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I crossed the road and approached Scar, who was staring at me, grinning.
"Hii Grian!" Scar said. He looked like he was in a great mood.
"Hey Scar!" I replied. I wanted to make something happen between us. I couldn't really keep telling myself "we are just friends". I looked down to his hand and grabbed it. His face turned a bit red. I chuckled a bit to myself.

"So I uhh- . Uhm. Do you want to come to my house?" he said, obviously nervous. I smiled.
"Of course." I said. I definitely wasn't confident talking to him at the moment. I don't know why I was so nervous.

"Okay let's go!" he grinned. We started walking down the path, hand in hand. I never really thought I'd be in this situation. I never thought that I have someone to love and gosh it feels great.

We didn't really speak when we were walking. It was nice to listen to the wind. Occasionally I'd look up to him, sometimes catching him staring at me which made him smile.

After ten minutes we reached his apartment. Scar unlocked his door and we both entered. I took my shoes off and stared at Scar.
"Soooo.. What do you wanna do?" I asked him.
"Do you want to watch a movie or something? Ive actually got quite a few! I have-" he listed at least twenty things to watch.
"Maybe Shrek?" I suggested, picking something I was sure my 'friend' would like.
"Yess! I haven't watched that in a while!" he said. I smiled and threw myself into his sofa (couch).
"Ouch." I said, half laughing, half in pain.
"Why would you do that to yourself!?" he said laughing, coming to sit beside me.
"I don't know. I just felt like it." I grinned.

He grabbed the TV remote and went onto Netflix. Five minutes later, we had gathered enough snacks to survive the whole movie. Scar had got a really comfy blanket so we weren't cold. He then turned on the movie.

We were around half an hour into Shrek, Scar looked like he was about to fall asleep.
"Griannn. I'm tired." he said, sleepily.
"I wanna watch the movie though." I replied. I was telling the truth. Scar hummed a bit and and wrapped his arms around me. His touch surprised me but made me feel comfortable, safe even. I stared at him and he stared back. I've never felt this way about someone before. But I knew this felt right. I leant a bit closer to him and smiled.
"Man I want to kiss you right now." Scar spoke. I definitely felt the same.
"Do it then." Gosh I was being confident. I leant closer to him to the point that our lips met. It was quick and soft, it felt great.

I stared at Scar. I love this man so much. I love everything about him.
"Can we no longer be just friends?" he asked me. I chuckled a bit.

"I love you."

"I love you too."


The end that has been very delayed. Yes I know it's short and could be longer but I didn't have much motivation to carry it on. I feel like doing my next project will be something to do with boat boys or flower husbands, or maybe even both! I want to thank everyone for all of the support - it means the world to me <3

- Layla :)

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