The battle starts

517 12 1

"this" = talking

'this' = thinking

"this" = whispering

"this" = magic spells








"I can." Subaru said as he started to fly faster


The two are now at the village

"Has something happened?" Rem asked as she was being put down by Subaru

"Y-Yeah... Several of the village children have gone missing. All the adults are looking for them." A villager replied

'Was i too late?' Subaru thought, but he than remembers the events with the kids earlier and remembers the pathway to the forest

'There!' Subaru thought as he runs towards to the pathway

"Subaru-kun?" Rem asked as she follows him

They have now arrived in the forest and can see that the barriers planted in each tree broken

"The barrier is broken!" Rem said

"Is there anything in the forest?" Subaru asked

"Witchfiends. This forest is a witchfiend breeding ground." Rem said

"Breeding ground?! Great this got so much more harder." Subaru said annoyed. He than saw some foot prints of the kids that go  deeper in to the forest

"The kids are in the forest. Let everyone know!" Subaru said to one of the villager's

"Right." The villager said as he ran back to the village

"Let's go." Subaru said as he ran into the forest. Rem nodded and went with him

"We're close. I smell something alive." Rem said

"The kids?" Subaru asked

"I can't be sure, but it doesn't smell like an animal." Rem replied as the two started to run faster, soon they arrived in a plain field, Subaru than spotted something from afar

"It's the kids!" Subaru said as they se the kids lying on the ground, unconscious and still breathing

"They're alive!" Subaru said

"They may be breathing now, but they are incredibly weak. If let alone..." Rem uttered

"Weak... The cures! Rem can you undo it?" Subaru asked

"I lack the skill for that. If only my sister were here to see them... For the time being, I'll cast a healing spell to comfort them. Once they're stabilized, we'll carry them back." Rem said and started to heal the kids

"Okay, I'll keep guard." Subaru said as he created a sword in his right hand

"Subaru?" Petra asked

"Petra, you're awake!? All right, good.Take it easy you're a tough girl. I'll get you back home in no time--"

"One of us... is till... in the..." Petra uttered weakly and fainted

"Hey, what'd you say? Petra!." Subaru said. He than looked at all the kids and realized that one is missing

"Damnt it, she's right! I don't see the little girl with the braid." Subaru said as he stands up

"P-Please, wait! It's too dangerous. And if the witchfiends took her, it's already..." Rem said but was stopped by Subaru

"I get what you're saying! All too well. But still, Rem... Petra told me one of them was taken away. She put her friend before herself! I want to respect Petra's feelings! If you take something on, you should follow it through to the very end." Subaru said

"If you get too greedy, you might take on more than you can carry back." Rem warned

"I'll be fine i have you here with me and if things get real bad i can just die and start over." Subaru said

"Why would you die and start over?" Rem asked

"I'll die over and over again. Hell I'll even die over a hundred million times if i need to if it means i can save the people i care about." Subaru said

"Those kids need you now. When the villagers show up, leave the kids with them, and catch up with me." Subaru said

"Here Murak ." Subaru said

A/N: The spell Murak is a yin spell that reduces the effects of gravity. Just by lightly pushing yourself off the ground, a person can jump as if they had springs. If the user wishes to, it can also be used to fly, although the user will get blown around by the wind like a leaf, but they won't flip around in mid-air.

"With this you'll be able to get to this village faster." Subaru said

"Fine but be earful Subaru." Rem said

"well do." Subaru said as he casted Murak on him self and ran to find the girl

'Were is the girl?' Subaru thought as he than saw a pair of legs beside a wood log

'is it a trap? No can't hesitate!' Subaru thought. He walled out of some bushes and approached the girl with the braid

"Thank goodness..." Subaru uttered. He than heard some rustles form the bushes as he sees many witchfiend dogs appearing from them

"Great, gust great there had to be this many." Subaru said as he created a dome around the girl to protect her

"If you wont her you'll have to get past me first!" Subaru said as the dogs jumped at him as Subaru stated to slash all of them

To Be Continued

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