Y/n was born

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Third POV

It has been hours and Alex has been pacing the room he hasn't sit down since he got separated form his wife. Shirley had little johnny in her lap sleeping johnny was watching her then he looks at his best friend pacing around mumbling away. "Alex you have been pacing for hours I'm sure Rachel will be fine just come here and sit down." Alex looks at him. "I'm sorry johnny i just can't I'm worrying about her what something goes wrong or what happens to the baby's or her I can't live myself without her." Johnny stands up and walks up to him he put his hand on A;ex shoulder to calm him down Alex looks at him with worry and scared. Until johnny spoke to him. "Alex its going to be ok i have been there when Shirley was in labor with little johnny i was so scared for her or johnny but when i saw her and johnny in her arms i knew then he and her was going to been fine." Johnny said to him and Alex was looking at the widow smiling. "Yeah maybe you are right i now she and the baby will fine fine I mean she is a strong woman i know in my life I'm glad i am married to her. "Alex slime just kept growing on his face. Then a nurse come in the waiting room and Alex smile faded everyone look at her. "Umm which one of you is Alex Rattlesnake?" Then Alex walks to her. "That's me I'm Alex I'm her husband how is she is the baby ok?" The nurse response back to him. "Yes your wife is fine and the baby is and congratulations its a girl." The nurse smiles at him Alex could let believe it the baby has finally arrived and it was a girl he had happy tears in his eyes he's smiles kept growing. "Oh my god I'm a father now can I see her?" Nurse nods at him. "Yes she is ready for visitors she is on the 3 floor down the hall to your left." nurse open the door and immediately Alex didn't waste anytime he rush into the room in his snake form and he rush to the elevator but johnny and Shirley run behind him and make it by the last second before the door can close.

Alex just kept pushing the button ad then the doors close and the elevator went up and stop at the floor that she was in then immediately when the doors were open he rush out and rush in to her room everyone else saw him and made room for him since he was in a rush and he was at the door he was panting then he saw his wife on the bed she look like she was tired and extremely tired and then he see her watching tv he walks to her Rachel saw him and smiles. "Hey Alex i see you were in no rush to see me huh..." she chuckled her voice was horsy after she gave birth he goes back into his human form walk to her since he kissed her forehead. "Sorry I couldn't help it i had to see you if you were ok." when johnny and Shirley with little johnny arrived in her room Alex smiles as he see her she was fine just tired. "Well I'm fine dear." When he was going to say something else he heard a little cry. He looks up and saw a nursery couple steps away from them. He look at her with excitement he holds her hand. "Well go see your daughter.." Rachel said to him he walks to the nursery and what he saw he had tears in his eyes. A beautiful baby girl with her beautiful s/c he has his tears going down his face. He turns around with his baby girl in his arms he walks to Rachel she smile at his reaction. "She is beautiful darlin." Rachel smiles at him and looks at the baby is his eyes. "Yes she is." Shirley look at the baby in Alex arms. "oh Rachel she is beautiful what's her name?" Shirley looks at her. "Her name is...y/n...y/n rattlesnake.." Alex look at her smiles. "Oh hun thats a perfect name for her." Alex look at her daughter as she open her eyes she had her mother e/c Alex gasp softly she has your eyes darling." "She also have your hair Alex." Rachel reply to him. Shirley and johnny look at each other they smile at each other then johnny wakes up. "Mommy..." little johnny rubs his eyes. "What's going on." He said with his baby voice looking around tiredly. Shortest reply to him.

"We are in the hospital dear remember Rachel had her baby do you want to see her?" She asked him and he nodded his head she canes close to Alex he shows little johnny the baby he smiles and reach to her. "Be careful son she is still a baby son." His father reminded him little johnny reaches to her and gently touch her cheek he smiles. "She is pretty momma." Both of the moms smiles at him. Then the doctor came in. "Hello mrs. and mr. Rattlesnake I see the baby is in good health and you will be released in a couple days." They all smile. "Thank you doctor." Alex said to the doctor he nods and walk out of the room. Later on everyone was asleep Rachel was sleeping with blankets on her (of course) and with Shirley and with little johnny in her arms sleeping on the couch bed Alex was standing by the window looking at the stars then johnny come at his side. "It's a beautiful night isn't my friend." Alex said to Johnny. Johnny smiles and chuckled. "Yes....yes it is. Congratulations your a father now." Johnny puts his hand on his shoulder. "Yeah i can't believe it i'm a father now oh she has her mothers eyes and my hair. She is perfect I couldn't ask anything for her and Rachel." Alex look at his wife then to his daughter johnny smiles. "Yeah I'm proud of you buddy I know you are going to be a good father." Alex couldn't describe what he was feeling but he love it. He couldn't wait to see his daughter go up.

Couple days later
Couple days later the hospital let go of Rachel and her baby. And johnny and Shirley went home after 2 days. Alex pushes her in the wheelchair Rachel had the baby in her arms Alex got he car door open for her she smiles she gets up careful and gets in the car. Alex got in the car as they went home they had everything ready for the baby they were so happy and they can't wait to see their beautiful baby girl grow up Rachel goes in the nursery room the room was beautiful this is what her room looks like.

This is what her room looks like and if you guys don't like it then just change it to whatever you guys want on with the story

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This is what her room looks like and if you guys don't like it then just change it to whatever you guys want on with the story.

They have spent hours setting this up when Rachel was 5 months pregnant Rachel gently put y/n down to her bed as she was sleeping Rachel and Alex look at her from above they smiles at each other they couldn't wait to see their baby grow up it only the future would tell now as they watch their baby girl asleep they will always be proud of her no matter what she does or she has become the Worthington's would vista now and then little johnny always close or with her but not when she is sleeping or changing her diaper but she will always been with her his parents didn't know why he was acting like this either did y/n parents too. They were still wondering that still but they thought it were be over with. It was nightie and y/n was sleeping in her room and her parents were sleeping in the other room.


Hey everyone i wanted to say happy Easter even though its 1:02 right now hehe my bad 😅 and i am going to bed but anyway i saw i have 155 readers on my story!!! Oh my gosh I'm so happy right now this means so much to me thank you guys so for the next chapter i was thinking I might do when johnny and y/n grow up to together i may or may not relate to the swan princess movie i hope ya'll like it once agin thank you and my schedule might be busy for a while i don't know how long i will post as many chapters as i can and sorry if i misspelled or make mistakes i hope ya'll have a good day/or good night.

Arthur-Chan out

Word counts:1511

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