Second try part 2

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"this" = talking

'this' =  thinking

"this"  = whispering








"In that case, i have one request. Hire me to work in the mansion." Subaru said

"Hic." Ram hiccuped after hearing Subaru's request


"What should we do now Subaru?" Rem asked to Subaru as they were walking to a closet

"Follow the same path, and you'll end up in the same place." Subaru said as he enters the closet room and chooses a suit

"That's too large for you, Barasu. It appears nothing here will fit except woman's clothes. Rem, alter that one for him." Ram said to Rem while pointing at a dress for Subaru.

"You need to take my measurements?" Subaru asked

"We'll measure you later." Ram said

"Huh?" 'This did not happen last time.' Subaru thought

"Follow me, Barasu." Ram said

"Are you going to show me around?" Subaru asked

"That can wait, as well. You'll help me with my work first." Ram said as she and Rem left Subaru in the room

"Hey, wait!" Subaru yelled

We now see Subaru in the mansion's hot springs relaxing in there

'Retrace the same path i took yesterday... That's what i meant to do, but it did not work... Was it because of rem?' Subaru thought

"I now have to put in more effort in finding out how i died and i can stop it with out letting any one else die." Subaru said to him self. someone than entered the hot springs in it was known to be Roswaal

"Hi, there! May i join you?" Roswaal asked

"This is your place so ya you can." Subaru said

 "You seemed bothered. I do not know what's bothering you, but life is full of things that fail to go your way. Speaking of which, do you think you'll be able to get along with Ram and Rem?" Roswaal asked

"I haven;t spoken to Rem much but we get along fine, but i get along well with Ram. In fact, i think she might be getting a little to friendly. I can't believe she can work as a maid that way." Subaru said

"Well, Rem covers what Ram cannot. As sisters. they must help each other. In that sens, i think they get by quite well." Roswaal said as Subaru got up to leave

"Damn, I'm dizzy from that bath..." Subaru uttered as he grabbed his towel, putting it around him as he walked away. until he say Ram

"Why are you here?" Subaru asked

"I am here waiting to help Roswaal-sama put on fresh clothes." Ram said

"I see, well bye." Subaru said as he stated to walk out

"After i this i should go and look at some books."Subaru said as he went in to his room and changed

"Now were is she." Subaru said as he walked around to find the right door

"What are you doing Subaru?" Rem asked as she saw him walking around

"Oh hey Rem, i am looking for the right door to find Beatrice right now." Subaru replied

"And why are you looking for miss Beatrice?" Rem asked

"Im going to look around in there more to see if i can find anything that can help us." Subaru said as he started to walk to a door and open it

"I see good luck." Rem said as she started to walk of in do her own thing

"Hey Beatrice you awake? " Subaru asked

"You are back how annoying, i suppose" Beatrice said annoyed

"Hey hey, don't send me flying out yet all i wont is to read some book, i can do that right?" Subaru asked

"Will this still a library so you may, i suppose." Beatrice said

"Thanks a lot." Subaru said as he started to walk around and finding all the books we wants and then sitting down


"Man I'm tired, can't believe i stayed up all night reading and doing research." Subaru said as he walked to closet room to wear the suit made for him

"Wow... This is perfect." Subaru said

"I decided to do it better this time." Rem said

"I see thanks. By the way, it looks like Ros-chi and Emi have lots of outfits, but i don't see any for you and Ram-rin. Want me sew some fore you?" Subaru offered

"That is unnecessary. Theses uniforms are all my sister and i need." Rem said

"How can you have nothing but those uniforms? Are all your clothes maid outfits?" Subaru asked

"They cause no problems when we accompany Roswaal-sama on business, or when we work in the mansion. They also eliminate the need to explain our place in the hierarchy, which makes them very logical." Rem said

"But it's not about being logical. I'm trying to say cut girls should have more than one outfit to dress up." Subaru said

"My sister is one thing, but no one would be happy to see me dress up." Rem said

"Stop making your self inferior to your sister Rem." Subaru said

"I don't know what you are talking about." Rem said as she left the closet room


"This is going to take awhile to fix that." Subaru said as he walked out of the closet room

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