He remembers

966 23 1

"this" = talking

'this' = thinking








"Emilia. My name is Emilia." She said with a small smile

"Emilia huh, that's a name." Subaru said with a smile

"Since we have all introduce out self's let's get going so we can get your stolen item" Subaru said with a smile as he walked off in direction of the loot house


"So this is the loot house." Emilia said

"Yep." Subaru said

Subaru then when up to the door and knocked on it after a second he heard a voice

"Whats the password." A deep voice said

"Don't know but were here to buy so can you let us in." Subaru said

"Tsk." the man clicked his tongue and opened the door. And Subaru and Emilia when inside

"Thanks, is Felt here?" Subaru asked

"Ya, why she got something you wont?" The man said

"Ya she dose." Subaru said as he went to a table with Emilia an sat down

"Hey! Felt you got customers!" The old man yelled and when to sit at the table that Subaru and Emilia were at

"Ya got it!" Felt yelled and walked out to were the two were sitting, but stopped when she saw  Emilia

"It's you! What are you doing here!" Felt yelled. And before any one else could say a thing Subaru started talking

"Calm down we not here to fight if that's what your thinking we're just here to buy what you stole for this girl here." Subaru said as he pointed at Emilia

"Tsk, fine how much are you offering." Felt said

"Well i don't have any money on me but i do have something that is worth money." Subaru said as he pulled out his phone from his pocket

"The hell is that?" Felt asked

"This here is a device that can store a piece of time in it when used, like this." Subaru said as he took a photo of the two

"Whoa! Hey! What was that sound?! And that was too bright!" Felt cried

"Are you trying to kill me?! Don't you go makin' light of the old man with dodgy tricks like that!" The old man said

"Now, hold on." Subaru said and shows the two their pictures on his phone

"Is this..."

"Them's me and felts daces. What sort of magic is that?" The old man asked

"I told you, it's a item that can freeze a moment in time and then store it." Subaru said

"I see! That is amazing!" Felt said

"Never seen the like, is that one of the "metia" i've been hearing about lately?" The old man asked

"Metia?" Subaru asked

"It's the name for devices that lets the people who haven't opened the gate use magic, like real magic users." The old man said

"I'm more concerned with the price. What can i get out of the metia?" Felt asked

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