A job

676 17 1

"this" = talking

'this' = thinking








'who?' Subaru thought

"Um, who are you two and why are you standing over me while i sleep?" Subaru asked

"I am Rem." The blue haired girl said

"And i am Ram." The pink haired girl said

"And we are maids of sir Roswaal L Mathers. we are here to take care of you for the time being." The two maids said in unison

'so they are maid of Roswaal. so this Roswaal person must be high ranking.' Subaru thought. Some one then knocks on the door and opens it

"Ah your awake Subaru." Emilia asked

"I am" Subaru answered

"That's good. now are you feeling alright? Does anything feel off?" Emilia asked

"Huh? Oh, no I'm all right. You healed me right thank you for that." Subaru said

"No, I'm the one who should thank you. You barely know me, but you risked your live to help me. It's natural i would heal your wounds afterwards." Emilia said


We see Subaru and Emilia outside of the mansion

"This place really is huge... The yard isn't so much a yard as a field." Subaru said as he stretches his legs

"Those are unusual movements. What are you doing?" Emilia asked

"Oh I'm just stretching." Subaru said

"Stretching?" Emilia asked

"You stretch to loosen up your muscles. It helps you to be come for flexible and more. Join me." Subaru said while smiling

"Just do what i do." Subaru said as the two of them started to stretch together

"Now, raise both arms." Subaru said

"Hah! That felt good! Hi, Subaru! Great morning isn't it" Puck said

"Well it has been a interesting morning for me. Looping hallways and finding a girl in a library who i think drained my mana. Subaru said

"Good morning Puck, sorry i put you through so much yesterday." Emilia said

"Morning Lia. i almost lost you yesterday. i can never thank Subaru enough. I must do something for him." Puck said

"Well could you teach me magic?" Subaru asked

"Is that it. Well that is easy! First you need to know the types of magic there are and what type you have. There are 6 types of magic fire water earth wind yin and yang. Fire covers temperature, water covers life and healing, wind functions outside of the body of living things and earth functions inside of the body of living things." Puck said

"What about yin and yang?" Subaru asked

"Yin magic let's you de buff's your target while yang buffs your target." Puck said

"Got it," Subaru said

"Now lets see what type you have Subaru." Puck said

"Oh? What brings you two here?" Emilia asked as the two twin maids appeared making Puck and Subaru stop what they were doing

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