home. As a kid I was never socializing with other kids. My parents were worried about it, but I didn't mind.

I wonder if Glitchy would like it here.

Speaking of Glitchy..

"Hey, will you ever take me to the top floor soon?"

I needed to ask this, now I thought it was the perfect opportunity.

The Impostor look down at me,"Of course, but what makes you want to go up there?"

I bit my tongue a little, trying to think of an excuse.

"Erm..I wanted to help out with you, I want to feel useful."

I wasn't sure if this was the best answer at all..but I at least need to give it a shot.

A hun was heard, so he nodded,"Alright then, by tomorrow I'll get everything ready with the group and make our way up there to get more supplies."

If I could jump right now, I would. Yes! Maybe this will be my chance to leave this place. I miss all of my friends.

"I love you Green."

I stopped my thoughts and look up at Indigo.

Did I hear that right? I...

I stay quiet for a moment. I have almost completely forgot about Indigo.

If I leave, I'm betraying him. I don't want to have another heavy burden on me..But the question is, do I love him back? heart goes crazy when I'm near him. He may be scary, but he has a sweet personality. He's happy the way he is, he wants to stay here and make sure to take care of his own people.

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