I Hope You're Happy But Don't Be Happier

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After finally completing his task of naming the last of the animals, Adam made his way to his grove, already tasting the fruits and vegetables Lilith would have prepared for them. 

But when he returned to their home, there wasn't another soul in sight. It was completely quiet except for the birds chirping and cicadas buzzing somewhere in the tall grass. 

"Lilith?" His voice echoed through the thicket. "Honey, are you here?"

No answer. 

Adam shrugged and started to gather his own blueberries from the shrub nearby. He popped a few of them into his mouth, savoring the way they burst on his tongue.

"You're back early." Lilith strode into the grove, looking as beautiful as ever. In her hands, she carried a ripe coconut. 

"Yeah, it's been a long day." Adam stretched his arms out, his eyes landing on the coconut. "What do you have there?" 

"Oh, Luci told me we should try this. He said their milk is really sweet. They're called coconuts and they grow on the palm trees. I couldn't get to them but Luci flew up–" 

Adam grabbed the coconut from her and examined it, turning it over and over in his hands. But it was as hard as a rock. He didn't think he'd be able to bite into it as easily as the other fruits. 

"Are you sure we can eat this?" 

Lilith nodded her head. "Yes." 

Adam gave the coconut a shake. He could hear the liquid sloshing inside. "Did he say how to open it?"

"If you would've let me finish, I would've told you that you need to cut it open to get the milk." Lilith tried to take the coconut back from her husband, but he blocked her with a turn of his body. 

"I got it. You're too delicate," he said as he scanned the area for a sizeable rock. A few feet away, partially covered in moss, was a good-sized rock with sharp edges. 

"You need someone!" he continued as he smashed the coconut against the rock. "With some muscle!" 

Adam gave it another slam before raising it up to show her. "See? Go on and try it." 

He had expected her to be happy that he had opened it for her. But to his surprise, she made no attempt to come over and drink the milk. She remained rooted to the ground, her arms crossed over her chest. 

"You can have it." Lilith shook her head and started to gather some almonds. 

Adam didn't need to be told twice. He took a sip of the coconut, not expecting the liquid to be so smooth. "Whoa! Luci was right! It is really sweet! You've got to try this!" 

He ran over to her, careful not to spill any of the delicious milk. 

"Adam, I said you could have it. It's fine." Lilith tried to push his hand away. But when he didn't budge, even pressing the coconut closer to her lips, she gave in. The frown on her face had vanished and was replaced with a pleased smile. 

"I told you." Adam smirked as he watched her lick her lips. 

"You mean Luci told me." Lilith returned his smirk with one of her own. "He also said we could eat the meat inside."

"Nice!" Adam scooped out the white flakes from the inside. "I was wondering where Luci was today. I thought he was going to help me with naming the last remaining animals." 

"If you needed help, you know you could've asked me." Lilith placed her hand on his shoulder. "It would've been more interesting than planting seeds all day." 

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