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Scar approached the main doors of his new school. It was much bigger than his last one but he  convinced himself everything would go great. He stepped in the hallway that was packed with students rushing to there first classes of the year. Scar had already been given his timetable when he was shown around , a week ago. He had English period 1. The new student sighed. Scar had always hated the subject so, he hung his head low and pushed through the crowds of people to his lesson.

He walked up the stairs and turned to the right, nearly bumping into a kid holding a stack of books. ROOM 14 . "This is it I guess." Scar said under his breath. The door was open. Slowly, he walked in. The room wasn't full but wasn't empty either. He looked around curious but his eyes kept their vision on 2 familiar faces. He recognised the men he had seen before in the coffee shop.
"Hey!" The short one shouted , staring right at Scar. "Are you new?" Scar walked over to them.
"Uhm yea." Scar said , a bit nervous.
"Cool! My names Joel.. and this is Etho." The taller one waved, "so.. I'm guessing you're Scar, am I right?"
"How'd you guess?" Scar questioned, pretty surprised he was correct.
"Seating plan. And I'm generally really smart!" Joel said confidently. Etho rolled his eyes.
"Yeah..yeah. Well Scar , I'd recommend you go sit down before the teacher comes in. She can get really moody some times." The tall one said. "It's on the board if you were wondering."

As the bell rang everyone started to flow in through the door , gradually filling the classroom. Scar had sat down in the back where he was luckily assigned to sit. He was daydreaming when suddenly, the seat beside him was pulled out. A short winged man sat down. He had dirty blonde fluffy hair and an oversized red jumper on. Scar was mesmerised by the boy's wings. They were blue red and yellow like a parrot. Scar jumped.
"Hello?" The boy said.
"Oh I'm sorry. Hi! I'm Scar!" He panicked realising he was zoned out staring at someone he'd just met a minute ago.
"It's fine , I'm Grian." he laughed.

Every now and then, Scar would glance over at Grian. He had a feeling that the winged boy knew about it.

When the teacher had dismissed them, Scar ran over to Joel and Etho.
"Hi guys, can I hang out with you?"
"Sure man!" Joel answered, "I'm sure you'll fit in our friend group just fine!"
"Great." Scar said. The 3 students walked into the canteen and over to the back corner, where another 3 people stood.
"Hey guys, who your new friend?" A guy in a green shirt and Blonde messy hair asked.
They all introduced each-over. The blonde one was called Martyn , a girl in a red hoodie with brunette hair was Pearl, and lastly, A girl with pink hair was called Lizzie who was dating Joel. He got on with everyone pretty well and felt comfortable in his new group. Scar looked over to the entrance of the canteen. A certain person caught his eye. Grian. He didn't know why the winged boy was so interesting to him. He had only met him last period. Grian was with a tall moustached man.
Pearl looked over at Scar who was obviously not listening to the friend group's conversation, noticing Scar looking near the front of the room. "Hey Scarrrr , what are you looking at?" She said in a very friendly tone.
Scar jumped.
"Uhm..I..uh.. I don't know. I guess I zoned out." She shuffled in her seat closer to Scar.
Pearl whispered to him "I'm pretty I saw you staring at Grian?"
"Was I??" Scar said nervously, trying to act confused about Pearl's accusation.
"Mhm, I'm confident about that. I'm sure you know him by now."
"I was probably just looking in his direction, not at him."
"Okay okay, il trust you with that." She smiled at him , squinting her eyes. They both joined back into the conversation.

The next few lessons were boring. Maths, science, geography and lastly history. Scar enjoyed history though. It had always been his favourite subject and he was happy to sit next to Joel. The bell rang. Students fled out of the main door of the building and the halls of the school emptied. Scar stopped where he was next to his new locker. He heard the sound of shouting coming from a nearby classroom.
"What are you gonna do about it?"
Scar peered into a room to see 2 boys pushing someone into a wall. He looked closer and recognised the boy against the wall.
"Just leave me alone! What did I even do to you?" Grian. Scar recognised the winged boys voice.
"Your easy to annoy obviously. Anyway your too pathetic to even speak up about it!" The boy said. Grian was fully pushed into the corner with no way out. Scar had to do something.
"What the hell are you doing?" Scar shouted, making the 2 boys jump. "Get the h!ll away from him." And with that they backed away from the feathered boy, who was heavily breathing. One of them spoke as they were leaving.
"We'll be back Griannn." They teased, smirking. They left.
"What is their problem?" Scar asked going over to check on his friend.
Grian replied with a shaky voice, "I uhm... don't worry about it. It was nothing.." He stared at the floor.
"Well it didn't look like nothing. You were pushed against a d!mn wall. It's also the first day back.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to involve you in any of that."
"No need to apologise!" Scar said.
Grian looked up and half smiled.
"Il walk you out to make sure they don't come back?" Scar offered. Grian nodded. They silently left the room. It wasn't an awkward silence, it was more peaceful. The 2 students stood outside the pretty much empty school.
"Hey.. uhm thank you. I'm sorry for troubling you on your first day." Grian said.
"It's okay, I hate seeing people get hurt." They both smiled. Scar's heart felt warm. He did not expect to have so many friends on his first day. Scar said goodbye to Grian and he slowly returned back to his apartment. He wondered though. Why were those boys being mean to Grian? Did something happen? How long has this went on for? He had a lot of questions but knew it would be better to keep them to himself.

This a long chapter since I tried to fit in all the introductions. I attempted to balance out the speaking and non speaking bits so it was all speech! Hope you guys are enjoying it so far! - Layla :)

1144 words

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