Drunk Lover pt.2

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This is the same as the other story it's just a second version where Nine instead of pushing you away accepted your gesture.

This is the same as the other story it's just a second version where Nine instead of pushing you away accepted your gesture

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Interrupting his inner monologue, a familiar voice sounded softly in Nine's ears, causing him to pause. "Am hungery." Sighing deeply, Nine, unable to conceal his annoyance any longer, turned towards you, his eyes reflecting his inner struggle. "Okay, fine, what do you want?" he muttered, resigned to your presence.

Knowing he couldn't scowl and push you away, suppressing his fears that you might accidentally burn his kitchen. Nine watched as you slid off your seat, causing his heart to race in worry. He flinched reaching out to you, thinking you fell, before he can even help you up, he froze in shock as you crawled towards him and climbed onto his lap causing him to tense up. You buried your face in his hoodie, inhaling his comforting scent. Nine's breath hitched in shock.

He caught off guard by your sudden display of affection. He swallowed nervously, he didn't know what to do, he couldn't possible push you away, right? Would that be rude? Since when he start to think it would be rude or nor? The big question is, does he want to push you away? It was a foreign sensation to him, but he found himself reluctantly melting into the warmth of your presence. Exhausted and emotionally drained, he realized just how much he liked your touch, though he would never admit it. Your affection had always provided solace, allowing him to relax, forget his worries, and find peace. It was something he deeply longed for but never dared to ask for. His frozen hands slowly find their way to your waist and he gently rested them there. No idea before what to do with them. Tears threatened to escape his eyes, but he hastily blinked them away, savoring the moment as he gently rested his head upon yours.

"Love you, Nine," You mumbled, your voice muffled against his chest. This simple declaration stirred something deep within him. His ears twitched in surprise, causing him to cough in disbelief. "You... You don't know what you're talking about," he mumbled, closing his eyes tightly, torn between yearning for you and pushing you away.

Haunted by their recent fight, Nine believed that you hated him, and he blamed himself for the distance that had formed between. But you still stayed even though you were free to leave whenever you wanted. You still stayed with him. You stayed knowing all his mistakes, you stayed even though he yelled and start an argument, you stayed through his agression and anger. You didn't left despite everything. Your heartfelt confession, tinged with such intensity, left him questioning everything.

"Nine..." You whispered his name, your voice weighted with a profound emotion that pierced through his defenses. His breath hitched, the realization dawning on him that perhaps he had been wrong all along. Could it be that your feelings ran deeper than his fears had allowed him to believe?

In that fragile moment, Nine let go of his doubts, allowing his arms to wrap around your waist stronger, drawing you closer. "I... I don't deserve you," he admitted, tears welled up, but this time he let them flow freely, washed away by the love that surrounded him.

𝐂𝐋𝐎𝐀𝐊𝐄𝐃 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓 • Nine the foxWhere stories live. Discover now