The end of battle

600 18 4

"this = talking

'this' = thinking

"this" = whispering

"this" = magic spells

A/N: the posting chapters for this story will be going slower because Im starting to right another story so i will be writing two story at the same time, i will try to post at leas two chapters of each a week








"If you want her you'll have to get past me fist!" Subaru said as the dogs jumped at him and him slashing all of them

While fighting the ones in front of him Subaru got clawed in the back, making him turn around and do a down words swing with his sword to kill the witchfirend, he keep this up for five minutes till all the witchfiends around were dead

"Ha ha ha. That should be the last one." Subaru said. he than ran over to were the girl was an went to see if she was ok. after getting rid of the dome he checked her and saw she was unharmed

"Good she alright, now have to go the village and meet up with Rem." Subaru said. he than picked up the girl and casted Murak on him self and than started to run ti find the village. while running he would see more witchfiends following, knowing this he sped up in hopes he could out run them which he could. then out of now were he heard the sounds of chains, he than saw a morning star come at him but it did not hit him like he was thing it would, it actually hit the witchfiends that were chasing him

"Subaru the children have been safely returned to the village." Rem said

"Good, now all we have to do is get bring this girl back." Subaru said. him and Rem noticed that they were stating to get surrounded

"Rem when i say, create a smokescreen then we're run." Subaru said and Rem nodded

"Now!" Subaru yelled. Rem threw her weapon in to the witchfiends and created a smokescreen. the two than ran as fast as they could, some of the witchfiends were still folowing but Rem took care of them

"Rem, i don't know the way!" Subaru yelled

"Straight ahead. Once we cross the barrier, the battle will end. Run towards the village bonfire!" Rem said

"Got it!" Subaru replied and ran

"Rem, i see light! We're almost to the barrier!" Subaru said and turn his head. he stopped when he saw Rem covered in blood an blood around her. the witchfiend puppy released some magic causing an avalanche towards the two of them, Rem pushed Subaru out of the way so that he did not get hit

"Rem!" Subaru cried as he can see Rem's body bounced to the ground hard. he now sees the witchfiend dogs and the puppy itself now staring at him. Subaru looked at Rem who stood up and releases a horn from her forehead, activating her demonic powers, she than laughed. Subaru looked at her with a bit of fear as she started to attack the witchfiends

"Witchfiend! Witchfiend! Witchfiend! Witchfiend! Witchfiend! Witchfiend! Witchfiend! Witchfiend! Witchfiend!" Rem yelled while killing all the witchfiend dogs and at the same time,laughing maniacally

'She's a demon...' Subaru thought. he than saw another pack of witchfiend dogs beside Rem. he quickly created a whip and did it Rem and pulled her to him saver her. doing this brought Rem back to her consciousness

"Subaru-kun?" Rem asked. but Subaru was not listening to her after he got her to him he created a giant hammer above the witchfiends and swung it down crushing all of them in a single blow. but doing so made him start to pass out but before he did he told Rem

"Rem please take us back to the village." Subaru said before passing out. doing what Subaru said Rem picked up Subaru and the girl and brought them back to the village

The voices of Rem and Beatrice can be heard as Subaru starts to wake up

"Another unfamiliar ceiling. Ow!" Subaru grunted in pain trying to stand up. he looked down he could see that his entire body was covered in bandages

"Your awake now i suppose." Beatrice said as she was sitting by Subaru

"Were am i Beako?" Subaru asked

"You are in one of the village houses." Beatrice said

"I see... Wait what about Rem and the Kids are they fine!?" Subaru asked

"Calm down i suppose. They are alright they are resting." Beatrice said

"I see so the fight is done... I'm glad." Subaru said smiling

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