The baby is coming!!

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2 months later

Even since the rattlesnakes and the Worthington's had dinner together little johnny always asked his parents go to the rattlesnakes house they have finally move in to their new house Rachel and Shirley have been talking about the baby and giving her advices about the baby's stuff clothes,toys, how to change diapers and feeding her since Rachel is 9 month pregnant so the baby can came at any day or anytime. Shirley has been helping her with the shopping and everything else the nursing room was set up with Shirley helps Rachel and she was grateful for her because she didn't't know what to do if she didn't help her for Alex and johnny had been catching up talking about what the do after they graduated college and what's they do in their life's little johnny was most always with Rachel belly or near her. But when it is time to leave little johnny always throws a tantrum and sometimes cry's doesn't want to leave but Johnny and Shirley managed to get little johnny to calm him down telling him they will came back and visit them again.

Shirley and Rachel was at the house talking and Alex and johnny was at work little johnny was on Shirley lap as they were talking "so Shirley be honest with me ok." Rachel asked her as she was fidgeting with her nails and looks at her nervously Shirley looks at Rachel and puts little johnny down so he can play with his toys. "Yeah sure what is it?" Shirley look back at her she notices Rachel fidgeting with her nails she can tell she was nervous Shirley has been there before when little johnny was born. "Do you you think I'm going to be a bad mother If I'm not going to be a good mother." Rachel said that last part sad she is scared that she will not be a good mother for her new child Shirley looks at her Shockley before placing her hand on top of Rachel hands to stop the fidgeting her nails. "Hey....i think you will a great mother yes sure they will be challenges but..." Shirley look at her son playing with his toys and looks back at her. "they are worth it I mean look at my boy he will do greats things in the future and so will your daughter." Shirley smiles at Rachel and she smiles back at her but Rachel was worrying about not being a good mother like....her mother was before. (p.s I'll explain in the future chapters) "ok but now your here i definitely learns something's from you and maybe our children. I can't wait for them to grow up together." They both smiled art each other as they continue talking and watching little johnny.


The husbands came home Shirley and Rachel was already making dinner with little johnny on a wheel chair Shirley was cutting up some vegetables and Rachel cooking the meat until Alex and Johnny steps in. "Rachel sweetheart how about you and Shirley sit down me and johnny can take care of the rest." Alex stops Rachel from cooking the meat Rachel sighs and look at him. "You will not let me do anything won't you." Rachael smiles and rubs her belly johnny already was cutting the rest of the vegetables and looks at johnny and back at him she sighs in defeat. "Fine you win but at least let me set up the table Shirley can you help me?" Rachel asked Shirley. "Yeah sure where is the silverware?" She was looking for it. "Oh they are by the sink on your left." Rachel told her and Shirley goes where she told her and found them she grabs some of them and gives some to Rachel she looks at Alex. "Ok me and Shirley are going to set up the table love you." She kiss Alex cheek and walks out with Shirley Alex smiles and cooks the meat. Shirley and Rachel was setting the table but then she felt a pain in her stomach she drops the the silverware on the ground and Clutches her belly. "Ow..." Shirley saw this and went to her side she puts her hands on Rachel shoulder and puts the silverware down on the table. "Hey are you alright? is it he baby?" She asked worried Rachel felt something broke and wet was looking at the ground saw the clear liquid and slowly to Shirley. "I think....i think they baby is co- ahh!!!" Rachel grips the chairs and was panting then she felt something wet on her legs and Shirley and Rachel looks down and what do you know her water broke. Rachel went pale when she saw the water on her legs. "My water broke......" then she immediately panicked. "ALEX!!!" "JOHNNY!!!" The girls shouted at the same time they heard their wife's and they rush into the dinner table and they saw Rachel water broke. "The baby is coming!!" Alex shouted and johnny got his son "ok don't panic honey i'll go get everything." and Alex went to get everything Rachel was doing her breathing exercises with Shirley at her side Alex got everything johnny gets little johnny to Shirley and johnny helped her and everyone rush to the car rushing to the hospital johnny and the son was in the front and Alex was driving to the hospital and Rachel and Shirley is the back Shirley was holding her hand support her.

They pull into the emergency room and they got out of the car they rush in johnny was helping her with Shirley and johnny in her arms behind them and Alex was shouting for help and a doctor rush in. "We need to take her now!!" Then a nurse come in with a wheelchair Rachel was shouting in pain and she sat down holding her stomach. "Hurry she is in labor!!" The doctor and nurse they roll me to the room worth Alex running with them besides Rachel side Rachel was screaming in pain until they got to the doors the nurse stop him as the doctor was pushing Rachel away. "What are you doing I'm going with her." I'm sorry sir you have to wait in the waiting room." The nurse try to calm him down but he try to get pass the nurse. "No let me be with wife!!" Alex was getting mad that he couldn't be with his wife he threatened the nurse with his -fangs. "HISS!!!" Johnny saw this he give little johnny to his wife before rush to Alex to calm him down. "Hey Alex calm down Im sure she will be alright. Just calm down before they call security." Johnny was be his side trying to calm him down Alex realizes he almost let his anger get the best of him he put his fangs away and sighed. "I'm...I'm sorry I'm just nervous about Rachel and the baby." Alex look at Johnny he was patting his back. "Come on lets go to the waiting room." Johnny pulls him and walks to that waiting room Johnny sat by his wife and son but for Alex was just pacing around the room he was so worry bout Rachel and the baby what if something goes wrong what if something happens to Rachel or the baby he was worrying so much he didn't sit down the whole time....


Hey everyone so here is. Another chapter and I'm working on the Raph x reader right now or I'll just post a another chapter I'll probably be up all night working well since it's Saturday yk but anyway I'm still working on the schedule for the stories so hope the chapter and almost 100 readers what!!! I am so happy for everyone reading this thank u so much love and 15 readers on the new Raph x reader story!! I know it's not much hey its the thought that counts but anyway i hope y'all enjoy it

Author-Chan out
Words count: 1348

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